Update The Long Wait Is Finally Over

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by pbaker2225, May 13, 2014.

  1. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Pat, I wouldn't worry too much about traffic. Most people keep clear of you. The only issue I had once was a guy checking my trailer out so much while driving, he nearly went off the road traveling on I5...that was a little nuts! I guess I know what super models feel like now! :)
  2. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Interesting info about the road numbers. I knew some of it but not the spurs and beltways. I need it hammered into my head so I can remember. I think my brain is full. I have a hard time remembering new information.
    I was thinking that last year the primitive site wasn't taken and they let us go in early so maybe it will be the same this year. Thanks Joan it is good to know that there are empty sites for Thursday night.
    Thanks Sarah for the encouragement. That is a good point. People don't miss seeing the trailer. It is a real eye catcher. At a four way stop everyone just stared and let me go first. lol
    I have a tight schedule as my brother is visiting from Wisconsin and is leaving early Wednesday morning. I have not been able to do much to prepare for camping.
    My back has been acting up and I can't get in to the chiropractor until after the holiday. I've been trying to catch up on all the work that was waiting for me when I got back from my pick up.
  3. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I'm getting ready for the annual trip to Lake Conconully. Always tenting in the past. I'm looking forward to having the camper during the rain and wind storms.
    My travels through Seattle on the trip to and from Mossy Rock were uneventful. It really boosted my confidence. I'm doing better all the time with my backing. It's easy in my own driveway but not so good when in unfamiliar places. I have ordered some colapsing cones to take along. Thanks Joan for the idea.
    I have modified the Sunbrella that I used at Mossy Rock to go over the galley. I didn't close my galley at night and we got a really serious rainstorm that flooded my upper storage. I will definatly close the galley at night but wanted it to be protected while cooking. I added some extra flaps to help keep the rain out. The test will happen next week as we always have some good rainstorms and wind as well.
  4. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I dropped the hatch on my head today. Dang that hurt. Probably won't do it again. I was so proud of remembering all the dos and don'ts.
    I'm all hitched up and ready to leave early in the morning. I'm going over the North Cascade Pass. I'm looking forward to camping with friends at conconully.
    It has been fun to see the reaction of my friends and family when they see the Raindrop. Shock and ahhh. I am a down to earth conservative person who has been a saver and not ever been concerned with impressing people. But guess what, they are impressed. It makes me chuckle. It's like they are seeing me in a whole new light. I'm not sure who they thought I was or who they think I am now. LOL
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, yep, that's what it's all about,
    Getting out there and doing it...

    Good show.. I'll be down at Juniper Sand Dunes, (tenting) next to Pasco, WA.. fun in the sun.. hot sun that is...

    You should have good weather...

    ps.. hitting your head... at least that lesson is over...
    One step at a time..

    Conconully?? oh, near Omak... nice... and they are supposed to have good riding up there to... but might be shutting it down... nice country up there, hidden away...
  6. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Ouch! I guess you're ok, you're still going camping. Susan had the hatch come down on her shoulder, she said she almost passed out, it hurt so bad, she heard a click but it wasn't locked in properly. I tend to pull down on the hatch after I see the support slip into it's slot just to make sure it's seated properly. Be safe out there and have fun on your trip.

  7. Pick

    Pick Novice

    Yet another thing learned on the forum. We'll be sure to pay attention when dealing with the hatch. I suspect it is a little heavy?
    Mike & Denita
  8. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    When we first got our teardrop I dropped the galley on my arm and had a nasty bruise for a while - it happened because I was think about something else and was not paying attention - I now have a rule when attending to the galley -- no multi-tasking.

    Have fun on your trip across the cascades.
  9. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hope your head is OK!!

    Happy trails!

  10. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Lets see....haven't dropped the galley hatch - yet. Have banged my shin on the fender, tripped over the hitch (twice),slammed the side of my head on the door frame (didn't duck low enough), had the wind blow the door shut on legs, fingers and arms (oh, that Kansas wind)....

    I'd say you're doing just fine.

    Sue and Jim (says)
  11. Pick

    Pick Novice

    jsl, when you deal in action and adventure I guess danger just goes along with it. lol
    Mike & Denita
  12. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    the Kansas wind is what broke the channel the galley arm runs in I guess we could blame Dorthy or the Oz.
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    You can also blame it on the Bossanova...or am I showing my age again?

    Yes! Danger is my middle name. Jim would like to point out my middle name is actually Ann (which is Jim speak for TROUBLE, but that's beside the point). Unfortunately trouble involves lots of oops and owwies. But who cares, just...

    Camp On,

    Sue and Jim says
  14. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    We like Stan Getz and Austrid Giberto...
  15. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    My head is almost fully recovered. Actually when I washed my hair tonight I still felt a sore spot. I hope I didn't do too much brain damage.
    My bumper for the refrigerator table isn't exactly in the right place so I put a piece of shelf liner in to keep it from rubbing on the wood. This kept the supporting arm from falling into place properly. I will make sure the arm is locked from now on.
    I love that jsl. Anything that can go wrong, will. That is just how it is. I'm always thinking ahead instead of thinking of what I am doing now. I usually learn from my mistakes, but not always.
  16. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I had a nice trip to Conconully with friends. The fishing was great and the fish were delicious. I don't fish but really like to eat them.
    I had electricity so it was nice not to worry about the battery. I ran out of propane and had to drive to Omak to get some. About 17 miles. It was cold at night and I used the furnace a few times.
    We had a lot of wind so was not able to try out the modified Sunbrella. It was hard to cook as my galley was facing the wrong way.
    I had to spend the last few weeks catching up on work at home. I finally got the power washing of the decks done that I usually do in June. I'd rather be camping.
    I just got back from a four day at Cowboy Camp.I tried out the Sunbrella and it worked great. We got pretty high winds in the afternoons and it didn't move. I did put a couple of extra guy ropes on that were tied to the tongue of the trailer.
    I still had a hard time keeping the wind out of the galley for cooking.
    I had a little problem with the Fantastic Fan. I had it on automatic and it opened and closed during the night as we had some rain. When I woke up in the morning it was humming like it was trying to do something but nothing was happening. I turned it off of automatic to stop the humming. I didn't need the fan after that so haven't tried it on automatic since. I hope the motor didn't get damaged or anything. Has this happened to anyone else?

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