Itinerary 7th Annual Camp-inn Camp-outt

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Betsey, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    George the high temps in Rochester this week have been in mid to low 60's. Cold wet week. Nights have been in the 50's.
    Sure next weekend will be HOT.

  2. Cal429

    Cal429 Novice

    "Postcard from Barcelona" (Apologies to Science Fiction Theater, cira 1955): No heater required -- Weather was beautiful in Bilbao this morning and here in Barcelona this evening. Mid-70's in the afternoon, mid-60's tonight. The downside: Probably (certainly) not a Camp-Inn trailer within 3,000 miles. Oh, well, my trusty 560 is patiently awaiting me at home, 4,500 miles away, for my next road trip two weeks from now.

    Love that retired life.
  3. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Ah, Barcelona. We stayed @ the Barcelona Arts Hotel in '96 and spent 5 days there. A great city! There's a neat neighborhood just to the right of the Arts, not sure what it's called. Are you traveling to any other areas of Spain?
    Have a great time!
  4. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff


    Sounds like you're enjoying some fantastic weather! Hope you can post some pics (even though you are sans your Camp-Inn).

    Believe it or not, there is a Camp-Inn within 2,000 miles from you. To the best of my knowledge, it is floating around somewhere in the Netherlands.

    Enjoy your trip!

  5. Cal429

    Cal429 Novice

    Netherlands? Really!

    Seven cities over 16 days (Bilbao, Barcelona, Sevilla, Cordoba, Malaga, Granada, Madrid) in a self-arranged tour. Aiming to practice my less-than-fluent Spanish, take in the local culture, try out the local foods and beers (especially the beers), and generally get the feel of the country. It surprised me to find that I can't practice Spanish in Bilbao and Barcelona the way I'd thought. Language not really "Spanish" per se. A mishmash of Eukera, Castellano, Spanish, French, whatever. All the signs look just weird.

    Anyway, rained today in Barcelona, but not so much as to slow anybody down. What a fascinating place! I could spend a month just wandering the downtown streets on foot. By the time my two weeks are up, I'll probably be ready to head home for a couple of days (then off with the Camp-Inn to Albuquerque's annual Balloon Fiesta).
  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Notice a bit of a lisp? We just loved Spain and your itinerary makes me want to go back. Have a great trip, take tons of pictures and put some of them here when you can.
  7. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Hi All,

    For everyone who has emailed me about the Camp-Outt, you should have received an email update this morning. Let me know if you did not get the email & I will resend it.

    I'm posting the Potluck list here so you can see what people are bringing. If you know what you will be bringing, let me know & I will update this list.

    Potluck (Saturday evening)
    (indicate what you are bringing - i.e. fruit salad, wheat rolls and butter. Be creative - appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, breads, etc )


    Spinach and Mushroom Dip (w/Assorted Crackers) - Tim & Judy R.
    Chips/Pickles - Fred S.

    Main Dishes

    DO Wild Rice Chicken Supreme - Betsey & Craig
    DO Enchilada Dish – Darrel & Joanne
    Baked Salmon & Rice – Jean W.
    Calico Bean Casserole - Rita & Roger
    Fettuccine with Leek, Cream and Parmesan Sauce – Mike & Margaret W.
    DO Penne Rustica (pasta /chicken/bacon) - Steve T.
    Southwestern Squash soup – Tom & Debbie
    Sauerbrauten Stew - Theresa & Michael B.
    Chili – Paul V.
    DO Pot Roast – Parnell & Barb

    Side Dishes

    DO Blodgett Canyon Baked Beans - George H.
    3 Meat/3 Been Bake Beans – Doug & Nan
    Crunchy Sweet Potato Casserole – Pat & Mark B.
    Au Gratin Potatoes - Ramona


    Macaroni Salad - Mike S.
    Crunchy Farro Salad – Jean W.
    Fruit Salad – Ken & Nettie
    Cranberry, Pineapple, Orange salad – Leon H.
    Acini de Pepi salad - Theresa & Michael B.
    Caramel Apple Salad – Grant & Dianne P.
    Hot German Potato Salad – John & Pam K.
    Bean Salad – Marlene & Mike E.


