Hopeful Tearjerker

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by JoeB-NW, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger


    Make sure you are prepared to sign a contract about 3 minutes into your tour (if it even takes that long). Climb inside and sit on the bench, lay down on the bed, open all of the cupboards and drawers (if folks don't do it for you), and I have a feeling you won't be disappointed. Mick was really skeptical based on the website and the fact we would be sending a big chunk of money to somewhere in the Midwest we had never heard of. After calling and taking to Cary for nearly 2 hours (I went through 2 of our cordless phones as batteries kept dying) and then seeing one in person, we called and ordered the very next day. We would have ordered that night, but with the time change they were closed. I totally understand where you are coming from. Check it out to see for yourself, but don't fear either! They are really stand up people, some of the best you will come across, selling a top shelf product they stand behind.

    Oh, and we are with USAA too and pay about $160/year for full coverage on the trailer. Totally worth the peace of mind and very reasonable in our minds.

    Welcome to the forum and best of luck with your most probable future purchase! :)
  2. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    Just be aware that if you are financing the trailer, your bank may have minimum coverage requirements.
  3. ghaynes

    ghaynes Novice

    Joe seeing one is over rated. Just buy it site unseen :D
  4. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    The water's fine....Jump in!!
  5. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    We are in between movies right now...enjoying a day off...
    Just watched A Christmas Story ( for the 100th time) and now we are getting ready to watch Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? (for the 100th time) and we can say the same...THE WATER IS FINE BOY'S...COME ON IN!!! Camp Inn (the preacher)has washed all my money (sins) away!
    My husband Alan said/thought the same thing..."You are gonna spend that much money on something you've never seen?" And I said "I can tell it's good quality...I've shopped enough online to know!" Cary, of course, tried to talk us out of the 1 door model but I told him that my husband NEVER woke up at night for "necessities" and that he would sleep against the "wall". Of course it turns out that I LIKE sleeping against the "wall" and I climb over him regularly to relieve myself.
  6. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    Mick' n Sarah

    I think that 3 minutes was just about right.

  7. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    Anna & Steve

    Consider "hopefull" removed.

  8. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    To explain the two previous posts:

    Dave and Linda were gracious enough to invite us to their campsite this past weekend, they were camped just a short drive from my house. My wife and I had the oppurtunity not only to see a CI 550 in person, but to see it set up and being used in camp. If there is a better way to show off a "camper" I certainly can't think of it.

    I was immediately impressed with the quality of the craftsmanship and the attention to detail. My wife was assured that the added size of the 560 (compared to the 550) would in fact be sufficient room to suit needs.

    We spent about an hour with Dave and Linda. Dave showed me many of the details about the CI that aren't mentioned on the CI website. He allowed me to see how adjustable the flame on the stove is, and many other things that are great selling features. I am not sure what my wife and Linda spent their time talking about, but my wife left impressed as well.

    To sum it up;

    Stand by for a phone call so we can OFFICIALLY place our order. Have a cup of coffee and a Snickers handy, we may be a while.

    Dave and Linda,
    Thank you for your time and willingness to show off your CI, you two are truly great salespeople and ambassadors for CI.

    Stephen and Shirley,
    We would still love to see a 560, if you are still up for the October 5th showing.

    Joe and Alex
  9. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Joe and Alex,

    You are more than welcome! You will have a blast... we are. As Frank P told me during our visit... sleeping indoors but cooking outside is still camping... just a nicer matress and the cooking gear is ready with the flip of the lid!

    See you at the 4th annual NW Gathering.

    Dave K
  10. Deb

    Deb Novice

    Good for you Joe B! Welcome to the family!
  11. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    JoeB great news let the good times roll.
  12. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yep, I say it's the best of Both Worlds....

    Indoor sleeping, dry and warm
    Outdoor cooking, at the flip of a lid (hatch)

    "It don't Git No Bedda dan Dat"

    When you see the Big Boys, RV, Houses on wheels,Condos on wheels, you will see them, most, with outdoor cooking... Why is that???

    heheh.. cause it's CAMPING..

  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Frank is sooooooo right; it doesn't get any better that this. Can't tell you how many Sno-birds we've met who long for something as simple and elegant as our CI. Others wonder how we survive without TV, radios, microwaves, plumbing, yadda, yadda, yadda. We can't understand why you would want all that stuff when you're in the middle of Nature.

    It's a wonderment.

    So good for you on choosing the CI trailer. Best move you ever made. And welcome to the family.

    Camp On,

  14. Janet G.

    Janet G. Newbie

    Is that a propane firepit? Here in AZ we often have fire restrictions so I was looking at those for the campfire ambiance even in no burn areas.
  15. slumry

    slumry Novice

    JoeB, of course you are welcome to look at our 560 as we had planned. Until you actually sit in a 560, it is difficult to understand the different look and feel between the two types.
  16. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    Great, thank you. We should have the order placed before then, but we would to see it, and also meet the two of you.

    Joe and Alex
  17. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yes, love it...

    A bit bulky to carry around, but with lava rocks and logs it does give off a lot of heat but it does give the Atmosphere and is nice...


    Sigh, I know, i know, I post too many photos, but I do believe they help post the "Look".. to get a better idea.

    Having said that, I do have a New Log set up but it's like in 12 pieces and fits like a jigsaw puzzle, which to this day, I haven't figured out how to put them together.. heheh Some day I'm sure, when I have nothing else to do but to start feeling "Frustration" heheh


    Ps, biggest problem in using in C-c-c-cold weather is that the Propane won't liquefy to gas. Tried boiling water, works a little then poops out and freezes.. next thought is some "Chem Heat Pads" duct taped around. They do have the Pipe warmers wires was thinking about that, but a little wary of Electric power around Propane.. probably not a big deal but?? dunno...

  18. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yep, I had been looking at that.. should be fine, small and at night you won't notice the difference... it'll work just fine..
  20. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    We're looking for a small, free-standing fire pit(?). Hard to call it that when it's free-standing. Hhhhmmmm..., but we want one that doesn't use gas. Everything we've seen is humungous and EXPENSIVE. Can you use Little Red with just wood or charcoal? I'll have to check that out.

    And Frank, keep posting the pics. Love 'em, LOVE 'EM !

    Camp On,


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