Franks OTRA - Where's Frank-O now....

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yeppers Evan,
    That's the whole change over...

    Wont' be able to get a "Camper" for another year or two, hopefully sooner than later. Once I get the camper, then I'll probably get a little longer trailer to carry some gas etc.. but more to stop the swaying this little one has.

    Kudos to Camp Inn, for not having the Sway. Thought Cary mentioned something about the weight to axeles to hitch distribution.

    The little 14' Nellie trailer sways all over the place. Was starting to look at sway bars, but will sell it for a new one.


    (believe the pic is for a short bed, I'll be getting a long bed, crew cab.)

    I'll have to extend by about a foot, but they do it all the time so we're good to go... it's wide enough, actually, perfect fit.


    and when I get the Camper, it will fit perfectly also... so I think (knock on wood aka my head) good... heheh, I hope anyway..
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Frank, I don't get it. If Nellie fits in the bed then can't you just tow your Camp-Inn? Why do you need a new camper?
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, Evan, sorry for the confusion... it's going to go like this.

    Right now, I can't take both at the same time. My current truck can't carry Nellie at all, barely pulls the Trailer. So it's either take Le Droppe to just go camping or take Nellie just go Riding.

    I wanted to get them both on the same trip, but.....
    I needed to get a bigger truck. I went all through the gambit on various options, toy hauler, top deck sled, long trailer for both etc and nothing really fit.

    Finally learned about the "Flat Bed" on the bigger truck which I would have to get regardless if I was to take them both.

    I could then, put Nellie on the back truck bed and tow Le Droppe. Now, that would be the ideal situation until I start thinking about where I'd be camping. Nevada or Moab, UT 115F, out in the boon docks then remembered all the times when I called it "Quits" camping with Le Droppe, i.e. Wind AND Rain. By themselves I can usually manage, but when both hit, it's a PITA and I'll call it.

    That, along with the colder camping, staying warm and having a little walk around space, inside warm bathroom/showers, cooking and AC in the hot times made me realize I should probably move on to the truck camper setup.

    I can't do both, sorta pointless to have both and I'd have to sell Le Droppe for down pymt on the camper.

    As much as I hate to let'er go, it's the only viable solution to an Aging camper like myself...

    Thus, end results will be the Big tuck with the Camper on the back towing Nellie in a little longer, stabler trailer. I can then truly go and stay in the 4-season zones...

    Hope that helps, thank you for asking... and believe me when I say, I'm going to hate to let'er go... but it'll still be a year or two from now...

    Hope that helps...
  4. Dahava

    Dahava Novice


    I guess I'll just come out and say it...if you have to sell Le Droppe, and all of us just have to accept this, then you have to at least promise to stay active on the forum and post! We just can't go along with this decision otherwise.

    Meet us half's just the right thing to do! ;)
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Dan & ,Ahem, and Vanessa? out in the Ether there somewhere... Hmmm Or is there REALLY a Vanessa? heheh...

    Boy, that would be great if I could. I just didn't think anyone would be interested so thought I'd just wander off out in the desert waving Goo-bye...

    But, If i can, I would love to stay....

    It's a year or two away before I have to switch and once I get the Truck & Bed, I'll be re posting Le Droppe pics happenings.

    Thanks Dan, appreciate it... heheh, oh and Vanessa..... I have an SO too... "Ms Harvey-ette??" actually Nellie and my Assistants, too numerous to mention eh???
  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Mentos & Coke (Pepsi)

    Hopefully they won't take it a step further into this...

    Pepsi 'Full Throttle'


    Start'em off young


    and they grow up, well sorta, hopefully not in the mind too much.


  7. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Salt Creek 2014 Pics


    Well, this was a non-event trip but kicks off the Camping season now that Summer, aka “BKT” (Bugs Kids Traffic), season is over.

    I thought I’d try the open Area, camping with the Big Boys, RVs, and try the view. While the view was ok, the camping in-between two Walls is not. Lessons Learned eh?
    I’ll do the point anytime, next time for sure. Met two other TD campers, and set up the “Happy Hour”. The camp host was a little antsy with just the beer showing so skipped “Ms RITA’s” (blender) performance and went manually. Did a taste test on 3 different Tequilas and felt each one has their own value.


    Checked out the Elwa Dam area now that it’s been dismantled and looking good. 2 years from you’ll hardly know there was a Dam there. Damn good job folks.


    This month, Oct, off to Silver Falls, OR for a waterfalls shoots…
    Let the Camping Season begin…

    Fun eh??
  8. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Frank, one off-roader to another, I hear where you are coming from regarding Nellie.

    I am currently a 2 wheel guy (WR250F) but looking at moving to a UTV at some point because I really want to bring my wife and she won't ride 2 wheels anymore...not sure she will go quad though we are going to give it a shot over T-Giving weekend. I really don't want to give up the 2 wheel ride because I really do love the freedom but UTVs look like a ton of fun too.

    I have been looking at trucks and saw that you could squeeze a RZR1000 in the back of a truck though it is a tight fit. That is what we will likely do.

    I grew up with the Truck Camper experience and I really would not want to be in one of those during windy days, especially during a drive. Though I have not experienced it in a teardrop yet so I don't have a fair comparison. I do know that campers can be kept warm...though I really don't like the construction methods used on campers, they just smell from all the glue, etc. used to build it. My wife got a migraine every time we stepped inside one when we were looking at them late last year and early this year.

    Not trying to talk you out anything but I do understand your reasoning all too well. I have been struggling with that very thing trying to find an alternative to a big truck for bringing toys.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, Jay... Kewl.... they are a kick, easier on the back too. heheh....
    'Struggling' is putting it mildly, LOL... For a 3+ month period I found I was changing about every 6 hrs on a game plan, Gawd.. heheh.. finally settled on the Big Truck Dually which should help stabilize it during driving and wind and off road

    Now just a note here, note carefully that pic is of a RZR 800. Not a RZR 1000 (1k)... Note the number 800 just above the ft tire.

