Franks OTRA - Where's Frank-O now....

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Mt St Helen's Ape Caves 2008: Starring The "Monster of the Caves Dwellers"

    This is an older trip taken with My Friends Colleen & Roland and Rich, my Dive Buddy at the time, who had a CampInn 248 just before mine, have since upgraded to a cabin over on the peninsula, WA... but it shows the highlights of the area.

    Just south of Mt St Helens, the Lower Sumpt'n campground in Fall, but the real highlight was the "Ape Caves".

    Lava Tubes from Mt St Helens a long time before it erupted and about a mile + long... Pitch black, obviously so several flashlights required and warm clothing... quite an experience it was...

    Gallery Pics here

    Falls at the campsite:


    Inside the Ape Cave... There are several, but only one that's easily access...

  2. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Not sure if this would work for a side by side but you could try something like this...

    I am doing something similar for my Yamaha WR250F. Granted, mine is a dirt bike but just using a simple hitch carrier for the bike and then putting the trailer behind.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, thanks Jack, that's pretty kewl... and for dirt bikes would be ideal.

    Nellie weighs in at about 1300lbs Dry.. so it wouldn't work. I've got the trailer now and have the Tenting setup, basics anyway, so I'm pretty much resigned to that scenario...

    I will stay at Motel 6's if traveling.. cheaper than KOA cabins and not wanted to set up/tear down just for a "SnG" (Sleep 'N Go) type of traveling.

    I was/am set to go Dune riding on Wed, was planning on camping but weather is just at the bottom of the "Fun Scale" at 8F & -8F wind chill.. so just hitting the Vantage, WA area for the day.

    Thanks for the thought, I'm still looking.. and unfortunately the above scenario would require a bigger truck.. Sigh... a slippery slope indeed...
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    And no, I'm not asking if you WANT a Pum whatever that is...

    "Back in the saddle again, heee hawww"

    Over on the Columbia river, what's left of it that is... Wanapum Dam got a crack so they had to drain a lot of water, lowest is 50 yrs... 30' lower... still some water, but you can see the sand bars...

    So, things are getting back to normal again, I'm figuring 1 trip with "Nellie" and one with "Le Droppe" once a month.. if not more. And as if now, as in right this minute, not 30 min from now, it's nice, No Wind, No Rain, we're good to go... 3 nights leaving Sunday... and then Nellie down to Oregon to ride the Old Sour Dough Trail... and Ms Nellie will be all tricked out.. decals are on the way...


    and I got the Christmas tree lights up and running...heheh, we are set...
  5. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Frank, I don't seem to recognize the exact area you are camping at, what site where you are? I am Glad they lowered the river to protect the dam, it must be pretty interesting.
  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I'm at Wanapum Rec area, it's hard to find as it goes by several names, Ginko.... but it's about 5 mi south of the I-90
    Google Maps if it works right..

    above the dam, below I-90... I'm sure you've been here...

    Sigh, rain, light, and winds foretasted for tonight...
    AND to make matters worse, the 1st of the bad 3 has started... BUGS, of the BKT Tirade hopefully the other two will wait their turn... I hope...
  7. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Light rain, ouch. The picture looks great though, loving the blue skies. The weather looks like it's improving up there, hopeful signs anyway, we will quicken our pace home now. Should be home by April fools day, here's hoping the weather doesn't play a practical joke on us.

  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    should be's a quick one...Sat should be done...
  9. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Wow, bugs already. Is that usual this early or is it all that exposed ground from dropping the water level. Maybe rotting stuff making it warmer. Hmmm, I don't know. Seems early.
    We had a couple of beautiful days. I worked outside and worked up some ground. upper part of the garden is too wet though. I'm replacing the soil up there with new compost as it is too dense.
  10. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, it's probably due to the exposed Mud... and it is warm right now... just about T-shirt weather, clear skies.. no wind, kewl... I'm heading down to the dam to "Check it" as it's in sort of unique setting right now... people are out there looking for artifacts and the Native Americans are really upset, and rightly so,about it....
  11. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I say, Don't be upset. Just get yourself out there and look for some yourself. It would be nice if people would turn them over to a museum so all could enjoy. I don't think that just because They have Indian blood the artifacts belong to them.
  12. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, actually I was referring to a "Tribal Burying Ground".. diggin up remains which in my book is a No-no unless they over 500k old... not just the pots & pans etc... although I think they are finding them...

