Single cup coffee makers

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Tom Ruggles, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    ...alas I can only stand back, and listen to all the intricacies of the roasting & brewing processes used by you coffee connoisseurs. I had to give up brewed coffee about 25yrs ago after being diagnosed with GERD, which responded well to stopping all coffee for about 6 months. It didn't respond well to subsequent attempts to reintroduce it. For some odd reason however, when I tried instant coffee, I was able to tolerate a couple cups of that a day without exacerbation of the GERD. Never tried checking the pH of them both, but my guess is that fresh brewed has a significantly lower one.
    So I am relegated to using instant for my daily caffeine fix, and can only listen in envy of your perfectly made cups of the heavenly brew. Still enjoy hearing about it however. ;)
    SethB, Jenn and Kevin like this.
  2. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Maybe look into taking Protonix. It did wonders in helping me with acid reflex, and GERD. I’m not a doctor, and it’s been many years since I slept at a Holiday Inn Express!
    dustinp, Kevin and Jenn like this.
  3. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    It may be that the low acidity of cold brew aka cold drip would work for you.

    With an aeropress you have a lot of control over extraction temp (acidity) and brew time (acidity). With a light to light-medium roast I can get strong and tasty coffee with lots of flavor but lower acidity… your mileage may vary!
    dustinp and Jenn like this.
  4. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    I used to drink Starbux Pike just black, for the kick, with caution for wayyy over burnt taste that gets old after a couple vente's.

    Then I learned a correctly measured light blend fresh ground and at right temp in the french press delivers that morning wakeup needed to jumpstart my brain, heart and lower colon, with less burnt butt hurt.


    PS: these guys above got stuff to my son in the 10th Mtn overseas when no one else could, I'm kinda fanboi on them.
    dustinp and Jenn like this.
  5. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    My sweet spot when roasting is just a few snaps into second crack.

    Starbucks has THE worst drip coffee. I call it “Charbucks”. Coffee Bean actually has very good, single origin light roasted drip coffee.
    Kevin, Jenn and SethB like this.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    That would be BAD in my house. Coffee is the overlooked "love language" in the 5 languages theory. I'm a snob about it, my bride is even worse. Ever since we bough her a "super automatic" maker (Miele) several years ago, I'm starting to consider buying an IV pole for her birthday....
    Van_and_Terri likes this.
  7. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Miele! Nice!

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