    The 800 & 900s will fit... the 1k will not, wider wheel base, thus the flat bed/trailer requirement. On top a truck bed with a sled just doesn't appear stable but people do it. Just seems like a too high Center of Gravity for moi. Curves, winds etc...

    Truck Campers, I hear ya, but the Arctic Fox is a real top quality unit and no smells.. It's a 4-season one too which helps with the heat. I have 2 friends that have had theirs for over 5 yrs each and swear by them. So I'm not too worried about that... Wind etc, heheh, it's always something right. They do have some sort of stabilizer when off the truck, not sure how effective it is, but ??? Haven't heard of any issues, they are on the heavy end of the scale, Alum & fiberglass.

    The 1ks are over 50" (64") if I recall and can't go on a lot of trails as being too wide. You'll see a lot of 50" trail limits.

    Another option you might think of is the new Polaris ACE..

    I'm thinking of one of those too to use on the <50" trials but most use the RZR 900. The Ace is a single seater, think of it like a quad with a comfortable seat to sit down on and a cage. I'm thinking they're a little under powered and would like to see a little bigger motor, but?? they go pretty darn good.

    and those would certainly fit into a truck box, not sure about 2 of them though.

    You have some great riding out there and Utah is close, relativity speaking that is...

    they are a kick... and lots of meetings etc...

    Here's a board link if that would help..

    They encourage you to ask any questions you might have, but free to browse around, lots of stuff there..


  10. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    The Ace looks nice but I would really need a 2 seater. Have not yet done much research on the SxS yet as it is still a few years out before I can save the funds to get one. I am hoping she will like the quad enough because I think I can get a quad and bike in the back of a truck and still haul a trailer.

    Sounds like I may need to stick with a 900 on the RZR and still fit most trails. I'm guessing there is enough aftermarket stuff to squeeze more HP out of a 900. I know just rejetting my carb and putting an FMF pipe on my bike really made the bike pop. I am guessing similar mods to a UTV would give more pop as well.
  11. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yep, they have mods... believe some get up to apx 300 hp... but a good rebuild with Turbo on gas gets it up to apx 200hp+....

    It's what I'll do with mine once I blow the motor...
    Of course you have to redo the clutch/axles and the complete drive train...

    I just plan on replacing upgraded stuff as I break'em...
  12. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ah oh Frank. I can see it coming now. Did you mean you will upgrade as you break stuff or break stuff so you can upgrade. lol It sounds like a great outfit you are cooking up in your head. I hope you can get what you want and get doing what you want real soon. These years go by all too fast. I retired at 60 and it seems like yesterday and I just hit 70.
    Because of the camping you enjoy (all weather) I can see why it would be more comfortable to be indoors during some of the bad weather. I'm not too thrilled myself to get up on a rainy morning and go out to fix my coffee and breakfast. It works alright, but I'm not thrilled.
    I don't like the idea of cleaning that tiny little bathroom so I might be willing to give up something else to have a little bigger bathroom. And be sure and shop for some decent steps as it looks like your camper will be up a few steps and some I have seen are pretty shaky with no rails.
    Keep posting no matter what you do. I love your pictures and hearing about your adventures.
  13. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Pat, I'm hoping for the truck next year and then I can pull 'Le Droppe'. Following year I'll be moving up to the Camper.

    Same thing, I can handle rain or wind by themselves, but when they join hands for any length of time, it's 'Pack up and go' time...

    Lot of places, desert, Utah, Nv have wind and dust and it's not fun. But camper is a few years off...

    Bathroom, I was thinking the same thing initially, Dry bath means separate stall with curtain, wet bath is a single all in one. Several people who use them both say the 'web bath' as it's easier to wipe down and keep looking neat. So wet bath is the choice. Wipe it down each time used and it stays clean. Not a separate cleaning needed.

    One step at a time eh?

    See ya on the trails...
  14. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    CAORWA Coastal Route - planning.

    If everything goes well this week I might be able to finally do the Coastal route, Hwy 1? from San Fran to Neah Bay and home...

    Here's hoping...
    Tentative Route

    Shoot down I-5, 101 and over to 1... starting at the Red Woods.
    Finally... heheh..

  15. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yep, Need to sell "Nellie" and start back to square one...

    I'll get another RZR later on down the line, but have to get the truck first and work up from that...

    So, back to camping/wandering for this year... right now, if everything works out this week, I'll head out next or depending upon weather down there.. Not looking to do it "ALL" in the rain.

    That's the game plan right now anyway.. heheh, subject to change on a whim...

    Hope all is well back there Ms Jenn...

  16. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Great trip Frank, hope this fabulous weather holds for you.

  17. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Michael...

    If weather is good, I might start next week or sooner...not sure yet.. still looking at the overall plan..

    Hope all is well, wherever you all are..

    gotta exercise the "Kitchen" you know, every now and then..


    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  18. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I hope you have a great trip. This is the first I've heard about selling Nellie and starting over. Did I miss something? Have fun.
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Pat,
    No, just recently, but not to worry, I'll have her or something like her back by end of year...
    thanks for the Clarification on the "Springy Thang"..heheh.. they just look awful heavy compared to the thin cable that's on there now..
  20. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    This is the final goal, a few years in the making, but it starts with the Truck...

    That's the key, so letting "Nellie" go for now and focus on the Truck. Then I can take the "Buggy" and "Le Droppe" at the same time and then the camper & Cargo Trailer..

    Then I'm done.. heheh
    for now anyway...


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