Itinerary Nw Round-up 2015

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by slumry, Sep 28, 2014.

Added to Calendar: 08-20-16, 08-21-16, 08-22-16, 08-23-16
  1. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    I love Champoeg and there is a lot to do. I would recommend camping in individual sites particularly A loop in the 30 and above range on the outer loop. Nice sunsets. The RV group camp is asphalt camping. You are off by yourself but it is not really scenic.
  2. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Re: NW Round up

    Other gatherings have folks reserve their spots and they try to keep them close. Not sure if they are able to block several out or people just sign up and say where they are. I think TBTR does it that way. If we worked out the weekend, being this far out people could reserve their spaces and we would be together I bet.

    This might be a great option. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Re: NW Round up

    It really depends on the park and whether you are have a group site or individual ones. Most of the gatherings we've been to are ones you have to register for yourself. Sometimes a loop or area is designated and then everyone reserves a site in or as close to that as possible. Other gatherings are able to block off a group of sites, an entire loop or even the entire campground and everyone still reserves their own site.

    This was the first year that TBTR was able to reserve the entire loop ahead of time for Friday-Sunday. Everyone had to send Tina their campsite fees. If you were coming in prior to Friday evening, you then reserved your own site online.

    For the Camp-Outt, we pretty much own the for a site then group up wherever you want with whomever you want.

    Lots of options!

  4. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    Just trying to keep the location still to be determined? And have the dates been decided? I am thinking we will come too! Thanks to Everyone for making this happen.
  5. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Re: NW Round up

    Something will work out, I'm sure, especially when so many want to come. We want to come! I so missed being with everyone at CICO this year...

    Going through Camp Inn withdrawals! Aaaaaahhhhh....

  6. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    Diane Michael, you would for sure have the award for coming from the longest distance. Very exciting especially if you are full timing and get to spend the time to explore everywhere you go. Folks from the area will have lots of suggestions for you.
    Sue, I've been reading your posts and am looking forward to meeting you.
  7. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    My understanding is that if no other venue works out for the group that I will book Mossyrock again on 1/1/2015, the earliest I can book it. I am still hopeful that another location will be found; Mossyrock should be considered the fall back option.
  8. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    I would love to go to Oregon and that might attract some folks from further south but Mossy Rock is nice and I think it works out very well for our group. The way it is set up we can always fit in one or two more trailers.
  9. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    Hi Pat!

    We'd like to attend the NWRU - we haven't been to the PNW so it would be so exciting for us! And we'd love to meet everyone and take in any advice! We have started a blog at if you'd care to follow!
  10. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    I really like your blog. You have had some exciting travels. I'm a little jealous. Don't plan on carrying your two tents in the front storage box. you will be very lucky if even one fits in there. It will hold a multitude of other smaller things if you don't have the furnace. I do really like my furnace but there are other solutions for keeping warm.
    I really like my Sunbrella/Sportbrella to put over the galley. I got a shade tent but have never put it up because the sunbrella has been sufficient shade and protection for one person and very easy to handle. I sewed some extra material on the flaps and the back of the umbrella to protect the fridge and do a better job of protecting the galley. I can close the galley without taking down the sunbrella and with tie downs it is very stable in wind. If I'm on pavement or can't put down tent stakes I can tie down to the trailer fenders and tongue in front.
    It is a large umbrella that is designed to rest on the ground and when resting on the ground it has two flaps to tie out. Two people can sit under it with camp chairs. Lounge chairs wouldn't fit very well. I have two of these so if I have a buddy along I can put one over the galley and one for shade away from the trailer. It is really just a big umbrella so great for quick stops and easy for one person.
  11. Mark & Casandra

    Mark & Casandra Junior Ranger

    Re: NW Round up

    Do you have any pictures of your Sunbrella/Sportbrella set up & being used in camp? I'd love to see it for a better perspective as to how much covered space it provides for the galley....and also how you stake it out.
  12. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    I don't have a picture. I can't believe I didn't get one on the last camping trip. I've never been very good at taking pictures so don't have the habit. It is so much easier to get good pictures on the digital that I would like to get in the habit. If we get any decent weather I'll try to get some. You can google Sportbrella to see what they look like. The price on the web site is kind of high. I think I paid thirty something at Costco and they are $59. on the web site. Of course I've had them for at least three years and everything has gone up.
  13. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    Thanks for your kind words about the blog. It is exciting and fun to document the road to our teardrop. And it will be our journal of our highlights and travels.

    I did check out the Sunbrella. Very cool design. So many great items to choose from for camping!
  14. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    Just checking in...any new news about the NWRU?
  15. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    Unless an alternative venue comes up, NWRU #5 will be held at Mossyrock on a date to be determined. The options are Memorial Day or sometime late July, early August. I guess it is not too early to start getting input about what dates people would prefer.
  16. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    I vote for late July, early August.
  17. Re: NW Round up

    Late July - early August and we might be able to come from CA - no kids in school then.
  18. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    Late July, early August sounds good for me too. Thanks for your work on arranging it Steven and Shirley.
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: NW Round up

    Yah, that probably looks ok, Late July, early Aug.

    I'm booking stuff to do now, and that time period looks open for now... so I'm in...
    Whatever the fellow TD'ers want is fine.

    (Note: I do have stuff in mid months time and hopefully won't conflict)
  20. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Re: NW Round up

    Late July, early August might work well for us too!

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