Eastern Canada Adventure

Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by Bunni, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    We are traveling to Canada for about 5-6 weeks this spring /early summer.

    Any suggestions on must see stuff along our route.

    Also, we are not sure what kind of fresh foods customs will not let you take into Canada or back into the US. We have seen conflicting information ( Apples ok crossing into Montana, not allowed crossing into Washington.... "Rules on border for foods depend a lot on how hungry the agent at border is. Some of it makes no sense at all") Any recent knowledge might be helpful.

  2. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Benn and Meribeth,

    I take it the numbers on the map denote points of interest you are stopping at? Is #9 Poplar Hill?

    I notice too you are going to be very close by to Barry and Annie's location up near Halifax Nova Scotia.

  3. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  4. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    Hi Kathy,
    Thanks for the info on Freeport/LL Bean we stopped there two years ago. I got off cheap Meribeth only bought a light fleece jacket. Your right about the prices. We like the Kittery Trading Post much better. Lots of great camping stuff to be found there. Worth a look if you are passing by.

    The Map is from MS Streets and Maps. We used the software to plan our trip. A bit klunky but worth the effort. We think it’s better than Google, Bing, AAA, Good Sams …… for long haul trip planning.

    The numbers are where we plan to camp. Have no clue or plan on what to see ….Stop talk with the locals and go from there. This is our kinda random method of camping. Everywhere we stop we seem to meet great folks and the locals are always willing to tell you where to go.

    We will travel 60+ days and 6K+ miles on the road before returning to Florida. The obvious reason for the trip is to get the much sought after CI long haul pin. Why else would we go. :grin:

    Hoping our Canadian cousins might have some good info on Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Island. We plan to spend about 2 weeks in that area.

  5. David Olson

    David Olson Novice

    Becky and I made a trip to Quebec a few years ago.
    Very beautiful. We made it about 1/2 way between Montreal and the city of Quebec. Just like going to France without going to France. It seemed like all their campgrounds were privately operated. Impeccably clean. Everything was in French.
    I wasn't very good at pretending I knew French.
  6. Kelly

    Kelly Novice

    The border crossing rules are a bit of a mystery. I suspect that the rules vary depending on transferable pests and disease associated with fresh products at various times/regions. But that is likely only partly an explanation - some border crossings simply have a reputation for being "difficult." Rather than trying to figure out what I can/can't bring across, I just make it a personal rule to not have fresh products of any kind when crossing the border. It does mean an ASAP stop at the grocery store once I get across the border, but it is just my preference to avoid having my passport flagged.

    I can't offer you any tips on your itinerary as I haven't been to the areas you plan on visiting. I can say though that 'the Rock' (Newfoundland) is very nice and worth the visit should you wish to expand your travel plans.

  7. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    Thanks Kelly,

    We're crossing the border tomorrow. We just finished eating the rest of the cherries and strawberries. We'll get rid of the lettuce and pepper in the morning. That leaves us one potato -- I was told that was OK, but if not, that's OK. We'll be shopping tomorrow for sure!

  8. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Ack, the nasty potato! They were taken from us from the US after we were allowed into Canada with them. No idea. The rules are always changing. Since we often cross the border on the boat, we call into customs. There is no dumping point to keep things safe, so we keep them in the fridge/freezer in plastic bags. If I bring an apple, the core goes into a waste bag in the freezer that we carry with us back into the US, and we dispose of it there. It keeps any potentional US pests with us. That is what they suggest us do at least. We would hate to stir things up, plus the price of groceries in Canada has really gone up in the last 5-10 years (at least in the areas we have gone), so we like to bring what we can. All citrus has been fine, tomatoes have not been an issue. We have had to give up potatoes in the past (more recently to US). Frozen veg has not been an issue, so you might consider that too. Bananas have also been fine. That is just out here going between Washington and BC.

    Have a great time and travel safe!
  9. JB

    JB Novice

    Don't forget about any firewood you may have with you, it's not a good idea to travel with it state to state let alone go to Canada with it due to the possibility of non-native invasive bugs being released.

    That said, try the Cabot Trail on the eastern end of Nova Scotia! Great road.

  10. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    The potato was allowed entry into Canada - without a passport!

    We're at Mactaquac Provincial Park in New Brunswick. It has 3 campgrounds and a beautiful lake. But the water is a little chilly right now.

    We're going to check out Cabot Trail at the end of the week.
  11. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Ah yes - easy to get out without a passport, but not always so easy to get back in. :)
  12. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    Mr. Potato will be dinner long before he needs his passport to get back to the states. ;) Tomorrow off to see the Bay of Fundy tide and eat some good Canadian Lobsta.
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    When we went across the border into Canada at Niagara Falls, the border guard only asked for our passports and where we were headed. I guess he didn't realize the CI was a giant cooler in disguise.

    And when we went back into the US at Sarnia, the US border guard only wanted to talk about the trailer... go figure. We could have smuggled a whole pallet of potatoes.

    Don't suppose there's a potato black market...? Nah.

    Jim and Sue
  14. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    That's it. We are putting the teardrop on top of the dinghy since there are no pontoons, and we will haul our potatoes where we will! The drop is the best decoy and throws them off the scent! :)
  15. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    I say just bake 'em and butter 'em up and call an end to it.


    Well, maybe a little beer and sausages to keep 'em company...
  16. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    Hi Guys sorry I missed this post earlier I see you are in New Brunswick now not to far from us. When are you planning to be in Halifax as we are only up the road and you are welcome to drop by and pitch in our yard if you want. Lovely lake front view with Fire pit rent free.
  17. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    Thanks for the offer but I think we're already past you.

    Earlier this week we were are Klahanie Kamping near Aylesford. We went to Hall's Harbor to watch the tide go out (and out and out). What a sight! Now we're in Baddeck at Adventures East campground for 4 nights. Guess we're in for the remnants of TS Andrea tomorrow. We're going to the Cabot Trail Sunday or Monday. Then Tuesday on to PEI for a week.

  18. How did this trip turn our for y'all? Do you have any top campgrounds or places you recommend? We won't be traveling quite as long but we're looking to head to Nova Scotia and then back through New England to Niagara Falls.


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