Update Our Baby Is In Progress!

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by GinaNBob, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    We got our final invoice as well. Now it really feels real!
  2. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Gina and Bob,

    How much would you charge to video tape the orientation for those of us having it delivered ?! :)
  3. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    I have no idea. I don't know what the orientation entails. Perhaps others who have gone thru it could respond. Also I'm sure there has to be some type of orientation when you have it delivered. Maybe someone else who has had theirs delivered can also respond. Another option is to speak with Cary. This is all new to us too and we are looking forward to the delivery date.
  4. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    The orientation is informative and a lot of fun. You get to look around the shop, meet some of the people that built it, and you learn about the stuff that is specifically on YOUR trailer. You can ask questions about specific ways yours is built, things you might want to add to it, recommendations on maintenance, anything you want. They also hook it up to your tow vehicle and make sure every thing is compatible and working. Also you get a tutorial on how to register it in your state. Yes, you can learn most of it from reading or a video, but the personal interaction is enjoyable. We traveled from California to Wisconsin to pick ours up and I don't regret a single minute.

    Oh, and don't forget to ask about where the best place is to get fresh cheese curds.
  5. CampMech

    CampMech Novice

    Our raindrop was just delivered to us here in San Diego, took about 3 weeks for the shipping company to find a truck heading our way. Originally we were going to pick ours up but my husband was offered a new job and we had to cancel. We were disappointed but we are fairly familiar with Camp Inns since my dad owns a 550 #102. There is no orientation with delivery other than your owners manual and communicating with Cary as questions arise.
  6. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Did you sleep in it in the driveway last night?
  7. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Glad the delivery went smoothly! Congratulations!
  8. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    No worries Gina and Bob, missing the orientation is one of the things you give up if you have it delivered.....
  9. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    Hey all you builds that are in progress. Notice we have moved out of the back row? Aluminum skin now on.
    I think we are in the row with the 2 560s and 2 550s. I think our rig is the one next to the 550 as we have a furnace and noticed the extra holes in the front storage box before the aluminum was applied.
    Who are our other row mates?
  10. Chuckwagon

    Chuckwagon Junior Ranger

    Our 56o is ready for pick-up and we hope to get it in the next few weeks. For those of you who picked up their trailer in person, do you have any tips on questions to ask, stuff to bring, something you wished you had done but didn't?
  11. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I was too excited to even think straight. Even though I felt numb after the first couple of hours I was surprised that when issues came up later I remembered what I had heard. It is really a fun time. Take along something to drink and a snack. I was so excited I didn't even know I was hungry until I started shaking and I didn't have anything to drink from 9 in the morning until 6 in the evening.
    Considering their weather there I might be tempted to wait until spring to pick it up. Do you have a winter camping season in N.C? That would be a good reason to want to get it home now. It would be fun to spend the winter perfecting the stuff you want to take along and you can always practice camping in the garage.
  12. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    We are thinking of picking up early instead of waiting until spring. Depends on the weather. Like the idea of camping in the garage to run through everything. Winter camping in warm weather also sounds like good idea. North Carolina is on our list for the spring to visit one of our sons. Then later south and out west. Now making a notebook of places we see on the news to plan to see later. The Sunday Morning show this morning had a story about Moscow, Idaho and an art gallery with an exhibit of pictures of plates of fruit. The photographer started presenting fruit in an appealing manner to entice his kids to eat more fruit. Then they showed the farmer's market in town where he bought his fruit, and we just knew we had to go. Another story about Spam and how Hawaii sells more Spam than anywhere. Didn't know that there were 14 different kinds. Hawaii is a little too far to go not to mention transporting trailer and TV, but maybe a factory tour in Minnesota?
    Oh well, planning is half the fun!
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Oooo... This is the time for your happy dance!


  14. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    This is exciting for you! We follow in April and can't wait! I think that planning is half the fun!
  15. Chuckwagon

    Chuckwagon Junior Ranger

    NC has a mixture of cold and warm days in the winter, so if the timing is right, we could get some good winter camping in. We could also head south for warmer weather. I hope that we can work with our schedules and the weather to make the trip to Necedah to pick up our 560 soon.
  16. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I hope you are able to pick up early so you can enjoy some winter camping. I understand that the trailers are very well wrapped in the winter to prevent salt damage so you can unwrap when you get out of the salt areas. I sure wouldn't want to risk slick roads though. It would be great to get an early start on traveling by heading south.
    GinaNBob, If I lived as close as you do I could not have resisted the temptation to pick up early. Have fun. Maybe you can head south also
  17. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    Thank you for your encouragement and enthusiasm. We are going to watch the weather and make the decision once the build is officially done. Look forward to meeting many of you next year when we start traveling. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
    Gina and Bob
  18. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hope to meet you too along the road! Look forward to hearing from you that you got your CI! Have a wonderful holiday today.

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