Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    I'd be curious on your take on Tarpon Springs area, Sweeney, if you swing through thataway...
    Post-apoc-ecliptic squirrels...circling...hmmm.
    What do they know that we don't...
    Sweeney likes this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    HAHAHAHA!!!! Fortunately, it appears not much :) Someone here said we were in the 70% band --- I saw it through a pinhole camera -- But to be honest, I just wasn't that excited about it. If it were for 3 days, I might be. I got photos from Home ... it was definitely unusual. SO much for listening to experts. I thought I learned my lesson about that, but maybe not.

    It's funny or at least noteworthy since I posted that --- the squirrels do seem to have settled down, but I'm watching....

    Tarpon Springs is a little out of the way -- See how bored I get :D Or, maybe if there's a restaurant on the beach. This is one things I've noticed about Florida, on the Atlantic side (Maybe its just A1A) has a LOT of little restaurants on the ocean. In bigger towns and not. My favorite is Waldo's in Vero Beach --- what a quirky place. Good food too.
    Kevin likes this.
  3. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Maybe 1A1 is like Rte66...
    All those Spring Break pilgrimages, trips to Disney, etc.

    We watched it here on the Left Coast but at 53% it wasn't much...
    I happened to be in WY in 2017 and pulled into a college town somewhere with a party atmosphere of scientists, media and earth child wannabe wackadoodles like me...
    but it clouded!

    Here's a good take from someone my age:
    Son, Sun, Kronos, Kairos
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
    dustinp, dougbee and Tour 931 like this.
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I dunno, last week I was watching the weather and it was really not looking good at all. As I kept finding excuses not to leave the house, and my 'vacation' time was dwindling very quickly it was time to leave. So, i loaded up and left. In hindsight, I kind of wished I could have seen it --- but 4 minutes was not really worth the hubbub.

    Then, when the states started declaring emergencies and warnings about keeping pets inside, and the superstitious fanatics started carrying on doomsday prophecies, it just got to be too much. And for what it is worth, I am religious and do believe a chastisement is coming. When? No idea. But I doubt it will be predictable by anyone with an almanac.

    I'm trying to relax someplace warmer than where I'm from, and wish terribly that my better half was with me.

    Now -- that Missisipi pot roast --- yah. That was was a winner....
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  5. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    The weather gods were in a benevolent mood - no clouds until about an hour after the eclipse. It is such a truly awesome experience, and I'm so glad Peggy was able to see it this time :)
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Pretty amazing pictures!!! I haven't really studied them --- are those solar flares visible around the penumbra?
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks. Yes, those are solar (flares) prominences, so amazing to me to see. The whole thing was just so incredibly unreal. And over in just under 4 minutes - way too fast!
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2024
  8. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Sick OJ humor.
    13F8BEF7-04B5-4755-BED2-FBD8A01C925C by Tour 931 posted Apr 12, 2024 at 5:47 AM
    Sweeney, Kevin, dustinp and 3 others like this.
  9. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    It’s promising to be a warm day so I’m thinking of cleaning up some winter debris. But first I need to finish my cup of coffee and rub my cats ears a bit more.
  10. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    These two cranes just walked by the house. I see them all the time from April to October. Many pass by on their way to Alaska but a few nest here.
    D2F7D371-3943-43FE-A41E-D0BC38FF3D78 by Tour 931 posted Apr 13, 2024 at 6:48 AM
    Chuckwagon, dustinp, Kevin and 3 others like this.
  11. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Heard an interesting take on him yesterday; he was the first place that "Experiential" history was used as a defence. Turley had an interesting take on the whole situation. His criminal trail was a debacle from day 1, it was a circus.

    Judge Ito should have been promoted to dog catcher after it finished...none of the theatrics should have been allowed....not to mention an 11 month trial. That is insane...


    Its quiet! I have been sequestered in Florida. Doing my best to untie some knots I've been tying for a decade. I found the spot I'm on a last-minute check. 7 days in the same camp spot, a week before departure is ALMOST unheard of.

    We had 1 day of torrential rains and 40 mph gusts, but used that as an opportunity to drive a bit, and enjoy lunch with Van. He's got a great eye for "dive" restaurants! He suggested a little seafood shack called "Essex House" which was outside of Astor. Bring cash, and an appetite. Their smaller portion was HUGE!

    What I failed to know before I left home was that this week is also "Fun 'n Sun" in Lakeland, which is a large airshow. This is aimed more at pilots and people in the homebuilder and aviation community, but of course all are welcome. I got there early enough to see the rehearsal of the Thunderbirds, who were the spotlight act. It was impressive --- they seemed to fly faster, lower, and closer to the crowd that I've seen at other airshows.

    There is nothing quite as exciting as having a jet fly over head at hundreds of miles per hour, full afterburner ...when you don't know is coming. Just this quiet roar followed by a a thnderous sound that just left me both giggling and my lips trembling. Knowing that if it were 'serious' time and that plane was armed, anything within several hundred miles was there at the permission of that 1 crew, and there is never just the '1'

    Also getting to see a F4u fly, and about a half dozen P51's, A10, and of course, the F14 --- a plane I have soft spot for....I mean, who doesn't.

    The campground --- probably the most disappointing part. I stayed at Holden Mine just outside of Inverness, Florida. 27 spots, so it is definitely on the smaller side. The state forest seems aimed almost exclusively to offroad trails? Not at all technical to drive, though there may have been others.

    The road outside of the campsite was dusty!! Right across the road from the campground was a massive pile of dirt and dozens of small single dump piles. Dump trucks were delivering more starting at 7am. Which meant a lot of noise and a BANG as the cover slammed close. Then, there was the diesel tractor that was clearing trees behind the existing shower house -- on Saturday morning. REALLY?!!?!?! New shower? New campsites? No idea.

