New TV Ford F150

Discussion in 'Towing & Tow Vehicles' started by Bazza2154, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    I had to do it I had to buy a truck so now Rosy Lee has two partners to dance with but after our first trip I think the F150 wins hands down.

    We got the super cab and the space in the rear seats is amazing and the truck bed with a hard cover is the greatest storage for camping ever.

    Gas consumption was negligible with a difference of about $2.50 in cost for 100km.

    The only downside is we had to purchase new chains as the stock chains where to short to reach.
  2. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Barry and Annie, nice to "meet" you on the Forum. We ordered our 560 in Feb and have a pick up date of Sept 27th so your blog link is very interesting and helpful. I just installed a Prodigy P2 in my Pilot so your brake controller comments were interesting. Like you, I won't be able to check it until I actually hook up to the Crab Pot for the first time. Maybe I can do it in dry weather!
    It's so interesting to see that you live in Nova Scotia. When we were fultiming in a motorhome, we spent the best summer ever in the Maritimes. Truro and Halifax were our NS base camps. The raft trip to experience the Tidal Bore was something we will never forget - hard as we try! I went overboard and all Carol could yell was "save the camera"! Can't wait to take the Crab Pot up there. Not next summer but maybe the following Spring. We hope to do Western Canada and Alaska next summer.
  3. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Hey! We were thinking of a trip to Canada next year, too. Jim has family history in BC and Alberta and we want to hunt it down. Would you believe there are even two lakes that bears his family names? Lambly Lake and Atton Lake-ever been there, anyone?

    Camp On,

    Sue and Jim

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