How Do You Store Clothes?

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks' started by Lynne & Scott, Jun 5, 2019.

  1. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I wound up getting
    Bagail 6 Set Packing Cubes,3 Various Sizes Travel Luggage Packing Organizers
    Search them on Amazon. We used them this past weekend and I was pleased. It was nice to not have to go digging every time I wanted something. The large one fit in the bottom compartment no problem and the medium and small ones fit in the upper compartment, both compartments over the foot well.
    Jenn and RollingRob like this.
  2. RollingRob

    RollingRob Junior Ranger

    Glad they worked out for you!
  3. Doug & Amber

    Doug & Amber Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We too use the bunk beds for our clothes. We simply use duffel bags for his and hers on the bottom bunk and use the top bunk for pillows, towels, toilet kits, small usb fans, extra dish towels, hats, etc...

    Hope this helps.
  4. sim434

    sim434 Newbie

    In my case, yes when you would get let's say a shirt under you would just ruin it so what I do is I roll it and prepare my clothes in advance. What I do is I would have 1 box (foldable) and that is good for 1 day.
  5. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Hi Lynne,

    I have a 550 and use Eagle Creek Pack it Folders - one for shirts and one for pants, I also use a cube for socks and underwear. Those three pack hold a couple of weeks worth of close and are easy to pull out of the shelves and pick which item you will use for the day - Coats and cold weather gear - I roll and push into the middle of the cabinets (no AC). Hope this helps.

    Explore Packing Folders | EagleCreek
  6. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Cubes (organized however your mind is!) and in the high cabinets. And then a bag for dirty clothes in the tow vehicle.

    I needed this approach because I needed to impose some order on this part of my life.

    Different strokes for different folks.

  7. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    13 weeks!!!

    [bowing down]

    :) (but am serious)

    We just did our longest trip: 28 nights. Looking forward to longer trips!! (13 weeks in a row is really just 13 one-week trips, essentially, right?)

  8. janem

    janem Newbie

    We bought a plastic 4 shelf set from WMart and cut the tube legs a different heights and fit it into the closet.We use plastic boxes with well-fitting lids and that fit into the space available. Keeps clothes dry and dust free.
    Labeling them (as Steve & Betsy do) helps. Not taking much clothes with us helps as well, hah.
  9. Chuckwagon

    Chuckwagon Junior Ranger

  10. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I keep all my clothes in the tow vehicle. Socks and underwear in milk crates in the trunk area and shirts on hangers in the back seat. That is where I keep the dirty clothes too.

    I use the sofa and would never give it up.
  11. sarmay

    sarmay Junior Ranger

    We keep our clean clothes in the upper storage cabinets inside the camper. I added two nets below the storage over the footbed, where we keep our clothes for the next day or pajamas. We have dry bags that we use to store dirty laundry so that we can close them up and store them in the rear of our Outback (we're in Arizona, and a lot of the locations where we like to camp in Arizona, Colorado and California have bears, so bear safety is an issue). We keep towels and extra blankets in the storage behind the sofa. Jackets, headlamps, and a whistle hang on the coat hooks. (We started keeping a whistle in the camper after the bear thought we were a large garbage bin in Yosemite, but was not able to get into the camper.)

    We keep medicine, books, games, tissues, and plugged in electronics in the lower cabinets. The glow from plugged in electronics bugs me when we're sleeping, so I like to keep them plugged into the outlet that is inside the lower cabinet so we can shut the cabinet door and turn off the light.
  12. hiadventurer

    hiadventurer Junior Ranger

    All great ideas, we use 6 what I call "step down" cloth baskets that sit on top bunk. Missy got these from Pottery Bark a few years back. We use them for our cloths. They fit snuggly have never fallen off the bunk, even on some of the rough forest service roads. Bottom bunk is where Ellie, our dog, sleeps. Actually don't think we have ever used the couch..

    Attached Files:

    Van_and_Terri likes this.
  13. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    Very clever
  14. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    What model do you have that has a closet?
    Cary, have you been holding out on the rest of us??:)
    FL Carol and Cary Winch like this.
  15. sarmay

    sarmay Junior Ranger

    Anyone looking for packing cubes should look on They're having a huge clearance sale, and I got sets of 4 cubes on 75% off clearance.
  16. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    It is worse than you think. They are referring to a water closet.
  17. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    we have (3) canvas pilot bags. On any given trip, we'll take one, two or all three, based on distance and length of trip, plus for varying weather conditions.

    When we take the tear drop, the pilot bags travel in the tear drop, leaving additional space/making it easier to find stuff in the back of the Scout while traveling. Once we stop to sleep/camp, we pull out what we need, and the pilot bags are stored in the Scout for maximum room for sleeping.

    We always bring a (sturdy) trash bag to store dirty and wet clothes in, till we can get to a laundry mat if necessary.

    Attached Files:

  18. rmbrowder

    rmbrowder Junior Ranger

    I roll each change of cloths together. Four days, four rolls that fit in one cabinet. Sleep clothes and laundry in the top cabinet. Added an extra hook hanger for a jacket.

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