    Now wind is blowing like heck.. had to take down the canopy, put up the wind screens...
    Clear skies though...


  13. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    O.K. I get it now Frank. No one wants their dead ancestors disrespected. I didn't know they flooded a burial ground. Although it will probably take some research to discover whose ancestors they really are and How old they are.
    Great pictures, sure wish I had my trailer.
  14. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, it was a combo of both, burial and artifacts etc... but they are considered a "Nation"... so it would be the same for us to dig up artifacts in Canada or Mexico without permission... anyway, I didn't any thing around here...

    Time for the moring routine.. heheh

    Okay, back in the Saddle now. wind, no rain. Coffee on breakfast ready to go. Blender in the background. ...


    as Ms RITA waiting patiently... standing by...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  15. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    You got it made Frank. Way to go. Have fun.
  16. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Nice pictures Frank, loving the blue skies, I can feel the homesickness coming on, won't be long before we're home.

  17. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    "Wanapum? No, I have plenty of Pums, thank you so nicely"
    heheh I don't know why that seems funny... but got back, gallery is open , here's the highlights or actually the whole trip.

    The good..


    The Bad...


    and the Ugly.... (actually the nice)


    Started out all well and nice then got ugly with the winds, then nice again for 1 day..

    Highlights: 3 nights
    This was just a camping trip with "Le Droppe", it hadn't been out for awhile so time to get'er back into the Swing of things. Just a simple "Do Nothing" camping at a place near (90min) by, but winds can be a problem. And they were.Thurs-Sun. visited a "Poker Run" with Single/ATVs and a few S&S (Side-by-Sides) just to check it out. They were right across the campsite way up on the hill, Wind probably had a field day. I did get an idea of "Rigs" and liked the tan ram with the Artic Fox camper, so looking in that direction, Toy Haulers on back burner. Then Margaritas or more accurately "Hurricanes".. and those were brutal. Rich P showed up so I wasn't just staring at the grass..

    Good trip, good to get back out and now that the dust has settled more or less, on Nellie, I should be getting out more often. End of month off to the Sour Dough Trail in Oregon for a Trail ride and maybe dunes on the way back, still open on that one...
    Photo Gallery Here

    (yah, I don't know why © is showing Beverly dunes, &^%#$@ Picasa)
  18. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ok, Frank has finally figured out what to do now with Nellie & Le Droppe...

    Towards end of year, I'll get a Big O'Truck, Ram 3500 diesel Dually, but with a "Flat Bed".

    I can put Ms "Nellie" on that, and tow Le Droppe... and have enough power for that and Stage III
    Problem solved

    Stage I:
    Get truck - Cab & Chasis only

    Stage II:
    Put on the Flat bed

    Both will be done within a week or two of each other...

    Stage III
    I'll probably need to replace Le Droppe and let someone else enjoy it as much as I am now, but I'll have to get a Truck Camper, Arctic Fox.....

    then a trailer for Nellie to tow behind it...

    But the good news is, that I'll be able to take both on trips for a year or two. After I let the "dust" settle from all this...

    The fun never stops eh??

    finally.... I've be going on back and forth for the last 3 months on this and finally got a solution...
    Kewl... stay tuned...heheh...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I know, I know, Not Camp Inn Related, but the good news is it will be. See earlier post...


    So anyway, I went on a day trip over to Ellensburg, WA Naneum Ridge for a ride. It was fun, desert, forest, burn zone, snow... all in search of Sasquatch... well I was the only one looking, but first time shooting/editing/posting with the little GoPros..

    Photos here Gallery

    Video Here
    (Hmmm.. well, people are telling me, they can't get into the Google Video, so uploading, yet again, to YouTube.. back in a bit with a workable link... I'm told..)

  20. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Frank, will Nellie fit on the bed of your new truck?
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