Franks OTRA - Where's Frank-O now....

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Jenn, pointed at the top would then focus MY Brain waves and it would Blow them apart... Just simply tooooo much power... (heheh, or not?)

    Note shiney, aka reflective, part is on the outside on top of head.. the underside is dull, absorbing... you learn these "Important Things" once you got down there...

    If you go thru the gallery, you'll see the progression..

    All packed for Salt Creek, simple 3-hr drive.. will be nice to get away and I'll be Re-(for the 3rd or 4th time)Season the remaining pans, 2.. French Steel, Omelet Pan, and plan to cook all weekend...

    I'll post the Before and After pics... trying to Make George Proud... heheh, will try anyway... LOL...
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Salt Creek, you'd like it...

    Going with 2 others.. Me, myself and of course I...

    Dive buddies might?? show up on Friday/Saturday don't know. I stopped counting/waiting for others for camping, if I did, I'd still be home...

    Just past Port Angeles when you get back to this neck of the woods... on your way to Neah Bay...

    Gallery of trip before last:


    that's about 30 feet from a campsite...

    Here's a pic from my campsite (same as last years)


    and the actual campsite it's self


    This site and about 10 others are right on the bluff... several feet past the fence is the bluff.. Waves crashing etc... can get a little windy at times, but worth it...


    fun eh??? heheh...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  3. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Frank nice pictures you find some nice places to camp.
  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Great spot Frank.
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ok, Frank thought He'd just simply boil water & vinegarand then refinish with bee's wax..... little did Frank know, that just popped a few spot.... So Frank is taking it to the next level, the heavy artillary so-to-speak....
    Wire brushes, Brillo pads, gloves, pumace stone, whatever that does? but not going to tackle it today. Campfire and beer time... a little chilly, no fog,but 50f or so, slight breeze that takes away any accumulated heat.... will try to post some pics but hard... they're over on Face Book but believe restriced. will try uploading to Picassa... then copy Pic URLs... PITA to be sure...
  6. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Frank, when you are at Salt Creek, don't forget the sunsets


    but be sure to keep checking behind you

  7. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, Interesting on the cougar..not sure I've seen that sign here before.... right now the Chipmunks are circling only to be replaced at nite by a "Gang" of Racoons.... a little creepy when you shine your flashlight outside and you see 10 eye balls reflecting at you... just wandering towards you.. heheh luckily these ones you can chase off... Others I've encounter, not so easy...

    Sunsets, yep, amazing at time...not this weekend so far.. just a fogbank or clear skies.. I've gotten some pretty good shots, IMNSHO, of the sunset and the full moon rise when down on the rocks or from the campsite #53 area facing East... fun, a little chilly and damp....
  8. slumry

    slumry Novice

    I think they only post a cougar warning sign when they see one. The Olympics seem to have a lot of cougars. If you are camping where I think you are camping, when I saw the sign in 2012 it was attached to a post about 100 feet from where you are now.

    Indeed, the County Parks Department seems to have hired a troop of raccoons to patrol the area and make sure that all the campers have secured their food. They are very aggressive. Since it is supposed to be a “dry” park, hehe, they are also tasked with confiscating camper’s beer supplies. Of course you don’t have any beer so you don’t need to worry ;)
  9. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Lots of cougars around here too. Typically you see them in 2s and 3s near college bars. Never saw actual signs posted, but it's often the topic of casual conversation...
  10. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    D&V ( never know who posted this...) you read my mind.... and I'm ready to move down there... maybe if I tie myself to a lamp post and pretend like I'm bait.... I'd have the margarita machine under my arm as a closer...

    Yah,that might work...heheh, funny..
  11. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    If a cougar approaches, try to make yourself look BIG.... or preferably RICH. DO NOT RUN, that makes them pursue that much more aggressively. And of course maintain eye contact..... no matter how much blue eye shadow....maintain eye contact.

    If a cougar is ever scratching at the door of the teardrop, reach over and unlock the door and let her out.

    If all else fails, pepper spray.
  12. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    I hate to break it to you, but COUGARS are "old" women going after "YOUNG" cubs!!!
    Which I don't think you are.
    An 80 year old might be interested in ya!!!
    Keep hoping and having fun!
  13. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    "... scratching to get out.. "... funny....