    Rolls – Darrel & Joanne S.
    Herbed Foccacia Bread – Ken & Peggy G.
  8. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    We are expecting the largest number of attendees that we've ever had...nearly 2x last year's attendance.

    [Drum roll, please].........................................

    *******115 people*********

    Approx. 43 teardrops
    A bunch of tents
    Couple of motorhomes
    A travel trailer (maybe 2)
    A few day visitors

  9. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Wow! We really want to come next year.
  10. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    You should! You could be our visiting Unofficial CI Forum celebrity! We could have photo ops, autographs, etc.

    I see a promotional tour in your future....

  11. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hey Camp Inn,

    Please rent circus tents to keep us dry this weekend.

    Hmm, think I will bring the standie tent to use as a dry space.

    Might have to borrow a space heater from Cary to keep it warm and dry.
  12. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Between Cranfest & October Fest, you couldn't find a tent to rent within 100 miles.

    We put up a 70 ft tarp over the potluck area. :cool:

    Not raining at the 1" last night; supposed to get 1" today & 3/4" tonight...then we are pretty much done with the rain. :)

  13. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Well, here in Rochester has been a downpoor all night and day. Flooding, roads closed. At least it's warm! Thankgoodness my house is dry.
  14. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Ya Jean, you guys got alot of rain over there. All over the weather channel this morning. We were just on the edge of the big rain area so only got a smaller portion of it.

  15. eileenpaine

    eileenpaine Novice

    Rain?!? Its supposed to be 102 here this weekend! Maybe I should have packed up and gone east.
  16. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Hope you all have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures for those of us who can not attend.
  17. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    Come on guys 4pm Eastern time and no photos or posts its been a quite weekend on the forum all of us did not attend want to hear all the stories and see the pics.
  18. The gathering was great as usual. The weather was cool yet warm during the day and we got to enjoy the full moon at night shining over the lake. Awesome! Betsey has the final count but there were somewhere around 45 trailers (campinns, home builts, and others)

    There was a birthday celebrated, plant tours, cranfest goers, and a special quilt presentation to one of our fellow campers. Very emotional weekend. Gathering of old friends and making of some new friends.

    This was written by someone without a tear..." I had never been to a gathering before,I was pleasantly surprized at how outgoing and friendly everyone was to me ,a newcomer. The food was great!!!! I really enjoyed learning how to make the omlet in the bag,I will be using that trick in he future. It turned out that I have alot in common with "teardrop people". I look foreward to the next camp-inn gathering and I may go to some others."

    As one camper wrote on another forum...
    "Betsey - You are awesome!! A better planner, organizer, chopper, slicer, dicer, cooker, server and hostess could not be found anywhere!! Thanks for all your efforts and everything you do to make our weekend rock!!"

    I'd say Campinn had some great reviews!!!

    George it was nice meeting you and your wife. Look forward to seeing you again at future Campinn-Campouts if not before.
    Ken & Peggy the same goes for you too...
  19. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Tell us about the 560. You look good in front of it.
  20. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    I will give a brief review, no photos at this time, as I am still on the road. Camp Inn the company is one very friendly and open crew. I have not had a warmer greating any where.
    Camp Inn 560 Raindrop..... What a treat. Though I didn't play with it as much as I would like, what we did do with it met or exceeded expectations.
    CampInn Camp Outt..... What a terrific time we had. My wife really enjoyed the week. Loved the Cranberry Fest, and the whole Tear Drop scene. It is a lot of fun putting faces to names that you meet on the forum.
    I know some others had a hand, I am sure Betsey and Craig had the major hand in the camp outing, so my most sincere applause and cudos go to them for a job well done in putting the week end together so successfully. Betsey even came through with the weather.

    All for now.
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