Are we having fun yet?

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by Ladymc, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. starlight

    starlight Novice

    Glad to hear you're area's ok. I'll think happy rain dance thoughts for your part of the country. :)
  2. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    I'd be more than happy to send you some of our torrential rains & flooding...I'll even throw in some hail & a tornado or two for added excitement. :D

  3. PaulaV

    PaulaV Novice

    Note to self-no camping in parks with javelinas and mountain lions....yikes. Enjoyed reading about your adventure. I used to live in Houston and would go camping up in Austin alot, sailed and played at Canyon Lake, lovely. The armadillos were cute and fun to watch, that was enough for me. Funny I never worried about snakes. Rock hopped alot at Pedernales Falls also. Had to leave that area cuz I missed the seasons and cooler temps.
  4. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Paula -

    Seasons? What's that? :( (I vaguely remember those 4 things from Arkansas - they were gorgeous (fall especially!))

    Haven't seen any armadillos - but I did see one large rattlesnake dead in the road the other day...but that was before the buzzards got to him. There are so many dead deer along the roads here (hazardous driving conditions!!) that the buzzards WADDLE from carcass to carcass...I don't think they could fly if they tried!
    You named all the places we're at now - Canyon Lake is where we live, Pedernales Falls, Burnet (Inks Lake) and I'm going to ck. out Austin. Have you ever stayed at McKinney Falls State Park in Austin? I'm trying to find someone who stayed there so I can figure out if it's worth our time.

    Enjoy your new baby! Congratulations again! You're gonna have a blast!

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