    Florida -- you can do better than this, yet I'm glad this is still off the beaten path for tourists, or I'd probably have never gotten this site.

    Inline update: AH! The tractor seems done with its work for the morning. Its quiet. Breakfast was eggs and sausage, and its just the sound of wind through the trees and a "Michigan Cherry" flavored coffee.

    So much for that, now goes the've got to do it some time --- but not starting at 9 on a Saturday morning.

    Todays goal: Adjust the brakes. I've reached the point where they aren't really doing much and need some more bite.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    Van_and_Terri and Kevin like this.
  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Tarpon Springs felt really built up. Old Florida feeling. The town itself is pretty small and very residential. I drove around a little bit, middle class. The Greek section of town was...very greek. There is a large Greek Orthodox parish there, I didn't go in -- in hindsight, I wish I had. I'm sure the Iconostasis was beautiful, the exterior of the building was stunning.

    The sponge market, the tourist trap, was about 3-4 blocks long with narrow sidewalks and a lot of old fat people. Ice Cream is definitely a thing there....

    I also got to see my first Cybertruk....I thought they were ugly in pictures. No thank you. It reminded me of a vehicle from a dystopian futurist film. No, thank you. I mean trucks are never 'pretty' they are utility vehicles. I'm sure others will disagree -- personal taste is just that.

    I think if I were still seriously looking for the land which we've discussed my location preference is still where it was.
    Kevin likes this.
  13. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Thanks, Sweeney! Great campground review!

    Sounds like you had the best of both -found a place with good advance planning to be settled in one spot but left your exploration itinerary open enough to be pleasantly surprised by the unknown in the adventuring...I like out of the way places on dirt roads...
    I see there are other campgrounds in the state forests near too...bookmarked for later.
    Campground Details - Holder Mine Campground Withlacoochee State Forest, FL - Florida State Forests

    Saved that dive restaurant too, thanks Van!
    Here's one I found in that area you liked earlier:

    Nowhere Grille
    Fascinating dude, interesting neighbors...
    Sportsman's paradise - fishing, hunting, on the "Forgotten Coastline" there...
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    Van_and_Terri likes this.
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    When we went by, Nowhere Grill was always closed; they keep odd hours. I'd guess the gas station across the street, if you can catch the owner there, is probably also well connected. I was really surprised how good their meat supply was :) I mean, the joke is "You're more trusting than a man who would eat convenience store sushi" -- theirs might have been good!

    Holder mine is exactly where I am at. I'm told there are a few more like it around me. These are a little harder to find than state parks --- which is FINE!

    If you come here I'm in site 16 -- I would NOT stay in any that were close to the main road. All sun, dusty, wind throwing grit from the sand piles...pretty miserable. The map isn't quite accurate to the real layout. 16 is 300 feet to the bathroom, nice balance...but definitely do NOT stay near 1 or 27...

    I think my site hit the sweet spot, its got a huge area behind the of the bigger sites I've stayed in.
    Kevin likes this.
  15. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Van_and_Terri and Kevin like this.
  16. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    The grass is really starting to turn green around the house. It was sunny and calm yesterday so I lowered the outside blinds. This morning it’s a slight overcast and the wind is howling.
    0C239CD3-7049-4992-BEEF-19FA1E680387 by Tour 931 posted Apr 16, 2024 at 7:07 AM
    Kevin, dustinp and Sweeney like this.
  17. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I just got back home, started out OK this morning....but the ides of march seem to be here a month late. Stormy, whether it's coming today, then the temperature drops that make me think I should have stayed down there for a bit...

    It was a unique trip. I set up camp next to what I believe were two homeless people and one who intentionally van dwelled. The site was far off the beaten path, in Inverness.

    The best surprise was while having lunch with Van; I was reminded that "Fun 'n Sun" was in full swing in Lakeland; I got the treat of the marvelous but surprising airshow. I was rally disappointed at the T-Shirts, just like Oshkosh -- none of them had any "personality" or humor....just advertisement :(

    I added Holden Mine Campground and other KOA stay...I really generally don't like KOA, but they are good for 1 night stops. The Chattanooga North was accommodating, though a little noisy because of I75 passing next to it. All in all, I slept 8 hours so I guess I can't complain.
  18. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Now having been to both AirVenture, and Sun & Fun do you have a preference?
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  19. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger


    I was there when the thunderbirds were rehearsing, I was in the tool hangars. They did a afterburner high-speed pass and went either right over or right next to the hangar --- it took an hour to chisel that grin off my face. The showline is up close and friendly at Sun & Fun. Its much closer for the performance.

    Sun & Fun is a perfect 1 day show, Airventure you probably need 2 unless you speed through it. I usually "Fun out" after 4-5 hours, so S&F is more my size.

    I'd go to both, and probably find equal enjoyment overall. Its really hard to say because they are both so good. If I were FORCED to make a pick, I'd go to oshkosh. Of course, its middle summer and hot...S&F is warm but not sweltering, and is a perfect coming-out-of-hibernation show.

    Its a tough call...
    Tour 931, dustinp and Kevin like this.
  20. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    I've been to both, but have definite preference for AirVenture(AV), mainly due to the scope of it, which is probably 4-5 times or more the size of Sun & Fun (unless S&F has grown significantly since I was there in 2005). I agree that S&F was about a 1 day show when I last saw it, but I've often spent 3-4 days at AV, and not seen everything. You are also correct in that AV can get very warm or hot, but by the end of July you're usually somewhat acclimated to it.....but you can't go wrong attending either.
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.

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