Franks OTRA - Where's Frank-O now....

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Alrighty, now camped at Moab... nice. Arches is of course closed thanks to all our hard working friends in DC... Spoiled Rotten Kids they are... interesting to note, heard on the radio, NPR that Utah was considering taking over the parks using a "Violation of use or misused of resources to the contract"1 or something like that...
    That would be interesting to watch it play out...

    Anyway, back to the real world, signed up for a Hummer rock tour at sunset... 2hr should be fun.... couldn't do the side-by-side or guided tours with the ATV which would have been more "Funner" but can always come back...

    leave Thurs for a direct route home, overnight just this side of Boise, ID I think is how it worked out.

    Here's the link to the gallery pics, nothing new yet, will be uploading tomorrow.

    and just a reminder, cause I forgot, i put all the links on the first post on this thread. All resources links etc should be there.

    Sooooo fun in the sun, not hot at all, mid 60's... nice, but flies...
    Sigh it's always sumpt'n.. eh??
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    OK, got a few more posted..


    having problems with the time lines, on camera out of 4 are on different time zones, so trying to put in timeline order doesn't really work that well.

    Here's the album link todate..

    Got to the Balloon fest, a real mess for camping. Took a trip down to Roswell, how could one pass that up.. I had the full week,,10 days, booked, but left on Sunday... just too much of a hassle... probably would have die due to generator noise and exhaust...

    and a few highlights..:







    Fun, going out tonight on a "Hummer of a trip" Hummer over the red rock somewhere, I dunno... Sunset...

    More to follow.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  3. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    How many doors did the spaceship have?
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I dunno, they wouldn't let me get near them... afraid I'd break out... heheh I believe if they land too hard, the top pops off, like a soda bottle when shaken... heheh...
  5. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Great picks, Frank. Especially love the fuzzy one of all of us at the table at CICO. Was that after we drank all those Margaritas? I know I was a bit fuzzy...

  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    heheh, yah, thought it would give one the "Warm Fuzzy" look... Lighting was a PITA to say the least... and flashes just white it out.... so "Steady as she Goes"... hand holding etc..
  7. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Well looking like getting out of here, Moab, UT, just in time. PNW, Rain and High winds. Thanks PNW, gawd, just can't loose it, follows me everywhere... already windy, dust etc... Rain and High winds for Thursday... staring already...

    Leaving tomorrow for some weird campsite KOA just before Boise, ID. Just a "Sleep N Go" (SnGs) then home.

    Have a lot of re-configuring to do to allow for "SnG"s and then back out to the Oly peninsula, Salt Creek a fav of mine for apx 6 days.
    I've got "CARMEN" screaming & shouting, Cuss'N a swearing (in a polite way of course) cause I dragged her all this way for only one performance. She had some new Tequila (mentioned in the forum earlier) to try out... like she's all Dressed up, no where to go... iff'n in understood it correctly.. Anyway, she'll be there in all her glory... fun..
  8. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Frank, the wether isn't too bad up here! Should give you a good drive home once you get out of the wet. At least you missed the Typhoon. That was fun. We are still drying out from it!

    Drive safe!
  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Sarah,
    And didn't get to do the Missing Mudslide heheh... next time fer sur...

    Been through Typhoons before... good sailing day?? heheh, More for kites I would suspect..... not fun... every "CraaaaCK...." you hear could have been the tree falling down... glad everyone survived ok... thanks...
    KOA Mountian Home, ID... looks nice, we'll see...
  10. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Well, it was the tail end of one from Asia. Warm and wet...not at all like our usual downpour this time of year. I got to fly through one and sit and enjoy the rest of one in Taiwan once. My boss almost got crushed by the K from a Starbucks sign falling off a building (closed shop just after that...and who says coffee won't kill you?!). Windows of our hotel blew out, there were scooters all over the pace, but our meetings for work were cancelled and we didn't get to do our factory tours so we could hunker down and stay safe. It was intense for sure. This wasn't that bad. Just very very wet.
  11. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Soooo. last leg for this trip...
    Staying in the Beautiful Downtown, megalopolis of Mountain Home, ID... KOA... it is c-c-c-c-cold, 55f with wind... so moved into the den, finally figured out a reasonable safe place to land the beer (fold down shelf is reachable) and now warm and toasty...

