Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I’m thinking of going to the 2024 Indy 500. I’ve always wanted to go and followed the Indy Series on TV and in the newspaper since I was a teenager.
    Kevin and dustinp like this.
  2. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Another day in paradise. After church I’ll have a latte with the usual suspects and then play cards.
    Kevin likes this.
  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    My town .. look me up. I’ve too grown up with the sounds of the 500 filling my ears every may. It wouldn't be right to have Memorial Day cookouts without that buzz and sounds of the excited announcer…

    Its a shame though… so many things…it’s not what it was. The shortened lead up and passing of so many legends…

    I’ve never been to the race…but I have carb day. That track is amazing
    Kevin likes this.
  4. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Thanks. It’s something on my bucket list and this next year is the year.
    Kevin likes this.
  5. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    ....ahh, the smell of avgas in the morning, and the sound of powered parachutes soaring overhead. Along with campers stacked like cordwood, what could be more relaxing?:D

    Attached Files:

    Kevin, Tour 931 and Van_and_Terri like this.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Loading up…
    No much. I'm 99% sure I'll be there tomorrow :) Look for me. I'll be the mid 50's guy with an EAA hat on ;)
    Kevin, Cary Winch and dustinp like this.
  7. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    I'll keep an eye out for you.;)
    Kevin likes this.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I made it to oshkosh today....oh my goodness am I out of shape!!! I'm not sure how many steps, the watch doesn't calculate real well in that herky/jerky kind of motion typical of large crowds.

    I got there right at the opening of the gates. Usually, I get there mid-morning. BIG mistake .... definitely worth getting there early for. I walked the fligthline all the way to the ultralight, the main static displays, and the 4 exhibit halls....I'm SO SAD that there was no "ooh...I need that tool!" places :(

    While there, I shook hands and thanked Mike Patey very briefly. Mike is someone I have great respect for yet a slight fear for. Mike is definitely one of the bleeding edge types who is utterly unafraid of pushing envelopes. He built "Draco" one of the most extreme STOL (Short Take Off and landing) airplanes ever made. These are used in "bush" operations frequently. And recently he finished "Turbulance" a turbine engine (jet, driving a propeller) which was capable of traveling at 400kts which is VERY fast for a prop driven plane. Turbulance just had an engine seize while he was inbound to Oshkosh. So that is 2 planes, both extreme, both suffering catastrophic failure -- maybe he's pushing just a little "too hard" against the envelope.

    I"m not sure what the rest of my trip will look like. I think I'll be in central Wisconsin again tomorrow (Wednesday) then start heading back Thursday. I need to pick up some LED lights from CampIinn -- remind me to do that tomorrow :)

    Here in Necedah -- I"m sad to stay "Little Crow" restaurant looks like a victim of Covid. I loved that little restaurant. Its departure leaves Necedah just a little more empty. :(

    But, to leave on a positive note, I also saw, but didn't interact with MZeroA (Jason Schappert) and a couple people youtube aviation nuts would know besides Mike Patey. I had nothing to say that was of meaning, so I let them go their merry way.

    Much like I did John Glenn, and Burt Rutan in years past. I'm just happy to have seen them and recognized them :) I DID get to meet and shake the hand of "Apoolo 13" Jim Lovell a few years ago, but not at Oshkosh -- He's some one I would like to have talked too....On that same trip, I "danced with" Jim Balushi during a private event where he and his band played. What a performer.

    Thats it for my brushes with greatness....

    I keep holding out for a brush with Mike Rowe in an airport bar between flights some time...for as simple as "Dirty Jobs" and honoring the value of "real work" --- Rowe is probably the only fame I'd actually WANT to talk too for any length of time.

    Here's a forum question --- Who would _YOU_ want to sit and have a beer with?
    Kevin and Van_and_Terri like this.
  9. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Bob Hoover, probably the best pilot I've ever seen, and a WWII Hero to boot. I was privileged to see him perform here at Oshkosh twice during my early years of attending, but the FAA made a bonehead move, and pulled his license when one of his performances looked off a little from normal. He then continued performing in the EU until the feds eventually agreed that he was safe to fly. His worst day as a pilot was still better than most pilots ever hope to be.
    Van_and_Terri and Sweeney like this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Some one had a vendetta gainst him, No doubt.

