Hopeful Tearjerker

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by JoeB-NW, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Congratulations, JoeB!

    To quote Tom Petty: "The waiting is the hardest part."
  2. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Joe B great news good luck and have fun buying stuff for your new Camp Inn.
  3. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Just a quick note to clarify Mike and Carol's directions...The Villages are just south of OCALA Florida. The area is located in 3 counties...Marion, Lake, and Sumter.
    By the way Mike and Carol....we are still waiting for you to let us know WHEN we can take you to lunch!!!
  4. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    Here we are, about 4 weeks from picking up our new 560. We have everything we need, I think. We are still curious as to our trailer number, but that will come in time too. We have a great trip home planned with a stop at the PNW Gathering. We are just waiting on the link to the photos that should be coming anytime now.

    Joe B
  5. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff




  6. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    666 will be a great number!
  7. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    Oh, that number was specially requested! By a forum member actually. Jonathan_Gloria from San Marcos TX made a point of timing their order so they would get that number, the request was made on Friday the 13th no less too. I was glad of it, wasn't sure how to use that number otherwise. There is a fun story that goes with the 666 request too.

    Maybe Jonathan_Gloria will jump in and tell all?

  8. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    Thanks for the info Cary. That is funny with the 666. That would have been a great number to have......or would it?
  9. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    The Devil is in the details.
  10. tjcrebs

    tjcrebs Novice Donating Member

    From Wikepedia:
    "The Number of the Beast (Greek: Arithmos tou Theriou) is a term in the Book of Revelation, of the New Testament, that is associated with the Beast of Revelation in chapter 13.[1] In most manuscripts of the New Testament and in English translations of the Bible, the number of the Beast is 666. In critical editions of the Greek text, such as the Novum Testamentum Graece, it is noted that 616 is a variant."

    So who has #616? <grin>
  11. GhostOrchid

    GhostOrchid Junior Ranger

    So shouldn't it be DCLXVI?

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