
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by mcjimjam, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hey all of you fellow east-coasters! We hope you are all safe from this afternoon's earthquake!! Did anyone else feel it?
  2. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    We are waiting for the tsunami to hit in Nova Scotia,

    Now does that Camp Inn float and where can I attache the outboard
  3. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    We're in Hot Springs, loaded up and ready to pull out at a second's notice - the New Madrid fault earthquakes of the late 1800's were felt here...I love having the CI with us!
  4. sardineman

    sardineman Novice

    We're just north of DC and felt it big time. The entire office building shook, which was a bit scary. Some of the other buildings at the federal agency where I work were damaged. We don't know yet if we'll be open for business tomorrow. A few things were knocked off the shelves at home, but that was it. Most importantly, the Camp-Inn survived. :)

    That's one more thing to check off our bucket list - experiencing and surviving an earthquake, though I didn't expect one of that size to happen in this part of the country.

  5. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    Just south of dc here, we lost a few ceiling tiles. At first it seemed like s low helicopter.
  6. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Hi East Coasters,

    Having survived California all our lives and experiencing Loma Prieta in '89, we send our heartfelt hopes that all is well with everyone. Our news stations reported a 5.9 located around Richmond, Va. Nasty little bugger. We generally don't pay attention to anything under a 5.5. but a 5.9 will get your heart rate up for sure. Yikes!

    This is another reason we are purchasing a CI and plan to have it well stocked. It's our earthquake survival kit in a can! Ready to roll at the next big shaker....providing the garage doesn't collapse on top of it!

    Jim and Sue
  7. eileenpaine

    eileenpaine Novice

    Aren't earthquakes fun!! Anyone feel the Colorado Quake??
    We rode out the '92 double whammy of Landers (7.2) and Big Bear (6.5). The aftershocks went on for days -a bit tiresome, even for us CA natives.
    Hope all are OK and no serious damage - a 5.9 is getting up there and one to be noticed!
    We keep out CI in the garage ready to be pushed out into the drive where no power poles lurk! Sometimes I think about just parking it in the driveway, but its still our baby and needs to be in the garage.
    A good source of info is to Google USGS Earthquake (I never get the full address typed right). Its what we always check (my sister is a geologist and its her go to site).

    Stay safe!
  8. sardineman

    sardineman Novice

    I think things will mostly be back to normal tomorrow and people will be OK. It's just unexpected for this part of the country, at least the DC area. Last year we had a 3.6 and that was big news at the time.

  9. sardineman

    sardineman Novice

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  10. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Felt in Chicago, too

    Hope all the folks on the East coast are doing OK.

    Surprisingly, it shook people around a bit here in Chicago, too. I heard a geologist explain that it's because the underlying 'rock' is quite solid between here and the East coast, as opposed to California, where the 'rocks' aren't as solid, so the effects don't spread as far.
  11. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Re: Felt in Chicago, too

    Yeah, California is a real crack-up. We're still waiting for it to drop into the ocean (as has been predicted several times...still here).

    However, it looks as if the old Golden State doesn't like to be one-upped by the East Coast. Last night, just as we were settling down in bed, we had a little shake, rattle and roll. A 3.6er, centered just about five miles away, skittered on by. Didn't hear anything crash in the house, so we rolled over and went to sleep.

    That being said, if it had been as large as yours, we would have been up half the night checking on everything and everyone.

    Watch out for the aftershocks and take care.

    Jim and Sue
  12. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    We live on Staten Island in New York and we felt the earth move under our feet big time.Steve
  13. Jim 2011

    Jim 2011 Novice

    I had replied to this earlier, or at least thought I had. If it shows up twice I apologize.

    So far too theories have been presented to explain the quake:
    One was that is was the result of a known fault line called "Bush's Fault", the other is that it is merely the result of the entire country shifting to the right.
  14. JB

    JB Novice

    Jim & Mary Anne,

    Well said.

  15. Jim 2011

    Jim 2011 Novice

    Darn it, two theories, not too.
  16. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Hey guys,

    Forget the earthquakes, all you North-East Coasters, better pack the CI and head West pronto. That nasty storm is headed straight at you. I have family in Saint Michaels, Maryland and according to the weather report, this is going to be ground zero before she heads up the Hudson. They are boarding up the house and then going to hold up in DC. My uncle said he wished he had a TD. He'd be out of Maryland in Colorado asap.

    I don't know if there is enough time to get out of her way. She's awfully big, so maybe it is better to hunker down and ride it out.

    What every you choose to do, be careful and good luck.

    Jim and Sue
  17. Alan Hill

    Alan Hill Novice

    the other is that it is merely the result of the entire country shifting to the right.

    We can only hope!
  18. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Re: Felt in Chicago, too

    Irene is leaving the area. How are all you East Coasters?

    Called my family in DC and they are all okay. According to them, about a hundred trees came down in the DC area, but other than that, they received only a glancing blow from the old girl. St. Michaels got quite a pounding from the rain, but the storm surge never materialized. Family says they were very lucky Irene kept veering east.

    She isn't done quite yet, so stay safe.

    Sue and Jim
  19. sardineman

    sardineman Novice

    Re: Felt in Chicago, too

    Hardly noticed it in the Greenbelt area. Couple of power hits, lot of small branches down. Worse thing I've seen is a neighbor's uprooted tree. We've had thunderstorms cause a lot more damage than this.
  20. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Re: Felt in Chicago, too

    Thanks for asking Sue & Jim!
    We really feel like we dodged a bullet, big time. We got a lot of wind and rain, for hours on end. Fortunately, we lost our power for only about a minute, and lost some tree limbs. In our area, there was quite a bit of tidal flooding, power outages, and some trees down.
    The very worst that happened around here was an 11 year old boy that lost his life when a huge tree crashed through his apartment, and a tornado that wrecked a house down at the oceanfront (two blocks from our nephew).
    As bad as it could have been, we really feel blessed to have escaped unscathed.
    Irene affected a tremendous number of people, and we are hoping that all of our CI friends fared as well as we did.
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