    I saw him perform at Kalamazoo (air zoo). Absolute cowboy pilot, to be sure. Even to his famous 707 zero G roll. One of the best. Frankly, I think Yaeger kissed some ones tukus just a little harder.

    When I saw him perform, the the commander taxied to show center stage and then "bowed" with a gentle toe tap - I gasped...

    Good choice for a beer conversation....
  11. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Yes, but you were second on the list.
    I looked for you all day, but someone must have been handing out Dilbert masks cuz I asked about 50 guys if they wanted to go have a beer, and pretty soon I was all out of cold beer. Unfortunately none of them were you.;)
    Kevin likes this.
  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    LOL! You're hard up for content :)

    The show was busier than I thought it would be -- I wish I had planned ahead and set up at Scholler. I'll do that next year.

    If you're there, I hope the storms were kind to you. I was here at CampInn and was pounded pretty good. Wind, then hard rain for about 40 minutes, with quite a few lightning strikes. One may have even hit the water tower...bright flash and and immediate 'crack/boom' I was glad not to be plugged in. Then of course, the 'skeeters came out in force. Last night they didn't bother me.

    I need to head back home a little earlier than expected, I've got some drama that I need to be present for. But, at least for the moment, I'm sitting in the parking lot waiting for the showroom to open...I need to pick up a couple of pieces parts.

    Maybe next time we can actually coordinate, and I'll have a spot at Scholler since they have power now...just need to reserve early.
  13. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    If you want a site with an electric hook up, be prepared to take out a loan. A friend with a motorhome wanted one, so he called the first day they were taking reservations, and asked to reserve a site. They said "sure, no problem, that will be $4800". He said he only wanted it for three days, and they said they understood, but he would have to start paying for the site as of the day the reservation was made. He said he didn't want it that bad, and instead opted for the sites where you can run generators 24/7.
    I've opted for the private campground across the street and a little north of the ultralight runway. There are no hookups, but between the TD battery, solar panels, and the sogen, I'm on my 5th day and the sogen is sitting at about 50% this morning.
    The storm hit this morning,a little before 7. Lots of rain and lightning, but not too much wind
    The Clam provided a dry place to weather it out.
    Might pack up today if the rain stops long enough to get things dried out, otherwise tomorrow.
    Have a safe trip back home.
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Yikes. What are they thinking? That’s insane!

    See how things pan out, that’s a year away. Since I was at CI I used my Honda. It Ran the ac fine. Thought last night the burps were longer. Hope nothing bad happened.

    But with the extended run tank, I ran just fine one 2 gallons of gas. I think the solar generator makes more sense for your application. if bugs aren’t bad, you can probably run the fan and be OK. It’s bugs and and still air that really make AC a must.

    I like the idea of the clam….but am still thinking they screens restrict airflow too much, I really wish pahaque would rerelease cottonwood :(. Best canopy ever.

    what are the sizes of he spots there like? Wide enough for the ARB side room? Really just need the roof more than the sides…..shade and rain fly. Heck, if hey are 15 wide just turn the camper at a 90 degree angle :)

    I met a new CI owner today. He arrived as I was saying my farewells, hope to see our new friend here in the forum….seems like he would be a nice addition to our coffee clutch.

    How was Pokagon? Looks like the rains might have still been in he area….northern Indiana and Michigan looks like they got a nice soaking rain today….it was lit up on radar every time I looked…
  15. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Well, there is a small segment of the attendees, that don't flinch at paying that, just to make sure they get a primo site for the show, and if you got to walk by Paul's Park where the RV's are all nestled into nicely shaded wooded sites, most if not all of those were paid up for the entire month before Air Venture even started, and the EAA is very happy to accommodate them.
    There were some grass hoppers, but no mosquitos in the campground this year, so that wasn't an issue. We spent the daylight hours either at the show, or outside in the shade of the canopies of friends RV's parked on either side of the CI, and there was a nice breeze to keep us comfortable, by nightfall it had cooled off enough that no AC was needed, and the fantastic fan worked well for a comfortable sleep.
    You are right about the temp inside the Clam when it was sunny out, it was very noticeably warmer than being outside because the screens did cut down on the amount of breeze that went through, so outside was more comfortable until the sun went down or early morning, when the Clam was fine. But that is also why we normally try to find a shady site to set up, but that's hard to find there or at EAA's camp Scholler. Short of carrying one open sided, and one screened canopy, I just don't see a solution that answers every bug / weather scenario, and for me the Clam has been the least compromise, although in addition to the second entrance, I wish they had a center flapped ceiling vent like we have in one of our EZ-Ups. I think that could go a long way toward ridding the tent of the excess heat build up by venting the heated air upwards, and pulling in cooler replacement air through the screens. Maybe another mod is in order.;)

