Announcement Just Ordered A 550---denver

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by Brett, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Brett

    Brett Newbie

    My wife and I just mailed our deposit in for a 550 Base. We're super excited! I emailed or spoke to almost every builder in the country. Camp-Inn offered the best style for the price. And I liked that I could order one without a bunch of bells and whistles that we didn't want and couldn't afford. It should be done in April. We live in Denver and will be able to use it a bunch. I know they have sold very few base models, and I'd like to hear from anyone else that has one.

    We're talking about making Dr. Who curtains and naming the teardrop The Tardis.
    LisaNKevin likes this.
  2. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Congratulations on your order! Having just ordered ours in June for an early April delivery we can relate! We ordered the 550 Ultra, and at first went with a lot of options. But we have since whittled that down and are going with much fewer bells and whistles. We will be full-timing it once we get the TD and hit the road in April!

    Best of adventures with your new baby!
  3. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    We are Alan and Susan and we thoroughly INNJOY our 500 Special.
    It is not a whole lot different from your 550 Base.
    You will INNJOY outfitting it to suite your style of camping.
    Camp Inn makes a wonderfully designed TEARDROP camper.
    Have fun. Hopefully the wait will go by fast.
  4. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    First of all congrats, I have base model myself and love it, ordered only few options and build the rest myself, very happy with the outcome and it gives some personal touch
  5. Brett

    Brett Newbie

    Cool! What kind of things did you do to it? And what options did you add?
  6. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    "It's bigger on the inside!"

    My husband has been a big Dr. Who fan since he was a boy, and growing up in England he has seen most of the 50 years of episodes. We all have our favorite Doctor. When we are out camping, he always says the famous line, that it is bigger on the inside, when asked if we sleep in there. The Whovians get it, others look at him strangely.

    The Tardis is a perfect name! Congrats!
  7. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    For sure you and Mike (mariusz_ania)should talk. They ordered virtually the same unit you are. Try and pick up some ideas on how they set theirs up.

    Also, you two will get along great. You both work in the same profession.

    Oh, and I too am a fellow Whovian. Starting watching old Tom Baker reruns back in the early 80s and have been hooked since.

    LisaNKevin likes this.
  8. Brett

    Brett Newbie

    Thanks Cary! I sent him an email.

    Yeah...we're nerds. I like anything with spaceships, monsters, vampires or zombies. I like the bigger on the outside jokes too. We're going to make curtains with Dr. Who themed cloth. Any idea how many yards I should order? Dr. Who fabric isn't cheap!
  9. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    i got mine with mattress, bumper, suv, backing lights and propane tank.
  10. WFC

    WFC Newbie

    Considering the Base model. What does it look like under the galley hatch? Would you make the same purchase again? Thanks
  11. L57

    L57 Novice

  12. WFC

    WFC Newbie

    After a little more searching I found a photo of the galley area on the Base model. Just simple stainless shelf. Perfect! Does the spare tire option have a designated place or is it considered loose equipment?
  13. Old Growth

    Old Growth Newbie

    I have the 560 but I believe they are all the same as far as spare tire location. Spare tire is under the bed on the passenger side in one of the storage bins

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