Announcement It Will Be A Long Wait

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by pbaker2225, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Nice UW bushes Frank, I guess that's a dry suit your in, a must in the PNW, ah maybe someday I'll get me one of them.

  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Pat, Bushes... interesting for the first 5 minutes...

    Yep, It was right across from you all, sorta, at the Keystone Jetty, right next to the Ferry. Campsite was the Ft Casey. Now that have have to big power hookups, and the "Big Boys" grab them up, only a few spots left. It's now usually full, and summer? fer git it.. FCFS (First Come, First Serve) basis..

    I'm no longer Cold Water Diving, I've become a WWW Diver (Warm Water Wussie).. I had two dry suits, sold one and trying to sell the other. Anyway, I still have the memories and photos so it was a great part of my life...

    Now, on to the next one...

    Welcome back...
  3. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I only have 26 days till pick up day. I can hardly believe it is happening. My kids say they have never seen me this excited over anything I've done.
  4. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Jenn, You all have been hearing me moan about the wait for about nine months now. My baby is overdue. I hope to have some stories to tell.
  5. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I got the latest build pictures and my trailer looks done to me. I'm having a hard time resisting the urge to jump in the car and go get her right now.
    I practiced a little bit last night backing up with a trailer my son in law has here. It had a flat tire all winter and he got it fixed the other day. It has a pretty long distance from the tongue to the wheels so may be similar to the trailer. I'm actually feeling pretty good about it,not great just pretty good. lol I have only one eye so my judgement of how far to back up is a problem. I like Joan's idea about using the traffic cones but seem bulky to haul around. I see inflatable ones. Maybe I could just get some colorful water jugs. Any ideas?
  6. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    I like the water jug idea; mainly because I like it when things have multiple purposes. You can use them to 1) actually carry water 2) as weights (when full) to hold stuff / tie stuff down if you are on a hard surface 3) if empty, put a battery-powered tea light, attached with tape, replacing the cap and up-end it--instant lantern. 4) get a bike flag or something similar to attach to the full jug... so you can easily see it when backing up.

    ...I think I just convinced myself that *I* need to carry water jugs around. :)
  7. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Now that I thought on it I think Joan did say she uses a jug or box or anything that is handy. I did a little more practicing. It didn't go quite as well today. I ended on a positive note though so I'm not really discouraged.
  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Water Jugs would be the best...
    with Food coloring? and they can also help anchor down the tarp/canopy in breezy weather or to mark hazards at night like Stumps/holes ditches etc...

    Just put it on your "Packing List, pack last so you'll have easy access to it or front/back seat. You could use a glow
    "Chem-lite" stick,


    just drop it inside, but then what to do with it for the next 4+ hours, but suggest filling it with water as the campsite might have a breeze/wind/hurricane heheh, when you get there and you'd spend all night trying chase it down in backing up...

    Now that would be worth sitting back with a beer and watch someone try that... heheh, fun...
  9. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hey Frank, I'm afraid I will be enough entertainment without the added glow sticks and chasing around of the bottles. Those chem light sticks are pretty cool though.
  10. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I do carry orange cones with me for backing up. Mine are a little on the big side. I would go to a sporting goods store and get the cones that the use for kids soccer. More compact.
  11. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Joan for the suggestion on the soccer cones. I'm looking at my little Honda Element and this pile of stuff I need to take with me to pick up my trailer and wondering if it is all going to fit in. My bedding is very pooffy. Wool comforter, wool mattress pad and memory foam pad. All that security stuff takes up a lot of room especially that claw for the tire. I made a little tool bag for a collection of necessary tools. My kitchen stuff is still in my camping bucket for tent camping. I really want to take the Cobb to use along the way. It is going to be an interesting packing experience. I need to fit in an ice chest for the trip out. I hate eating in a restruant all the way on a long trip. I keep thinking that I take more than this for tent camping but It looks daunting.
  12. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member


    Prior to own the teardrop, I never pulled or backed any trailer. So, first thing I did was drive thru Chicago! Pulls like a dream.
    Backing up: takes time, practice, and do not expect perfection at any time. You will gain confidence with time. Most times, there are other campers who are willing to help you master backing.
    Nothing wrong asking fellow campers to help you push it into place.

    THe tear backs up very differently because of it's short length and short wheelbase.

    Took me at least 6 months to feel compfortable and confident enough to ask others for assistance.

    You will succeed, learning the skills, and backing up is not a race or life and death event. Take your time! Just smile to yourself, thinking there are men who can not do what I am.

  13. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Jean for the encouraging words. I have been practicing a little with a small utility trailer. I'm sure the camper will be different but at least it gives me some practice of which way it is going to go and trying to judge distance. I may never master the judging distance thing as I only have one eye and depth perception is a problem especially in the distance. I think I will have to cheat on that with the jugs or cones to help mark the spot.
    I think you are right about asking for help. The first person who asks if they can see the camper will be drafted to do the work first.
  14. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Here I am with 9 and 1/2 months gone by. I can't hardly believe it. Now I'm wondering if I can get ready on time. lol
    I thought I had too much stuff to fit in the car and then my brother decided to come back with me so I have to take a cot, tent and sleeping bag and pillow for him. Guess what it is all in the car and I think enough room left over for an ice chest and our suitcases. I feel like I must surely have forgotten something. I am always amazed when packing for camping at how much the car holds. I thought I would have to take the bike rack for extra cargo but it looks like I can leave it home.
    I am so excited. Now I know how all you owners felt in the last days before pick-up.
  15. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    So excited for you!

    I doubt you forgot anything, most likely you brought more than you needed. Enjoy the trip, the first of many to come I'm sure.
  16. Jeannie

    Jeannie Novice

    Hi Pat, I've been reading your journey and the wait... good luck, so happy for you! Just remember, have FUN! :)
  17. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thank you Jean. I'm really looking forward to the journey. It has been fun and inspiring to read about everyone's adventures on this forum. I have gotten so much information that has helped me prepare for my pick up.

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