Another Stolen Camp-inn!

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Cary Winch, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Linda, Bob bought two of these from Amazon before we set off to pick up the trailer last year. We use them whenever we stop and leave the trailer - restaurant parking lot, campsite, etc. As Bob says, if someone REALLY wants your trailer he/she will get it, but it will deter the opportunistic thief.


    sorry, the picture didn't show but you can open the link.
  2. ghaynes

    ghaynes Novice

    I found the TCL75 was a bit to large and bought their smaller one the TCL65. Got it from Amazon. Strange thing is that the large one is cheaper than the small one.

    Good news is that from the forum there has only been one reported theft, last year and I don't think we ever heard the outcome or whether it was recovered.
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Finally got some photos.

    I Got this one, that covers the hubcap.
    A little awkward to put on as it Flops around as you try to get it on. A minor thing, but have to get on knees to get it and they "Crank it" closed.

    The tongue lock works fine, a little stiff in locking it with the key, not to mention which way to put it in.. heheh, I hate that.. so I mark it with Yellow Paint Pen.. just match them up and Voila' works for me..LOL.. life's complicated enough right??






    Hope that helps..
  4. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thank you for posting lock information and photos.
    March I am headed to Florida various destinations, spending one week in the Keys.

    Due to the compact nature of the keys and high tourist numbers in March, I wonder about security while off exploring.

    Now I know what products to purchase.

    On a side note, Frank, there is a geocache that requires SCUBA gear at Jules Undersea Lodge. Contacted Jules, they offer a 3 hour introductory recreational and geocache class.

    Will be an interesting experience!
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh... Yah, the security can dance along the line of Paranoia, but certain locations might require it, I dunno...

    Geo-caching... interesting. Came across one in Lake Chelan before Geo-caching was popular, must have been the early birds, at 100' done in Lake Chelan, WA... didn't know what it was. A little box stuffed in an old car.. fun...
    Good luck with the locks, main purpose was to show the cap fits over the hubcaps just fine...

  6. jcole

    jcole Newbie

    Attached Files:


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