Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Thats the coolest house- what is it called again?
    A Swedish something IIRC?
  2. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Kevin, Van_and_Terri and Ken & Peggy like this.
  3. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Not surprisingly, this abnormal heat wave resulted in two major fires in So Cal. The one in the San Bernardino mountains is threatening two of my favorite campgrounds along the 38 in the Barton Flats area and Green Valley Lake near the 18. Worse than that, it is working its way towards the cities of Running Springs and Big Bear. Praying they get some containment today.
    Warren Mary Ellen, Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  4. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    My wife grew up in nearby Crestline and Lake Arrowhead. We still have family in Redlands. I saw it was 5% contained as of this morning.
    Kevin likes this.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    That is truly lovely.
    Kevin likes this.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I can't believe how crazy things have gotten --- I got totally spoiled working from home, and being able to goof off a bit, and still get my work done. This new gig is really cramping my style!!! Not sure how long it will last, I'm finding that (for those who know the DISC test) my boss is a "HIGH" D. On the very farthest most part of the pie chart. I'm either an SC or a CS.

    The best description of the types, is a "D" is a boarding lion(ess), who will run through the forest doing whatever it needs to get accomplish its goal. Gets things done certainly, but is a fearsom beast. The "C" is an is very methodical, and loves rules. An "S" is a yellow lab --- will do anything for praise, and absolutely hates conflict.

    Well...I'm a cs or an sc (depends when I take thes test) and this does not work well with the "D" --- I've come home every night this week exhausted and licking my wounds. Not sure this is going to end well. But, I suppose we'll see.

    I"m thinking of taking my skills to the RV world --- I give advise to all kinds of people in other forums I am a member of --- maybe I can make some money doing things for people --- about the only thing I can't do is things that take lifts, like Slides and rooftop ACs - But the latter I think I could find a way. I find in almost every case its bad control boards and loose wires or plumbing fixtures. I was thinking about doing something like this in 2020 anyway but then the rules all change overnight.

    BUT! CICO is coming --- just need to make the bed from the last trip, fill the tanks and fridge, and throw in a very special beverage I have been saving since April :)
  7. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Hope to see you there.
    Kevin likes this.
  8. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Hope that your family stays safe, Redlands is still OK. They are up to 18% containment but just issued an evacuation order in Big Bear from the dam east to Wildrose Lane and south to Bluff Lake basin.

    For anyone in or camping in an area at risk of wildfires I can’t recommend the Watch Duty application highly enough.
    Kevin, dustinp and Van_and_Terri like this.
  9. SLO Camper

    SLO Camper Junior Ranger

    This app looks great. Thanks for the suggestion!
    Randy and Kevin like this.
  10. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Wow! Very detailed info!

    Attached Files:

    Tour 931 likes this.
  11. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Thanks for the App recommendation. I have shared it with family in California.
    Randy likes this.
  12. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Just returned from a great visit to Madeline Island in Lake Superior - the forecast was spot on, mid 70's and lows in the upper 50's. Waves less than a foot let us get the boats in the water and paddle out to a few sea caves. Just awesome. We stayed at Big Bay Town Park, a county campground that abuts Big Bay State Park. Beautiful secluded sites, with fire rings, picnic tables, and electric in our case. Showers were $1.75 for 3 minutes.
    The place is gorgeous, with a 2 mile beach devoid of people, and Lake Superior water that wasn't so cold...
    If we didn't have to get back home we'd have stayed longer.

    Ghost ferry

    Headin' home

    Sea caves

    Bayfield marina
  13. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Great pictures!
    Kevin likes this.
  14. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks. Got everything put back where it belongs this morning. We rolled in last night just before 10p, almost 10 hours. I don't mind driving, I enjoy it, but not so much at night if it can be avoided. An easy drive really, as it's mostly divided highway.
    Now to begin planning a fall foliage jaunt...
    Tour 931 likes this.
  15. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I'm totally with you on that! I think, actually, I enjoy travel days as much as I do stays. The hum of the road, listening to a good podcast...I some times think I should have been a professional driver...

    Same for night driving -- too many critters on the road, not to mention idiots who just shouldn't be driving...not to mention insanely bright low-beam lights
    Ken & Peggy and Kevin like this.
  16. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Ever since hitting a deer on Interstate 57 doing 70 at 10 pm in the rain in heavy traffic with my youngest sitting right behind me, I have changed my tune about night driving.

    And the Honda Passport I drive is one of those insanely bright low beam vehicles, although most newer vehicles seem to be. I'm constantly getting flashed (by headlights) so I know it's true. :)
    Kevin likes this.
  17. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    I put some LED headlights (JW Speaker) in my wife’s 2015 Jeep and she was constantly getting flashed by other cars. I adjusted them down a bit and that seemed to help.
    Kevin and Ken & Peggy like this.
  18. nice pics. What were the water temps? We rented a cabin in 2014 near Munising, MI and the water temps were around 40. The folks there were saying it was a colder longer winter than normal and it was usually warmer than that. I got in all the way up to ankle.
    Ken & Peggy likes this.
  19. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks. Not sure about temps, but warm enough to wade in chest deep, and I'm usually the LAST one in ;)
    Kevin likes this.

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