550 / 560 Feeling Guilty That I Might Choose 560 Over 550

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by rickdernberger, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Hi Caroline:

    That would be tremendous if I could come over and see your 560! I'll send you a PM with my contact info.

  2. Hey! I received the Magic e-mail yesterday telling me that my 560 is in production and giving me a link to some production pictures! Once again, I humbly thank my fellow Unofficial Forum Peeps for all of the advice, help, and friendship!

    Now - What in the Hell to name her??? Unlike so many others, I haven't a clue! The closest I can come is "The Man Cave" - but that is no way to invite my wife to come with me, is it? How did some of the rest of you come up with a name for your Camp Inn? Was it obvious right away?
  3. David Olson

    David Olson Novice

    We named ours "The Depot" We sold Home Depot stock to pay for it.
  4. Deb

    Deb Novice

    Friends gave us a small carpet that has a tiny trailer and a pink flamingo on it and says "paradise". We use it when we camp. It also came with a couple of pink flamingos. So, that's kind of stuck. It's just kitschy!
  5. djkline

    djkline Novice

    Congrats Rick!

    I decided to name my 550 "Hinterland Haven" Hinterland meaning the land beyond the coast which is where I live and is synonymous with backwoods or country, and Haven as in a safe haven keeping me protected from the elements.
  6. I love hearing these stories of "Namings." More please!
  7. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Mine is named after my grandmother. Might sound strange, but she was pretty important to me, and they always named their rigs, so I felt like it worked. They did a lot of camping too. Plus, she looks like a dot behind the car, and I thought Dottie also fit with the retro feeling of the trailer.
  8. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Rick - great news. I am sure you are really excited. Name it something like happy days - it reflects your happy disposition. Really enjoyed meeting you at the CI CO. Ours is "Suite Retreat" it replaces all those motel suites I do not like and is a retreat from the normal life pace. Enjoy watching your pic come.
  9. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice


    Congratulations!!! Now things get really exciting and the wait gets excruciatingly painful …it's so close, yet not really :grin:

    I like Pat's suggestion, it suits you. We haven't named ours, I'm not real big on the name game. After having two boats without names except for the "money pit" and "I can't believe you bought another one", I think I'll just call it "the trailer".

    However, Michelle occasionally refers to it as Zeke. We're fans of the TV show Parenthood in which the father figure to the entire family is named Zeke Braverman. In one episode he was diagnosed with an illness and thought his days were numbered. So the first thing he did was bring home a used AirStream and announce to his wife they were going to hit the open road and explore the country. We found some humor in the whole thing …guess you had to be there.

    don't stress about the wait, it'll be over before you know it.
  10. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Snugglebug has seen a lot of 'snuggling' in the last 3 years. :)
  11. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Well, Rick...

    As I recall, we had been posting all sorts of nonsense (big surprise there) on the forum concerning Monty Python's Flying Circus and their masterpiece of silliness: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I was going on about some of the key words/phrases such as "The Knights who say Neeh", "It's just a flesh wound", "French Knights" etc. Then Jim thought of calling our bright blue truck the Lupine Express, so we had to stick (or is that schtick?) with MP. Unable to agree on one single phrase, we decided to bundle them all into "Spamalot": the name of a musical based on the movie.

    It works for us, because, as you know, we are very, very silly.

    Your new baby will name herself. Just give it time.

    Camp On,

  12. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Rick, so excited for you. Hopefully, our paths will cross again soon. As far as a name, we still don't have one. Bob is allergic to what he considers "cute" so we just refer to it as "the teardrop." I think I may have shared with you and others at the CICO that my choice was "Hot to Trot" based on my favorite 14 Hands wine, but he thought that might be a bit too suggestive! Have fun spending a cold Midwestern winter trying out ideas. Kathy
  13. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Congrats on your 560 becoming a reality.

    I still haven't placed my order yet, but I have three names already picked out.
    Living in Williamsburg, VA...it would be a natural to call mine the Patrioteer.
    However, I love the mountains, so Mtn-tear would work too. Then there is Tear Trekker (I was a huge fan of Star Trek when I was a kid.)

    Best wishes!
  14. Ooh - such good suggestions and stories of how people named their Tears!

    I do like the idea of Happy Days. Thank you for both the suggestion and the compliment, Pat! I think I probably need to just patiently sit and wait for the Tear to name itself as some of you have suggested.
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