Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I’m at the doctors office and I look up to see this picture. Its taken from Timms Hill and that is my home in the background.
    B7356DA6-EC39-4DFF-B10B-B705A5238347 by Tour 931 posted Nov 3, 2022 at 1:10 PM

    How cool is that!
  2. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    WOW!!! How did you find this place? Just a "hey that's cute!" on a realtor site? Definately a gem. I'm jealous.
    Kevin likes this.
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Looks like I get 1 more trip this year :D

    A Couple of men from my Parish (church) are interested in camping, one does car camping converting his SUV into a rolling bedroom capable of stealth camping.

    The other has some equipment, but never used it. We went about 4 weeks ago, and he had an enjoyable trip. He even kept the "hang tag" as a moment :) I think I've created a monster :D He is even talking about a road-toad.

    Looking for a location to go the weekend before thanksgiving. The good news is most sites are walk-up only, and those you can reserve are readily available this time of year.

    Looking forward to the trip -- a bottle of rally good Japanese whisky (I know --- there's supposed to ben E --- but its how they spell it) is likely an endanger species at this point and maybe --- just maybe --- a prime rib on the smoker if I so decide :D
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  5. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Yes found it on zillow and bought it sight unseen after a detailed inspection.
    Kevin likes this.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Bold move :D
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  7. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Timms hill is a great place. The tower in fall when the leaves are changing
    is spectacular.
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  8. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    My Wisconsin shaped Adirondack chairs in Packer colors arrived a few days ago.

    1CE98FAE-54F0-4439-8DD4-BE421C6467EB by Tour 931 posted Nov 5, 2022 at 5:32 AM

    Go Packers!
  9. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Wow, quick adaptation to your new home. Who do you cheer for when they play the Seahawks??;)
  10. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Packers all the way!
    Kevin likes this.
  11. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I was talking to a neighbor and she said she pained my house. I’ve also met the person that did the drywall. We continued to talk and some of the things she was saying wasn’t making any sense. Then I realized she was talking about an oil painting of my house.
    C98B41C6-84B1-40B1-8D31-8A35800D03B6 by Tour 931 posted Nov 8, 2022 at 9:19 AM
  12. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Sweeney and Ken & Peggy like this.
  13. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Hitler. There was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon!

    2 Coats!

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Boy, you can tell camping season is over --- this place has gotten quiet!

    Yesterday we were in the low 70s with a beautiful blue sky, with a warm sun, today it's in the 50's, and tomorrow we are expecting our first snowfall. It won't stick, and it won't be more than a dusting....what a difference a few hours makes.

    I stumbled upon this picture, and realized that the 14'th, Monday, is the 1st anniversary of us picking up our camper. Since then, 75 nights and 6080 miles traveled, hoping for 1 more weekend before we put it away until spring. Most of our travels have been regional but with at least one trip to Florida last spring.

    It's with great sadness that we found that the campground we went too in Florida has been sold and the new owners of the land will not be running the business. So now I must again, much like the mythical Ponce de León search for the fountain of youth, find a campsite in the dead of winter. Or, figure out how to set up my to go into semi-retirement at. I know how to run businesses --- but starting them, debt free --- is a lot harder.

    View attachment upload_2022-11-11_9-18-54.jpeg
    Tour 931 likes this.
  15. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I haven’t been camping in about a year although I stayed in RV parks for several months last fall. I’m hoping to do lots of camping or teardrop traveling next summer.
  16. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Me too ;) This year has been about family. While I am in no hurry to see change there, I really am aching to see the southwest....
    Kevin, Tour 931 and Ken & Peggy like this.
  17. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    I admit my bias, but the west has some of the absolute best national and state parks. Well worth a trip if one has never been.
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  18. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I don't doubt a moment is worth the time -- admittedly, people don't fly from Tokyo to Indiana to see Brown County State Park --- autumn central. By they do come from hundreds of miles in every direction passing dozens of similar parks along the way.

    We don't have the massive parks that days half a day (or more?) to drive through, like a Yoesmite or Valley of Fire. But we do have dozens if not hundreds of smaller parks that combined would make up months of travel.

    I dunno, I think of it like buying a huge ham for Christmas Day vs shaved ham from a deli for tuesday. A massive chunk, or thin slices. Same substance but different forms. Giving both the advantage depending entirely on the need at the time.

    What I can say certainly is I am looking forward to having my mind changed :)
    Tour 931 likes this.
  19. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Living in Chicago and camping primarily in the Midwest I'd agree there are many absolutely beautiful campgrounds nearby; state, national, and local. And Brown County is one of our favorites.
    However, there is just something to be said about camping in the West. The feeling of open space, and in the case of the Southwest, the quality of light...
    'Going West' always manages to make it to the top of my list when it's time to talk trips.
    Tour 931 likes this.
  20. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I’ve lived in the northwest all my life and over the decades have explored the 18 western states many times. Some of the national parks were my destination dozens of times. Now that I’m living in Wisconsin I want to the the parks east of the Mississippi.
    Kevin and Ken & Peggy like this.

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