Inspection Of Undercarriage 560

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by hiadventurer, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. hiadventurer

    hiadventurer Junior Ranger

    Every year I lay under trailer to adjust brakes, while there I visually inspect the under carriage. Good thing as this year I found that I was missing a latch to the access door o under the alcan area which houses our furnace (see photos). I replaced the missing latch and tightened the existing latch screw which was loose. While there I also checked the screws of the “hooks” which secure the Al an cover and found most of them also needed tightening. Just something to look for if you are under your trailer..R

    Attached Files:

    Kevin S and Gary & Janine like this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Nothing made by man is perfect. That screw looks like it was ripped much happens under there though...afterall going down the road at 60 lots of stuff goes by.

    Whats the serial number? Overall that looks pretty good under there....except for the obvious of course.

    You're right --- inspections so important not to skip on. Thanks for the reminder...
    Kevin S likes this.
  3. hiadventurer

    hiadventurer Junior Ranger

    WALL-E is #735. Garaged. He has approx. 30k miles. I agree looks like one of the “locks” was knocked off, although I did notice they have a very short screw on them so didn’t take much. I ultimately replaced the missing one and added two more, just in case…R
    Kevin S likes this.
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