Franks OTRA - Where's Frank-O now....

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I try Stacie, I try....

    I want to have fun when camping and to go to "See Stuff" and photos.. While prepared for most Weather scenarios, I'll leave if there's no point in hanging around.. and move on to the next place. I can 'Stare' at bushes at home, heheh.
    I have a lot planned/idea, just have to "Knock'em Off" one by one...

    The first page of this thread has all my links and explains a few things. Hope you enjoy it.

    If you're ever coming up to this area, drop a line, I might be able to help find or plan what you want to do. The Olympic Peninsula is a "Must Do"... but there are other places too

    Happy Trails...


    ps. I love Christmas tree lights. heheh
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    A New Addition to the Family:


    Frank is proud to Announce the New Arrival today of a New Baby Girl (Lady) assembled on this date of 1/3/2014

    After 2 months of painstakingly waiting,
    I am the proud Father of a new Baby Toy (Polaris RZR xp1000)

    Name: “Nellie” (as in Whoaaaa Nellie – 107 hp)
    Weight: 1379 lbs
    Length: 90 in

    Pics – decals to follow

    She’ll remain in the ‘Maternity ward’ until fully outfitted for apx 2 weeks.
    Baby Carriage (trailer) is in the process
    Nellie’s Room (storage) has been set and ready to go.

    Should be ready to “Rock N’Roll” in 2 – 3 weeks. Fun…. Ahh err, I think anyway???
    Look for my face embedded in a tree or sand dune near you.
    Fun eh??

  3. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Wow Frank, what a cool toy. Have fun.
  4. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Hey, Frank! Haven't posted much since our return from the CICO (aging parent issues to deal with), but do check in on the forum as often as I can - and am thoroughly enjoying reading about your adventures. Isn't retirement grand? Glad you're having a good time. Kathy
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    thanks all...
    Now have to Break "It"?, aka Moi, In with some local rides and eventually down to Moab... the real kicker is of course, I can't tow 2 trailers at the same time so "Le Droppe" will have to stay home. Sigh, so many places, so little time...

    K&B, yes I've been wondering where you all have been... pretty quiet you two... planning for that trip down to South America?? Hwy 1 is it??? heheh.. fun..

    Yep, Jenn... it's all fun & games... until I face plant into a tree....

  6. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Frank nice looking toy have fun with it, can it pull your Camp Inn. Ha Ha
  7. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    A&S, pull? I wish...
    still need to "Out Fit" it.. much like getting the TDs.... and of course I'll go through the 3 Phases...

    1. Buy and outfit what the shop tells you you need
    2. Buy everything in the place and you start looking like the Shop.
    3. Dump most of the stuff and keep just what you need.

    I'm in Phase 1 now, slowly sinking into Phase 2... now, where'd I put those Christmas Tree lights...

  8. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Don't forget the decals. If anything was screaming for nose art it's Nellie (my grandmother's name, by the way and she was a hoot..and a hotty in her youth!).

    Frank and his toys; the world would be an empty place without you.

  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Sue, yes, she's working on even as we speak.... same lady who did the others, Victory Girl, Jerri.
    I'm removing the decal stickers on there now so it'll be just a flat black mat and the "Lovely Lady" (just one) will be on the doors... and helmet.

    While I'm not sure what she's going to come with, It's along the lines of the above only more like an explorer, maps, compass, sexton whatever works.. looking forward to it...

  10. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Frank, how about this 16' flatbed. Put a light-duty hitch on Lady, and she can tow Le Drop up the ramp. Then they travel together.
  11. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, Evan, that's pretty close to what I'm getting for "Nellie" but I can't tow 2 trailers...

    Oh?? Wait, I get it...
    So both would be on the single trailer??? Hmmmm... Good idea as long as they would fit and the Weight/tow is within limits... 5k lbs for the truck, max.. so should be able to do it..

