Christmas Present -- part 4

Discussion in 'Photo Gallery' started by Bunni, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Unbeliveable, our high today is going to be about 42º

    ...and I want you to know, every night when I walk Duke I have on the CI-CO hoodie you sent me. There's always a breeze off the lake so it keeps the back of my neck nice and warm.
  2. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    aj & michelle

    You will miss the great walk through at the nest. On the plus side you will not have to deal with the weather. There was very little snow and salt on our way to PA for Xmas. The ride home from PA to VA was a whole different story.. the whole trailer was caked with salt by the time we got home. No problem with the salt on the aluminum CI did a great job shrink warping for shipment. Enjoy your CI.

    The rest of the story:
    Three of Santa Elf’s stayed late to gift warp our Xmas present....

    We completed our walk through and demonstration with Cary after 4pm and headed to the hotel expecting the shrink wrapping would be done the next morning and we would be able to leave some where around 11AM. The good folks at CI knew we had a long drive home ...... after we left the nest Craig, Nicole and ? stayed late and gift wrapped “Silver Girl” for shipment. Much to our surprise, she was all ready to go when we arrived at the nest at 9 am. We missed much of the Chicago traffic and were able get to our Hotel in South Bend before dark :grin:

    Many thanks again to Santa and his Elf's for last year's Xmas present.

  3. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Hi Benn&Meribeth,

    We made the trek to the mothership back in September. Although we saw a local 560 up close and personal we wanted to see if we would be comfortable camping in one. So, we decided our first ever camping trip would be the CampInn-CampOut complete with factory tour.

    We had no idea what we were in for but driving to Necedah was a good decision on our part. We rented a 550 and met Cary, Craig and Marty at the factory then later Betsey at the campground. Now I'm a pretty visual kinda guy so as soon as we walked in to the showroom, and saw the two trailers sitting there in the perfectly set lighting I was hooked. It was like walking into a jewelry store with one exception, they had something I'd be interested in... actually, we both were interested in. Although I've been know to impulse buy, there was a voice in my head saying "get through the weekend in close quarters without killing each other first" before you decide.

    Needless to say, we had a great weekend despite the rain. Can't say enough about the trailers or the great folks that make them. It was a tough decision to make between pickup or delivery as we really wanted to visit with everyone again. But then I thought of Lambeau Field in January, ice fishing on the lakes, 18 hours each way in who knows what kind of conditions... maybe it wasn't such a tough decision after all.

    We'll see everyone in September at the 2012 CampInn-CampOut.

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