Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    You might be surprised --- I had an old blue & white I tossed. The vintage collectors are going nuts for that stuff now :)

    I've got 3 -- a first flat panel iMac, a 2014 and a 2021 macbook air. The 2021 is my "daily driver" Still works fine
    Kevin likes this.
  2. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Saw the coconut version in Maui ;)
    Kevin likes this.
  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Did it come with rum?

    My weather Mac says today is cloudy and cool, and there is a good chance of rain this afternoon, cloudy Saturday and improving Sunday. So there's still a chance that tomorrow I may be my first one-nighter as a shakedown for what looks like may be a more extended trip in a week or three. Also, family obligations Saturday will keep me home. I'll have to see what time I finish that.

    Goonies never say die.

    Todays task: Sort about 500 DVDs into type (TV, Movie) then further sort by Type, Title, and season.

    All because I can't find my DVD for "Abyss," which I want to re-rip into a better compression algorithm that will handle the underwater sequences better. If you haven't seen it, it is a fantastic film. I remember it being marketed more as a horror film, a genre I'm not a huge fan of (love golden era, not modern) I watched it the first time under protest, just as I did Jaws. Its now one of my favorites.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    Kevin and Ken & Peggy like this.
  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    We d
    We did have a couple Mai tai's this time, and I have to say that most places failed to make what any of us thought was a decent one. In fact the least expensive was the clear winner.
    I do remember liking The Abyss, but it's been so long ago I couldn't tell you what it was about. More suspenseful than horror as I recall...
    Kevin likes this.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    When it comes to alcohol, I honestly prefer home or campground and really don't have good comparisons. It's too hard to stay legal, and I want to avoid imperial entanglements at all costs. I also tend to drink whiskeys, wines, and the periodic beer far more than mixed drinks.

    Life has taught me one thing recently. I've developed a penchant for "dives" -- places that are family owned. May not be as polished as St. Elmo's or Ruth's Chriss, -- but its honest, and I'll take that.

    Abyss is definitely a psychological thriller, with a strong love story between an estranged husband and wife. The directors cut of the film is nearly 3 hours long (2:52) but the additional scenes are worth it! I seem to remember reading the same article that inspired the film.

    The breathable liquid is a real thing; in fact, in the director's cut (maybe the theatrical, I can't recall), they put a mouse in the fluid and it was fine, it wasn't special effects. The scene was cut from some releases (UK) since it was considered animal cruelty.

    I think I'm going to try to watch it this weekend...
    Kevin likes this.
  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  7. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Thanks! Great review! On the watchlist...
    Been a big fan of skandyhoovian films for awhile.

    There is not much else on NetFlix worth watching in the US since they went woke.

    Amazon is just barely better, but is obviously cash cowing Prime as the feeder for paid for movies, or ad revenue from FreeTV, plus Primes new pay to remove our ads you bot Prime before to avoid...

    I see a future in collectible movies on optical media...start stocking up on classics, like hard copy books...jeez Amazon has even screwed up the kindles...(grumpy grumble grumble...)

    Sersly? What do the techies here think?
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
    Ken & Peggy likes this.
  8. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Concur. I've been telling myself I'll convert a perfectly good Thinkpad or Dell Latitude to Linux.
    I'll probably give myself brain damage trying to keep three systems straight but am gettting tired of MS forcing improvements plus learning curve on us just so some Marketing Team can get their ISOs and bonus...all on something I bot and paid for long ago...for one low low monthly subscription, again!

    Speaking of Apple- android is the devilspawn og the Evil Goolag, so that leaves apple...

    So I've been testing my iphone/ipad foray into IoS landia for a few years and now I'm retired dont need MS Office...even on the iphone.

    Just having to groom the Outlook app so it plays well with iphone contacts is a continuous gripe...
    A pox on them all! NeoLuddism!

    Grimble grumble...
    Time to go camping!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
  9. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

  10. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Kevin likes this.
  11. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Not sure its their politics that are why they have so few films, I think sony disney and paramount all starting their own streaming service probably has more to do with it.

    BUT ever since cuties...I'll pass.

    STILL the movie is one of the best, especially if you can get your hands on the directors cut - it adds considerable length to the film, but also some really amazing storyline additions...

    If you can get it, the "making of" commentary is truly interesting -- the actors had a horrible time making this film. LONG days, chlorine burns, hours in dive was pretty remarkable it ever finished...
    Kevin likes this.
  13. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Ubuntu isn't perfect, but its a decent distribution designed for windows, and browsing with Brave Browser is pretty seamless.....
    Kevin likes this.
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    70 degrees and I'm sittiing in my office, alternating to the bedroom. Fortunately at this point it is just extreme fatigue.

    Yesterday we had to try a new restaurant for breakfast. They gave me food poisoning!!! I haven't felt this bad in probably 20 years, maybe more short of surgeries.

    I called the health department to report it...hopefully whatever they did is not a regular occurrence though its 100% safe to say I am not going back there again!

    I'm going to lie down again. 20 minutes was enough
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  15. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Thanks, Sweeney!
    I'll give it a try.
    Brave is my default browser too.
  16. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    You can download Unbuntu in a 'runable dvd/cd' -- it boots directly off removable media, where you can 'try before you buy' --- Some people area afraid of the technical nature of linux --- it sounds scary. It isn't its just different. Like moving from windows XP to Windows 11 only....just different, not harder.

    If you can do this, you can easily handle Linux....

    Try Ubuntu before you install it | Ubuntu

    For what it is worth, if we can erase the past 36 hours, that would be great — except I think I did! I slept most of yesterday, got up at 5 and had a bowl of chicken soup (a childhood memory...What happened to the Flavor Egg in Mrs. Grass?!!), watched an episode of Better Off Ted, and went back at around 9. I awakened at 6:00 this morning. I feel 100% today except for a bit of dehydration. I hope whoever didn't was their hands get a case of fleas.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
  17. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I ponder this view this morning as I sip my Folgers.
    6B5D57CA-1B2B-40BF-BEA2-2A1D85B92F9E by Tour 931 posted Mar 5, 2024 at 4:37 AM
    Kevin, dustinp, Sweeney and 2 others like this.
  18. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    No coffee for me this morning as I’m in the Madison VA Hospital for a day of testing. I was here last night and won’t go home till later tomorrow.
  19. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    May you have a negative day.....test results that is.;)
    Kevin and Sweeney like this.
  20. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Oh dear, I sincerely hope everything comes out OK.
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.

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