
Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by Sweeney, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I want to do some boondocking across the high planes this summer....Leaving Chicago area across wisconsin and Minnesota, to Wall, Sturgis, Deadwood and to Devils Tower. Heading roughly south to Denver, then heading back across Kansas. Through Kansas city (Strauds is calling my name!!!) then home to good ol' Indiana.

    Anyplace to be sure to see, and more importantly to avoid?

    What kind if 'isolated' camping opportunities exist in that general route? I'd LOVE to avoid people as much as I can. I hate KOA and "sardine" camping.

    Generally we use State Parks, but I'd really like to find campgrounds where you have tree lines separating you from your neighbors....Especially with a people magnet like a camp inn...
  2. If you like old and unusual things and are coming out of Colorado on 70 into Kansas there is the Genoa Wondertower.

    They claim you can see 6 states from the Tower and I believe we saw all 6 when we were there, at least I keep telling myself I did. It was an interesting site to say the least.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    That has always been one of my favorite sites!
  4. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Camping in the Badlands...there are no trees to separate the camp sites....because there are no trees, PERIOD. But it's gorgeous, so take a canopy and some tarps and make a privacy screen.

    And if you really, really like seclusion, when you are in Wisconsin, go to Governor Dodge State Park. Beautiful, heavily wooded campgrounds. Lots of privacy and just lovely.

    Jim and Sue
  5. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    If you desire a spot in Dodge State Park on weekends, need to reserve now.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    There's a few trees up around Lead/Deadwood, but your right. When you ask for directions, and the guy says "go 50 miles or so, when you see the tree, turn right..." they really aren't kidding!

    Its a beautiful place. Rugged. I can't image crossing up there before air conditioning and engine powered vehicles...not to mention roads.

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