Itinerary 2nd Annual Maucicco Gathering. 2014

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by mcjimjam, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Thanks for the photos...
    It's always fun to see what other campers are doing!!
  2. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hi! Thanks for sharing your photos -- it's great seeing the different trailers...and it looks like you were all having a fun time. I loved the photo of the osprey in the nest! We watch them here on the Cape...many nests around!

    We hope to join you in 2015!

  3. tjcrebs

    tjcrebs Novice Donating Member

    Great photos from J-Cubed (i.e., Jamie, Jim, & Jerry)! And such a photogenic bunch too. Looks like a grand time by all.

    Thanx for hosting and posting.

    Best Regards, T & Joy
  4. PlasticsMan

    PlasticsMan Novice

    To all our new friends we made at MAUCICCO 2014...

    Special thanks to Jack & Anna who helped us pack up in the Friday evening sprinkling rain. You made the chore much easier.

    As most of you know, we attended MAUCICCO this year knowing we may have to leave early as one of our daughters was expecting the birth of her first child. I thought I'd share a photo of our third grandson who was responsible for busting up our camping trip (I'm thrilled to have had to break camp so we could welcome another grandson into the world...).

    Here's a link to a photo of Ashley Howerton Lineberry, 6 lbs. 2.5 oz. Yes, Ashley is a boy - it's a good 'ol southern male family name.

    We hope to attend MAUCICCO again in the future.

    Eric & Joan
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  5. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! Someday, will he, too, camp in a Camp Inn? :)

  6. PlasticsMan

    PlasticsMan Novice

    That remains to be seen... The boy's father is a rock climber but his mother is a little more reserved. She camped and hiked with us as a family but I'm not certain of her current camping frame of mind. . If left up to me, someday I'll have all three grandsons in a tent next to our 550!
  7. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    He's beautiful! Such a handsome little boy. Congratulations on the newest addition to your family! Thank you for sharing the picture.
  8. PlasticsMan

    PlasticsMan Novice

    Joan and I are all for a June gathering next year if that's what works for everyone else... We plan on inviting our whole family, grandkids and all.
  9. We'll we made it home today! Jim and Jamie thank you for hosting this great weekend! We enjoyed our time out east and meeting may have rained on us but it didn't dampen anyone's spirits. Enjoyed playing "all-terrain" croquet and letting Jerry use the paddle boards.

    After we left there on Sunday we spent the next week traveling the Shenandoah and Blue Ridge Parkways and doing some hiking. Beautiful country!

    sad to say its back to work on Monday :(.

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