Itinerary 2nd Annual Maucicco Gathering. 2014

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by mcjimjam, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We are now up to 6! The more the merrier!!
    1. Jim & Jamie "mcnugit"
    2. Jerry & Tina
    3. James & Elizabeth "Crow's Wing"
    4. Lenny357 & family
    5. Christopher, Mindy, & "Oscar"
    6. Jack & Anna
  2. Ninjamini

    Ninjamini Novice

    What is the temp there at that time of the year. We are still deciding on a camper. We might come and tent camp just to see the campers and meet everyone.

    Anyone have an extra teardrop they can bring? LOL
  3. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    It is hard to predict temps there, but here is what I posted last year:

    According to the Weather Channel, the average high for August is 89 and the average low is 68. The averages are for the nearest town of Boydton, which is a few miles away. North Bend Park is on the lake, which tends to keep the temps a bit lower. The breeze off the lake also helps, as do the heavily shaded sites.
    We have camped there in July (average high 91, average low 69) for the past two summers, and haven't felt the need for AC. The Fantastic Fan was more than adequate, for comfortable sleeping.

    We just spent a week there over the July 4th, 2014 holiday, and it was delightful! We had two nights that were in the upper 70's, but once again, the fantastic fan did I a great job of cooling us enough for a comfortable night's sleep. Towards the end of the week, we experienced night time temps of low 60's.
    Seems like every time we camp at this park, we come away with a new appreciation of how nice it is there, and we always look forward to another visit!

    Y'all come!!

    Count is now 7. The more the merrier!!
    1. Jim & Jamie "mcnugit"
    2. Jerry & Tina
    3. James & Elizabeth "Crow's Wing"
    4. Lenny357 & family
    5. Christopher, Mindy, & "Oscar"
    6. Jack & Anna
    7. Jay & Debbie
  4. PlasticsMan

    PlasticsMan Novice

    Eric & Joan will be there provided our daughter doesn't have her baby then....
  5. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I forgot to mention.....if you are in a tent, we can run an extension cord, from the picnic shelter to your tent, if you want to use a fan. We did that for my son and his family earlier this month. Worked like a charm!
  6. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hooray for Eric & Joan!! Hope to see you, and that the baby timing works out for everyone!!
  7. one week (that's seven days) until we leave for MAUCICCO Gathering!!!!! Looking forward to the time away and meeting some new TD friends.
  8. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yahoo, Jerry & Tina!! We are looking forward to camping with you at MAUCICCO! Wishing you safe travel, and happy camping along the way! See you soon!

  9. question for the you potluck every night or just on Saturday? TD/truck is packed and ready to roll except for the cooler :)
  10. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Good question! Since we will have such a small group, maybe it's a good idea to potluck it every night. What are your thoughts?
  11. just trying to prepare for meals. I guess if everyone wants to share in meals, that's great but it is not my intention to make all feel they have too. We will be stopping before the campground to purchase groceries prior to gathering. Coming from the north is there a good spot close by or should we stop in Boydton to do this?
  12. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Agreed! Last year we had one planned potluck, and one impromptu one, with leftovers. So, let's plan for the one, and then if any of us choose, we have the nice big picnic shelter where we can gather and share

    As for groceries, Boydton, is small, with no decent stores. We always shop at the Walmart @ I-85 in South Hill, about a 1/2 hour northeast from the campground. If you let me know your route, I can advise better about where to find grocery stores. There is also a convenience store,that sells ice, just minutes from the campground.

    Just in case anyone is staying away for fear of the heat- the weather forecast is looking like high's in the low '80's and low's in the mid 60's. Not bad for early August in Virginia!

    Attendee update:
    1. Jim & Jamie "mcnugit"
    2. Jerry & Tina
    3. James & Elizabeth "Crow's Wing"
    4. Christopher & Mindy, & Oscar
    5. Jack & Anna
    6. Jay & Debbie
    7. Eric & Joan, & Wilson
    8. Carl & Lindy, & JD the Wonder Dog
  13. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    This sounds like it will be so much fun! Hope it happens again next year! We're anxious to hear all about it!

    have a great time!

  14. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Have fun everyone at the 2nd annual MAUCICCO gathering.
    Wish we could join you this year. Hopefully, we can make the next gathering.

  15. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    5 trailers here, 3 more to go. The lake is warm, air temps are comfortable. Looks like the start of a great weekend!
  16. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hi! Hope everyone has a terrific time! Next year, I'll be retired along with Michael and we will plan on joining you! Have fun!

  17. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Rain, rain, go away!! Weather has been great for the first two days,but today, not so much! It's been raining since last night, but we are making the best of it!

    Can it really be August? We are all huddled around a Campfire in a Can, under the picnic shelter, making s'mores.

    Potluck coming up tonight!
  18. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Rain just makes for a little more "togetherness" under the shelter - Just like at last year's CICO! ;) ;)

    Have a blast! Looking forward to seeing pics!

  19. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    MAUCICCO 2014 pictures posted:

    Special thanks to Jerry for providing some of these photos.

    We had a nice active and fun group of 17 campers/3 pups/in 8 different units: 4 Camp-Inn 550's, a T@B clamshell, a cargo trailer conversion, a pick-up mounted Flip Pac, and an awesome home build. The attendance didn't grow from last year, but we added some new faces to a few of the old. Played games, floated and paddled in the lake, shared some delicious meals, and made new friends. This is an excellent location for a gathering, and we are hoping it grows in the future.

    Already looking forward to MAUCICCO #3 in 2015. We need input as to when to hold it. Same great location, but possibly in June, for those that fear the "dog days of August" ( which haven't materialized yet!!)

    Jamie & Jim
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  20. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Nice pictures. Looks like everyone had fun.

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