Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    I do! Most recently was last July. It is a beautiful land with lovely people. Reminds me of where I grew up in rural NH and the pace of life is like it was back in the 60s. If you liked my previous photo, you will enjoy this one. It is the view from his front yard.

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    Last edited: Jul 12, 2022
    JohnC and Tour 931 like this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Quiet out here today. I'm a little disappointed -- yesterday our forecast was full of fear, uncertainy an doubt from the talking heads in the box. I trust experts less and less every day. Todays forcast has been SHOULD have been for warm, beautiful blue skies and puffy clouds.

    I have a healthy respect for weather, don't get me wrong -- but a fireworks show sometimes is a beautiful thing, especially when you get rain that you desperately need.
  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    One of my IRL friends is from just outside Dublin. He's tried to talk me into going over a couple times, I suspect just to make it to Leo Burdock's for a fish and chips...and likely more than a few pints of Guiness....

    Where's my passport?

    Seriously, I'd love to visit for these reasons, but I am not prepared to venture into the insane world yet. There is still far too much stupid going on. A friend of mine found himself living in Germany for 2 weeks unexpectedly, living in a typical german hotel room (Read as: Starke, uncomfortable, no air conditioning, and only 1 english speaking TV channel -- BBC) unable to go outside. Leaving him only with hours of watching hours of voice-over big bang theory and bad infomercials in a language he didn't understand.

    I laugh thinking about this. I told him I didn't like Guiness and you'd think I called his mother a bad name. He then took me to a local pub, and instructed me on the _proper_ way guiness should be served and consumed. Not taking it in large gulps was my mistake --- don't sip it --- DRINK it. its amazing how the flavor changes for the better.
    Kevin, Tour 931 and Cary Winch like this.
  4. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    It just started to rain then it poured for 15 minutes. Lots of lightning and thunder and standing water everywhere. We needed the rain.
    Kevin likes this.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Filled with envy :) -- Lack of rain here is a problem too --- although we got a decent day last week. I wouldn't mind seeing another slow day soaker...just not on friday night through sunday :D

    A friend used to say "What do you call a beautiful day after 2 days of rain? Monday"

    Whats going on here? Trip planning and dispassionate job performance :)

    I have my meeting packed morning discussing all sort of issues I don't care about with a team whom I have never met in person, mostly off-shore staff. I'm feeling a little, and by that I mean totally, dispassionate about my work. I wish I could find something to sink my teeth into and engage. However, my application is being sunset, and at the same time I am being reorganized into a new team. I can't even start training for what's next because we don't know what that is.

    It amazes me corporations make any money, we re-org every 18 months or when the "Leadership team" gets bored --- whichever happens first. Every time being told "how great it's going to be, THIS will finally solve the problems" --- meanwhile my wife who works in a similar business is hearing the same buzzwords.

    Its clear the phd (Piled Higher and Deeper) and MBA (Master Bull* Artists) really are just guessing and reading the same Gartner white papers. Friends who work at different companies are hearing the same topics. There are times when I wish my company had a visionary like the late Steve Jobs, or an Elon Musk at the helm. Its getting wearisome constantly moving the deck chairs on the titanic.

    On a MUCH happier note Its "guys weekend" at the campground. I pulled my rig out last night to get ready for weekend excursion. Bed is made, tanks are filled, next to fill the fridge and gas tank...Off to a state park that I have not been too in almost 2 years, which is one of my absolute favorites.

    Friday is a friends responsibility, We are traditionally minded Catholics who still follow the meatless Friday rule, so friday will likely be grilled fish --- not my best dish.

    Saturday we will make up for that, and I'll be serving some really nice steaks --- probably ribeyes -- and maybe baked sweet potatoes, with a really nice cabernet I found just yesterday. The winery, I know -- but this is a new offering which is good. I'm not ashamed to say, it comes in a box :) but don't tell anyone unless they ask. South America wines are really good, and a bargain at $18 for equivalent of 4 bottles. This is one of the best I've ever had, although it is a little high in tannins.

    Sunday I think we'll have breakfast at the lodge in the park --- they have a fantastic brunch --- or at least it was a couple years ago (2018?) --- bacon and cinnamon rolls highlighting the menu :D

    I am thinking I'll be taking firday afternoon off just to get a jump on things...I can't wait...its been a rough few months, and I need some down time.
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  6. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Yep. Been to Burdocks. Quite good! Also been to Guinness. The tour is very interesting and well worth the $. Many of the innovations that were developed because of Guinness have had a positive impact on the world's economy today. Learned how to pour a proper pint. There is a taste testing area and at the end of the tour, you receive a pint. I cannot attest as to the taste of Guinness, as I do not imbibe. However, my pint of Diet Coke (although not the same recipe/taste as here in the States) was quite refreshing!.

    I've been fortunate to spend quite a bit of time there, traveling around both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Highly recommend a trip there!
    Kevin likes this.
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Curious what innovations. If didn't hate commercial flight so much, I'd love to go --- but I can't stand being treated like a criminal in my own country. TSA (before COVID) pretty much made me want to avoid airports completely.

