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Angels In Plain Sight

Jim and Sue L.

Junior Ranger
Did you see the story? It was on the news last night.

A young fellow gave one hundred dollars to a homeless man, then secretly followed him to see what he would do with this bounty. The fellow went straight into the nearest liquor store and - wait for it - spent every cent on food, which he promptly shared with other homeless people in a near by park.

The young man gave him more money, but that's not the point. This fellow, who literally carries all he owns on his back, when given a windfall, shares all of it with others in need. How many of us would have shared it...ALL of it?

Inspiring...and a humbling example of pure, absolute Charity. It made me see that the little I do for others is very little indeed and that one man who fell on hard times and lost everything still managed to retain his humanity.

His angel wings shone very brightly that day.

Merry Christmas, the best of the holiday season to you and yours and may we all allow our angles wings to shine. The world would be so much better for it.

Sue and Jim