    The campground(which is normally a farm field) is very loosely organized. The campground roadways are defined with what looks like electric line locating flags, but sites are not defined, so basically you go in and claim the space you need between the roadways, and that's what you get. I arrived first on Sat, so roped off a site on either side of me for my friends and each was about 15 x 40 ft. So, those who arrive a day or two or more before the show starts get the few prime tree shaded spots, and extra space they want, the rest take what's left. Then, yesterday morning many of the early arrivals who'd had their airshow thirst quenched for another year ( including me), were heading home, which opened up a lot of sites again for those taking in the second half of the week long show. My friends on either side of me left a little earlier than I did, and their sites were filled in about a half hour.

    Running a generator anywhere at any time is fine there (unlike most of camp Scholler). I would say that about 75% of the RV's were running a generator at some time of the day, and most were the quieter inverter type, but it seems like there is always someone who decides a loud construction type barking generator is OK for a campground too. Fortunately that persons site wasn't too close to ours this year. I had my Yamaha with just in case, but didn't end up needing it.
  16. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    great summary of what to expect. I had never paid any attention to Scholler in my past trips, I either didn't have an RV or simply had no expectation of ever staying. I was quite surprised at how bit it is. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the largest RV park for 1 week out of the year....

    I found (and had it at CICO last year) a coleman tent which is what I would use for a longer stay....but anything less than 3 nights, is probably not worth the effort to set up., called the "Event Shelter" it checks all the boxes except ease of setup...It does stand up to win and rain very well. Wind, probably too if you have it guyed down properly. The big downside is that it is steel and it corrodes -- which is the complaint I have seen the most. I need to pull mine back out and assess it.

    Its really just a shade/rain fly. Which is usually exactly what I want. Again, Pahaque, please return the cottonwood!!!! That is the benchmark by which I judge all tents...we loved it.

    I don't know how people can stand having a construction generator running --- my dad gave me his 5k that will run the essentials in the house --- running it rattles my teeth....
    Kevin and dustinp like this.
  17. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    I bought one of those 5+K generators about 25yrs ago for power outages at the house. After running it once, I unscrewed the muffler from the engine, and replaced it with some galvanized steel water pipe, along with some up size pipe adapters until I could get it to the size of an auto muffler inlet, which I added along with a bracket to hold it onto the gens framework so its weight wasn't hanging off the engine. I added some metal flex pipe to the muffler, long enough to run outside under the garage door. With our detached garage door up just enough for the pipe to exit, it still doesn't come close to the quietness of a good inverter gen, but tolerable for awhile, and keeps the well pump running on those rare occasions it's needed, but for camping? not a chance. I'd be embarrassed to show my face on the grounds with one of those running in my campsite.
    Kevin likes this.
  18. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I've thought about doing the remote exhaust on my Honda or Yamaha :) --- Just to get the exhaust 'outside' yet allowing me to keep the generator secure. Not that I'm a 'bad guy' but in a larger scale outage (after a major storm) just drive down the street look for the house that has lights and help yourself.... with a pickup and a friend it would be so easy to steal one of these at 3am. Even if the owner were to come outside, it likely would take a couple minutes for them to realize the power was off. If the generator is behind a door, they can't do that.

    I think the power solution is a couple 48 volt 100Ah batteries (server rack variety) a split phase inverter/charger, and solar panels to match. Put that inverter on a manual transfer switch on key circuits....

    Running just fridge/freezer, lights, and the blower motor on the pellet stove, you should be able to get along well enough. In the summer, just run the camper AC

    The advantage of this is you can _always_ run on the batteries and solar, grid down or not...and save some coin, if you exceed your battery capacity fall back to grid....and buy more batteries :)

    I don't understand some people --- its the barkng dog, loud music, generator types that make camping so much less pleasant...and they are totally shameless about it. Fortunately, those aren't TERRIBLY common...
    dustinp and Kevin like this.
  19. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    This ^^^+100
    I go camping to get away from it all, not to be around those who bring it all with them...;)
    dustinp likes this.
  20. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I stay home to get away from it all.
    Kevin likes this.

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