Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Staying somehwere Saturday night? Thats an exciting day....I remember our first night (in 2012) like it was yesterday at Governor Dodge State Park in Wisconsin....
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Thursday --- 1 day left in the week.

    It is Ascension Thursday today. A holiday in Europe, which mens tomorrow is a "bridge day". Monday is Memorial Day in the US, and I'm on vacation the rest of next week. Seems like a good day to amend some documentation and to spend time with some training I want to take. It's time to re-introducing myself to a tool we use (Mulesoft) to grow my skills to be marketable within my company as we go through yet another reorganization --- every 18 months, like clockwork.

    I am so tired of the corporate crap. Thankful for a job, in fact I love my job today. Tomorrow, we'll see.

    I can say that there is nothing as frustrating as having a bunch of MBAs insist on shuffling the deck chairs on the titanic to justify their own positions. But we still have the same number of people, many effectively doing the same thing they've done for years and never is there a reduction in bureaucratic paperwork, internal corporate training, and ever present regulatory oversight.

    I think my coffee needs some wiskey.

    Weekend - weather is looking like it is improving --- little rain Friday, and a chance Saturday. The forcast is better than it was a week ago. Really looking for some down time. The last 5 months has been harrowing with work and family.
    Mark & Mel likes this.
  3. SLO Camper

    SLO Camper Junior Ranger

    The current owners are graciously delivering it to our house. So, maybe spend the night in the driveway? :p
    Warren Mary Ellen likes this.
  4. campdude

    campdude Ranger


    Patience young grass hopper, the weekend will come. Remember to walk the roads of the land, and use what you have learned for the needs and benefit of the people.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Master, why you call me GrassHopper?
    Becuase you big

    I'm chomping at the bit becuase By this time I've been out recreationally 5 or 6 far, I've been out twice...and only once with my wife. I'm just a little anxious frustrated by the lack of cooperation from weather and family schedules....
    campdude likes this.
  6. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Lol....Only an "old timer" would get the grass hopper reference. Hopefully your weekend will be good
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    And perhaps an older one would make it....

    This weekend is looking much to put in a last "push" at work today, maybe get a little training complete...because no one is in the office today.
  8. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Not a cloud in the sky here this morning after two days of rain. Now I can go back outside and have fun being a farmer.
    I was watching old reruns of Kung Fu last night.
    Kevin likes this.
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    No clouds, rain for 2 days --- its monday already?

    Looking for a deal on the full series on DVD as we speak :D
    Tour 931 likes this.
  10. Heavy rain at times yesterday, but that is gone. Looks like the next few days should be pretty nice. Heading out the door to hit the pavement to put some miles in on my bike. This weekend should be heavy on cycling, kayaking, & cooking things on the grill.
    Tour 931 likes this.
  11. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    We're getting soaked right now. Probably a half inch in the last 20 minutes. As long as our electric poles don't start falling over due to soil saturation -- we'll be OK :D

    This happened to us last spring. The area I live is formerly a swampy area, actually most of Indianapolis is as well.

    My neighborhood especially so. There are underground drainage installed throughout the neighborhood....The things you find after you move in :) Apparently my water table is like 19 inches below grade and why when it rains water runs down the street off front yards for 3-4 days.

    At least it isn't like the newer areas in my home town (South Bend) which were built reasonably close to an ethanol plant. The plant went into production in the early 1980's and closed down in 2013 or so. It was pulling a tremendous amount of groundwater, so all the houses were dry for decades. They built houses, then in '13 the groundwater rose and suddenly whole neighborhoods had indoor pools...yikes

    During harvest season, we have to worry about farm implements tearing down power lines that go over the county roads.

    Its fun living here!
    Warren Mary Ellen likes this.
  12. campdude

    campdude Ranger

  13. So how did your Memorial Day start off? I was up past midnight watching the third of three races yesterday. At 5:00 am, we were awakened to our dog barking at a rat one of the cats brought in. Luckily, it was small and pretty weak from the whatever Ginger had put the thing through. Mary Ellen put on some leather gloves, grabbed it and took outside. Anyone want a nice orange tabby? This is the proud fellow here. [​IMG]
    Tour 931, Mark & Mel and dustinp like this.
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    My weekend was absolutely amazing. Friday evening we had a wet-rainy setup, but on Saturday morning the skies were blue, things were drying out and it just got better from there.

    No pictures, unless I can grab some off the dash-cam -- it has 4 more hours of copying to do before I can scrub and see what might be there....

    O'Bannon Woods in southern Indiana did not disapoint except for lack of meaningful data services from AT&T. Voice was perfectly acceptable, but data was hit or miss...mostly miss.

    Our site was a little tricky --- it sloped towards the street -- so chocking became incredibly important -- never don't chock. (Double negitive intentional for effect....ALWAYS chock your wheels!) But getting the rig up on the stabilizers and raising the nose made it stable but there was some 'forward' stress just due to the moderate grade. The additional parking brake performed spectacularly --- Thanks Cary for putting this option in your catalog. There is no substitue for chocking -- but I sleep much better knowing the brakes were there in addition to.

    I'm thrilled to say that "covid campers" were near zero --- no one misbehaved in the park that I am aware of.

    I think we "sold" a unit for CI....One of our neighbors had a teardrop made in elkhart -- not one I had seen before. My wife gave them the grand tour and they liked it. Sunday, the husband stopped by and said they decided they wanted to own one... Hopefully we see a new member here very very soon :)

    Coffee -- we got a "Michigan Cherry" from Meijer, a regional chain --- normally won't touch flavored stuff, but a friend of our raved about it. It was pretty good. I did find it a little surprising other things smelled like cherries later that afternoon....I hope my kidneys forgive me.

    BTW, the just say I'll be good for the next week and get back into my fasting aggressively starting tomorrow :D
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
  15. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    I’m just not a Denny Hamlin fan. Ask me how I know!
  16. I'm sure you've been around him since you arre at the track a lot. He's not my favorite either. I'm an Elliott fan. I liked his Dad. My one grandfather always worked at Chevrolet dealerships and my other grandfather managed a NAPA store when he was living. So with him driving a Chevy with NAPA as a sponsor and being Bill Elliott's son. Good race last night, just a long one. We'll be back at Darlington Labor Day weekend and I may try go to the fall race at Charlotte. When we were planning our trip to Necedah, we considered going to the race in Wisconsin. By the time,we were making reservations, I couldn't find a camping spot within 50 miles of the track.
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
    Mark & Mel likes this.
  17. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Bill and Chase are first class. Both are humble and keep their airplanes in our hangar when in Daytona for the races. I’ll never forget the Charlotte race when Bill was 2 laps down and came back to win the race.
  18. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Hot and windy here in Ogema. I mowed my lawn yesterday. It took me almost five hours to mow the four acres of grass. I hired two neighbors to do the edging and pull weeds in the flower beds. These farm kids really know how to work.
    dustinp and Sweeney like this.
  19. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Yesterday it was hot in the house by early afternoon. Last night I opened all three windows and the cool night breeze brought the house down to 62 degrees. Hopefully the house won’t get so hot today.
  20. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    We got a taste of summer heat here. It wasn't too bad during the day, I set with the fans running. Night was a little harder simply becuase humidity went up, and airflow in our bedroom is not very good. We have 1 huge casement window, but the side window is this tiny little double hung.
    Tour 931 likes this.

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