    Not sure I broke the 5k mile thingie, came close, but I have to recalculate it. Google maps breaks it up. I thought I was about 100 mi short.. will know more when home.

    Getting the "SnG" down better. Popped a cold one in under 3 min... not setting up for dinner or anything like that.

    Will be good to get home and regroup...
    Anyway, good trip, learned a lot, fun to put names to faces and apologies, as I forget my own name at times... and looking forward to the next big adventure... Looking at the Oregon area and coast.
    Tentatively, trying to catch the fall leaves at Silver Falls (water falls all around), drop down to CA to pick up Hwy 1 from above SF, CA and just go all along the coast to the Olympia Peninsula, WA... we'll see...
    Believe I'll be sticking to the PNW & Canada areas... for awhile..
  12. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Frank, take a wrong turn or two on the way home. You'll hit 5,000...
  13. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, Evan, too late... I'll be checking the figures in the next day or two...
    Made the mistake of going down to AAA for info on the PNW Coastal loop...YIKES!!!! I could spend a year on that one... Holy-Guaca- Moley...

    Trying to set up the App "Major Forms - Vacation Journal" but hard to understand and the "Ads" haven't dissappeared yet..
  14. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Whew, Major Forms is a hard one... was accessing from my PC and can't seem to get it... can't recommend it.

    found another one, not sure how I missed it before but:
    Trip-Journal both iPad/phone and Androids.. look in Google play for Androids

    Even though I've just donated, sigh, to Major Forms, it's more for Techies/Shareware souls... gawd bless'em all..
    but not for this poor soul...

    On to Trip-Journal...
  15. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Frank, let us know if you find something that works. I've tried a lot of them (trip-journal included) and wasn't impressed.
  16. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ok, That time of Year, Let the CAMPING Season begin.

    last trip pics
    (pic is right below the campsite #63)

    With that in mind, off to Salt Creek on the Olympia Peninsula, WA, one of my Favs... 6 nights (just past Port Angeles)

    After re-configuring my set up, I dropped 2 propane tanks, tried the big one (20lb) on the hitch but wasn't sitting tight and would have to bungee/line it, so scratched that idea. Taking the 20lb with me, will hook up when at the site, I'll just put it next to hitch.

    with that hooked up, will run the BBQ and new fire pit off the quick connect on the side. Well, will try anyway. Might not be enough flow in which case I'll use the small tank for the camper's gas and the 20lb for the outside stuff... we'll see.

    Also, got a jacket for the tank to help from freezing.

    At Amazon

    While it is electrical for hook-up times, I'm mainly thinking I can just slide some Chem "Heat" pads in-between...heheh, so stay tuned eh??

    It's always something...

    (This time CARMEN will be able to do what she does best, Margaritas, Watermelon Margaritas and the Mudslides from WI... never got used...)

    heheh, film at 11 as they say..
  17. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Evan, tried the Trip-Journal... wouldn't upload to Facebook which is what I wanted, 2 emails to tech support have not been answered yet. So while it looks good on the phone, can't go anywhere. Can't access the trip to upload once it's "Done".. so moving on to something else.

    Also, just noted that on the last trip I did to WI and NM totaled 5012mi according to the AAA Trip packs.. (I knew it was close) a little more as I did detour about 100 mi so I'll write it up... soon heheheh...
  18. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    CICO to Balloons to Moab and back. Final set of stuff.



    Photo Gallery


    Details here with photo gallery link



    on to the next one, quickie to Salt Creek, WA one of my Favs...

    Round Trip Miles: 5012+ (according to AAA + detour to Clayton)
    Drive Time One Way: 7 days
    Nights in "Le Droppe": 20+
    Google Map: Route Map

  19. Mark_inMA

    Mark_inMA Novice


    Quoting P D Eastman's children's favorite Go Dog Go

    "I LIKE that Party Hat"
  20. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Mark, yep.. blocked all voices... heck, they didn't even know I was coming. I asked them... Nope... so it does work...
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