    Yep, I know on the older hunting younger, but I thought a Mixer might allow them to A-hem.... over look that I'm no spring chicken..

    Sigh, Oh Well..... try something else... heheh.. going to get the laser light show light and pull a joke on the next group camping, Thanksgiving planned... will start by just causually mentioning "Light Bugs (big ole fire flies) have been reported at the campsite we're going to... and the quieltly light'em up... and not say a word until they notice it... they had me fooled for about 5-10 minutes as i tried to catch one.. heheh Doh !!! factor of a 10....
  14. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    All y'all (which is the plural of y'all where I live) are hilarious! As Bill Murray said in Stripes..."I wanna party with you dude!"

    BTW, Frank- It's always Dan posting. Vanessa actually works!
  15. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    LOL... Dan, Yep, Party Hardy, I hear ya and would really look forward to it... Hopefully next year if not sooner... heheh, it's be a kick... Thanks Dan... appreciate it..
  16. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ok, so just got back from Salt Creek on Monday, nice trip, mix on weather.. Rain is fine or wind is fine, but the Combo of the two, like Horizonal Rain, becomes a PITA and time to think about how long it's going to last.

    Home, Reconfiguring Camping gear, sigh, a constant battle, but coming to a close eh?? heheh, I hope...

    Thought I could get away with just bringing 2 propane take, 20lb, hook up to Le Droppe, and run off the Propane outlet, for BBQ and Campfire. The LP connections were all screwed up and I've pretty much bought everthing there is to buy in connections. Worked with the Amerigas, ordered some parts and ready to retry... heheh, with horsepower, to Wit:
    Le Droppe: Keep little tank, bring in 20lb next to it, hook that up and run Heater/stove/Portable heater off of that. Should freeze up.

    BBQ & Campfire: New campfire froze up, 10' line off a 20lb (5gal) so got a 10 Gal..Yikes !!!! hehehh, big, but just stick next to tables with long hose and should be fine, won't freeze as quickly.

    So down from 4 tanks in truck to 2 big boys. Believe that will resolve the LP "issues"

    Just received the "Laser Theater" light show, 2 of them and was planning on a "Camping Joke" but as it turns out, will be camping under open skies on Thanksgiving at Ft Flager, WA... open field, no trees to show lights.. heheh, sigh, next time for sure.

    Got my pan re-seasoned Many thanks to Master George, had a problem with the Bacon, cold, sticking so back to re season it. Omelet Pan worked perfectly, film at 11.. (photos) Got the Poles (mistakenly got the bigger heavier-duty ones I think? so not sure it'll work but nothing a little hack-saw won't cure.

    Now the big "Item"... looking at an ATV or I guess it's called a ORV (Off Road Vehicle) Polarih RZR 1000


    Logistics on getting both "Le Droppe" and "The Beast" at the same location... haven't worked on that one yet... Store it at location or two trips and plan on staying at a location for more than a few days.. dunno yet. Won't be until Feb/Mar so I have a lotta "Mulling" to go over...

    Next trip is over to Ft Flager, WA Where the clear sky will shine, sigh, but not the Laser Show (Big Light Bugs) heheh...

    Just a "USAM" (Unsupervised Single Adult? Male) going one step at a time... heheh, fun....
  17. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Frank, the Beast looks big enough to tow Le Droppe. :)
  18. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, almost.... just wish I could "Haul it" along... still working on it. heheh.. fun..
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Pics - Salt Creek Oct 2013


    Just a few pics for various reasons of last Weeks Trip to Salt Creek. Nothing earth shattering, mainly to try out some different Camping Configs and Season two pans.. didn't to much else except relax...
    Details at the blog with link to Gallery if you have the desire...




    and with much thanks to Al (of AlCat fame)
    for pointing me in the right direction for a Smmmooooooth Tequila, we had a taste test... and guess who won... with "Two Shots Down" and a smiley lime, it was no competition that Cazadores came out a clear winner...

    Good times were had by all and lessons learned??
    Old Pepsi doesn't work for the Mentos Pepsi thing....
  20. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member


    Thanks for the pics. Oh, looks so nice....
    Pans look good.

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