    Hmmm, Interesting... thanks Evan.... they are both small enough it might work... strap'em down...
  12. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ok Evan, You D'Mannnn.....

    Going in to the dealer on Monday to see if that would work. Just running numbers in my head, A-hem, at 3am heheh, it just might work and I can either load the TD on first with a hand winch, like the boaters, or drop the tongue down to fit a little underneath the buggy.. to shorten the trailer length a little...

    So taking measurements and will run it by the dealer tomorrow...
    Thanks Evan, I owe ya a Margarita... kewl....

    ps. and of course it'll work as I just, two days ago, finished ordering all the stuff I was needing for doing the "Tent" scenario..
    Thanks Much... trailers haul 2 buggies all the time... funny how set we/people/moi gets with not thinking outside the box. I mean seriously, who would think of putting a trailer on a trailer.. Doh !!!!
  13. carolwilliams

    carolwilliams Newbie

    Hello Frank...long time no see. I've been limited to short trips close to home for a while. But free to fly now and headed to southern Utah in late May. I see by your schedule that you will be in the area. So far, I have a reservation in Arches (Devil's Garden) starting May 31 and a reservation at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon starting June 6. Will probably add Dead Horse Point State Park in ahead of Arches in May, and then will be circling southern Utah and Northern AZ for about 3 weeks. Perhaps we will manage to bump into each other? Carol
  14. carolwilliams

    carolwilliams Newbie

    And Nellie is ADORABLE!
  15. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, thanks Carol... now I have to figure out what to do with her... towing? sigh, It's always something eh??

    Yah, I'm not sure of the exact dates yet in June as I was tagging along with my 2 ATV friends and pretty much going on their schedule/route so I won't know more until they decide. Both are in the Navy, Fallon NV, so subject to last minute changes... but I'll get there in that early June somehow...

    Thanks and will post to see if we're nearby...
  16. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Oh Frank,Frank,Frank, If you will look back at my post of Dec. 4 you will notice that I suggested getting a trailer big enough to haul both. Hummmm, wondering if there is a little chauvinism going on here. It is a valid idea when it comes from Evan. I'm just being funny. I'm not offended so please don't you be.
  17. carolwilliams

    carolwilliams Newbie

    Nellie-hauling problem is easily just have to go out and buy a really big new pick up truck so you can load her in the bed of the truck and still tow the teardrop.

    I will check back closer to departure to see if we will overlap, but other than the starting point and the Grand Canyon, I will likely just let the wind and the weather define my course.

    Enjoy your new toy!
  18. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Hey, Frank. That's awesome that it might actually work. I figured that of course you would have already thought about it, and almost didn't pipe up. However, the thought of you in a tent was too much to bear... :)

    So, can you put a hitch on the buggy just so that it can tow the trailer up the ramp?

    And, don't forget that you can always get a bigger tow vehicle if you hit the weight limit. The money pit never gets full does it?
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, yep, "The Money Pits" of toys.... in the end, the cheapest thing was the main toy itself...

    Well, in running the figures it'd would mean a 22 x 8(7) flat bed trailer... a little to much for me to haul around with current TV - it'll do it, within parameters etc, but not going to "slug" my way along the freeways of life.... heheh, until I do get a bigger Truck.. Gawd...

    There's also the Camper on the truck, but I wanted to get "Le Droppe" there.... doesn't appear to be happening... so back to the Tent status... Mind you, it's not a backpacking set up... full XXL cot, 3" sleeping pad, -31F sleeping bag and the Mr Heater Big Boy to keep everything toasty... that combo with one of several "Kitchen" setups, stoves I already have and the 12 x 12 canopy I should be ok.

    That is, until the "Next Phase" but thanks for suggesting it, didn't even consider it.. it's a Trailer... who in their right mind want to put a Trailer on top of a Trailer... heheh MOI !!! almost...

    thanks though...
  20. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Well, back to the drawing board. Like you said you will adapt as you go.
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