    I like the european Coke better - I've had it many times. I think a lot of things in europe, food wise at least, are better than here. The Gummy Bears and Chocolate are definitely different than anything we get.
    Kevin likes this.
  8. Long Truong

    Long Truong Junior Ranger

    You can buy Mexican coke many places in the US, and I think that's the same recipe as what they sell in Europe. It's the real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.
    Betsey likes this.
  9. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Yep. We have it here. Only comes in glass bottles - 12 and 17 oz. The only kind my SIL will drink. Mexican Coke, exported from Mexico, contains more sugar than Coke you buy in Mexico. In Europe, Diet Coke has potassium benzoate added, which gives a more bitter aftertaste. Coke-Light (comparable to Coke Zero) is also found in Europe and contains cyclamates.
    Kevin and Long Truong like this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I used to be a coke head...


    I used to like coke.

    I see lots of chemical names there -- something tells me Bestey is a closet chemimst. A voodoo that I am woefully inept in.

    The last time I was there (November 2018) coke lite was our silver-can diet coke...did they change since i was three? I can't recall seeing a coke zero product while there. I never tasted bitter --- but more a texture. Kind of the exact oposite of the "slickness" you feel in hair conditioner...more a of a 'roughness' on the tongue. Not a fan.

    But this is making me feel a little like going back...its been since November 2018 since I've been to Germany. Things I like are the food and drink. The stereotype of pretzels and comes from somewhere!

    I hate the travel part, but I like seeing my team there. Mostly because I can expense everything :)

    If you ever get there, Die Kartoffel is an amazing place little restaurant. It takes some getting used too, but there are a lot fewer 'big names' there though that is changing. McDonalds is not on every corner -- you'll see familiar names but with no where near the concentration we have here. There are a lot more independant palces to go ---and that, I like.

    My last meal there was at a little placed called Die Kartoffel. it was a little gimicky, a steak served with a 400 degree slab of volcanic rock. The baked potato (Kartoffel is German for potato) came to the table in a home-made sour cream, just drenched in it --- you couldn't even see the spud. Oh my goodness! Amazing.

    The building they are in itself, is much older than the United States, by at least a century. Our team was seated in the basement which was really cool --- the photo doesn't do it justice. Of course you are in the middle of the Germany wine country --- "Weinheim" (where my meetings actually were) is just up the road a stretch. I beleive is wine home is the translation -- some one correct me.

    I can tell you the Reisling and local varietys they had did not disaapoint. PLUS as an added bonus, this was with all of my best work friends. Most of which have gone on to new challenges and I will likely not see or work with again :(

    Tour 931 likes this.
  11. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Not for the Piper Vagabond in the picture. For the Gulfstream.

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    dustinp likes this.
  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    This is escelating quickly...Cessna quickly up to jet fuel....

    Reminds me of this awesome story:

    I've seen this plane fly, up in the late 80 in Oshkosh -- it was quite memorable to see and hear. Very unique sound.
    Tour 931 and dustinp like this.
  13. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    WOOHOO! It looks like we'll be going to CICO!!! REALLY looking forward to making a stop at "The house on the rock" too....I've wanted to see this for years!
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  14. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    How fun! Glad you can make it for the CICO! Be sure to register!

    Be prepared to spend a LONG time at HOTR. There is A LOT to see and it can be very overwhelming.
  15. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I just finished registering --- I started too last night but realized my wallet was in the next room -- and that is where my ambition stopped.

    HOTR - I've set aside a whole day for it. I have an affinity with nomad travelers on youtube -- Adam The Woo, Nomadic Fanatic, Jackob the Carpetbagger -- I can say already, I know that I will be there for a while :)

    I had NO IDEA what this was when we were there in 2012 -- we were right by it too, staying at Gov Dodge - I thought it was just another Wright mansion. To be honest, I'm not that much of a fan of his work except for the fact they all are time capsules. I grew up in a town that was littered with them. Familiary breeds contempt I suppose
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
  16. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    ANYTHING full afterburner (except my dog after getting into the cat food) is impressive.....although...maybe even that :)

    Bad Sweeney! Bad!
    Kevin likes this.
  17. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    61F with 97%RH and dense ground fog. I can barely see my spinners at 25 and 35 yards.
    9D83CA62-0668-42C4-8FEA-F5F02AD66EED by Tour 931 posted Jul 16, 2022 at 4:51 AM
  18. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Yep, pretty wide flying this morning:(
    Tour 931 likes this.
  19. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Out at one of my favorite caping spots this weekend --- Brown County State Park. Had a magnificent weekend with a good friend. We Made our way to a local spice (cooking) shop and picked up some Hatch Chili & cream cheese dip, as well a horseradish & apple jelly. Two very strange combinations that work really well.

    The local winery was selling a cranberry apple -- make me want turkey :)

    Lastly, we made it to Zaharako's which is worth a stop passing through Indiana to any of you visitors. It's in Columbus Indiana (1/3 of the way between Indianapolis and Louisville. If you are very lucky they will play the orchestron while you are there --- be sure to ask if they aren't.

    I've seen CI's on the road before -- but finally had 550 sighting in a camp site other than at a gathering.

    Hey guys --- nice to meet you. Next time you pass though Indiana look me up :)
    Tour 931 likes this.
  20. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    We went to the annual green chili festival in Hatch NM one year. Stopped at Sparkys for a green chili cheeseburger and green chili lemonade. The lemonade is hot, sour, and sweet in the same taste. We had a great time! Spent some time in Silver City too. Billy the Kid spent some time there.

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