Air Conditioner Poll: Ac Or No Ac

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by Evan, Mar 5, 2010.


Air Conditioning?

  1. Yes - gotta have it

    31 vote(s)
  2. No - never use it

    7 vote(s)
  3. Doesn't matter (an Android not affected by climate)

    7 vote(s)
  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I think this depends on where you live. If you are in a dry, cool climate where its never above 80 and there's always a breeze...tell me where it is so I can move there.

    But in pretty much every state south of the northern border, in the summer, you'll want AC. Even in Wisconsin and th e dakotas it gets warm. The only place I've ever been where it was totally unnecessary was in the UP of Michigan, near the water. I suspect that was just good timing.

    Even if you don't plan on using it, its a good bet --- its not an option that can not be added later. The majority of people are going to want it. If you decide to resell at some point, you'll eliminate many potential buyers.

    Now, as for heat, a 400-watt under-desk style electric heater will heat the inside of the camper perfectly well down to the mid 20s. If you are camping colder than that, you may need a 1200 watt. Both require shore won't be able to run any electric heating or cooling off of the onboard battery.

    The furnace - if I were buying again today, I would not get this option. Since most times I camp with power, the above solution works very well, and I'd rather have the outdoor storage for things like tiki torches, tent stakes, and emergency propane bottles (1lb just to run the cook top if I ran out in the 'big' bottle)
    Van_and_Terri and Kevin like this.
  2. Steve Sanford

    Steve Sanford Novice

    We camp in the southeast and if it is in the summer always get sites with power for the A/C. We have a small 400 watt electric heater for winter and get sites with power but the rest of the time we do not care if we have sites with electric. Lowest temperature we have camped was 23 deg f and with the heater, 2 people and 2 dogs we were nice and cozy. Kind of tough going to the bathroom when it was that cold but the camper was warm.
    dustinp and Kevin like this.
  3. dirty6

    dirty6 Ranger

    If i need an AC while camping, I don’t want to be outside to cook, I don’t want to be hiking, I don’t want to be setting up camp, I’ll just wait until fall to camp.
    Kevin likes this.

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