Which Trailer Was The First Laguna Cnc Camp Inn?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by campdude, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. Dmitry

    Dmitry Novice

    Have you even seen a Bowlus (other than pictures), let alone been inside? They are amazing. Do you really think people who will write a check for $300,000 to buy a travel trailer are stupid, and wouldn't complain if the quality of the cabinetry wasn't up to snuff? Of if the carpeting wasn't plush enough, and, god forbid, they got a splinter? Trust me, those things are made like nothing else.
  2. Gary & Janine

    Gary & Janine Novice

    Not even sure how to respond to this. I probably should just… not, but here I am, doing it anyway. I never called anyone stupid or said Bowlus was anything less than amazing. I did mention that I’d never seen one in person, you asked, so I’m telling you, I said it in my post. I actually read my post before I posted it. What I was attempting to say was that I believe, and I know because I own one, that the guys at Camp-Inn build a product that that is second to nothing I’ve ever personally seen. Also, that I wish there was an affordable option of similar quality in a full(er) size trailer. I don’t believe there is.
    campdude, dustinp and Kevin like this.
  3. Dmitry

    Dmitry Novice

    A Bowlus patrician would sneer at an Airstream plebeian, and I don't know what they think of mere freedmen like the rest of us. No hard feelings, mate. $35k for a tiny bedroom on wheels is no small change, and more than the majority of world population ever had, and will have. At a certain point expensive things just don't make any practical sense...unless one owns a Bowlus.;)
  4. Gary & Janine

    Gary & Janine Novice

    Off to go tow my $35k tiny bedroom (and kitchen) on wheels to the beach for a few days! ;)
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2022
    campdude, Jenn, dustinp and 2 others like this.
  5. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    That's a lot to digest. I've never altered yours or anyone else's post for all the years I've helped out here on the forum. It's a shame you feel you can accuse me of such behavior with no evidence to back up such a hurtful, spurious claim.

    You should review the terms you seem to disregard so easily...
    "You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend..."
    KarenBee, Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  6. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    Oh Good Lord...
    Kevin and Sweeney like this.
  7. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    We have had a number of good discussions both on the forum, and in person at the CICO, and I think many people here have enjoyed the perspectives you have shared over all the years you have contributed them for us to read.

    It has been nice not to see to any more words of discontent for the past year over the issue addressed above, and I don't think many here on the forum want to see it resurrected.

    All parties involved have had a chance to explain the thoughts behind their remarks, and make their positions known. An apology was made to anyone (not just Jenn) who may have been offended by what they considered bringing negativity to the thread, and further explanation / clarification of the comments were made. Jenn quickly explained her position, then accepted and gave thanks for the apology made.

    I hope you can reconsider accepting it as well.
    Calling for anyone's expulsion from the forum over remarks that were explained and apologized for seems like an unfair expectation of the forum moderators.
    Please let bygones be bygones, agree to disagree, try to all get along together, and continue to share your Camp-Inn experiences for the benefit of all those here who enjoy your perspectives.
    FWIW, that's my perspective.

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