Favorite Leveling Blocks?

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Randy, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    if that is for me, yes, I understand.

    But to date, and FWIW, I've never detached or had a need to detach from my tow vehicle.

    These (Camp Inn and most tear drops) are so small and light, it makes them very pilferable, so I've never detached my Camp Inn from my tow vehicle while out and about.
  2. So, we actually bought a set of the Anderson Levelers because of this thread!.
    It took us a few minutes to figure out the process that would get us to level.
    When we arrive, The galley hatch is opened, and a level placed on the counter top.
    The large "ramp' is placed under the back of the low side tire.
    The TV is backed up until we're level.
    Then the chock is placed under the ramp.
    We disconnect from the TV and level front to back.
    And finally, the stabilizers are lowered, and any final adjustments are made.
    The whole process takes less than 5 minutes (well under).
    I fully realize that our campers are small and light, and this may be overkill (somewhat), but I highly recommend the anderson leveler simply for the absolute ease of operation.
    Van_and_Terri likes this.
  3. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    I was in our camper and dis-connected the Television as you stated...moved it back ...re-connected the Television...dis connected it again....still can't get the darn thing leveled...I don't get it!!!
    Jim & Selma and PrairieVikings like this.
  4. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    That is because you are backing up the TV with an old USB cable. Try using a lightning cable. Make sure you are hooked up to a power supply.
    PrairieVikings likes this.
  5. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Lipster thanks....I should've known ...to ask you right from the start...being that I am not electronic savy...perhaps you can help guide me through setting the clock on my VCR....it's been flashing 12:00...12:00...12:00.......since 1985
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
  6. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    You guys crack me up. :) The Anderson leveler works amazingly well with the Level Mate Pro. You can determine right from the tow vehicle when you have backed far enough onto the Anderson and have hit level.

    New Leveling Solution
    campdude likes this.
  7. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    We recently purchased a leveling system : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08M3B51GL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and had a chance to use it last week. Earlier I had gotten a different one that didn't have the grooved faces on the blocks, and when I opened it up and put the blocks together they wanted to slip apart, which made me wonder if they wouldn't do the same thing under the TD's tire, so I returned them without trying them further, so not sure if my worries would have been confirmed or not.
    The grooved ones worked well, and the similarly grooved mat helped keep the block from sliding as well while driving the TD tire onto it. Only one use so far, but worked well, and used same sequence as Prairie Viking described above.
  8. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    Camp Dude, your VCR is fine.
    It is set up to record Jack Paar when he gets his show back...
    Randy and campdude like this.
  9. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Thank you Randy...that makes more sense since I dont have to deal with that dam TV or television anymore...but on the plus side ...I am getting in better shape now that Lipster has directed me to re-runs of Jack Parr
    Randy likes this.
  10. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    Listen, you are already in better shape right now than Jack Paar.
  11. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    That's too easy, I'd much rather get in and out of the TV 6 times to see if the bubble is precisely in the middle, and then watch it change a little when the leveler settles into one of the grooves that keeps it from slipping. ;-)
    Randy likes this.

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