Additional 3 prong and USB outlets at head of bed

Discussion in 'Wish List' started by Les Izmore, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger

    We've always longed for more convenient power and USB outlets, and we've been contemplating a hack to do that. But I'd like to suggest that Camp Inn consider adding an optional outlet similar to this one:

    It would seem that it would be possible to tie into the AC power in the battery compartment, route wiring alongside the existing tube under the trailer (which I presume contains the main charging line to the battery), then up into the pass-thru to the center of the forward bulkhead, where an outlet could be installed just below the floor of and centered between the forward cabinets. This would place two USB ports and two 3 prong AC outlets at the center of the head of the bed. That makes it possible to mount one or more smart phone brackets above the outlet, providing a convenient place to recharge phones at the end of the day. It also provides a power source for prolonged use of a laptop/tablet, etc. We would also use it as a more convenient place to plug in our queen size Sunbeam heated mattress pad, on the rare nights where we find it necessary to use. If folks would be concerned about having live power by their heads, then adding a switch like the one for the television power would make it possible to turn the power off when not needed.

    I suspect this won't work on units shipped with a furnace.

    The hack that I alluded to is to fabricate an extension cord that we can plug into the existing cabin shore power outlet. We would use a 3M Command cord clip to keep the male end near the outlet when not in use (so that it doesn't get lost under the mattress), route the cable along the perimeter of the cabin floor with cable clips and have a cord clip above the mattress centered at the head of the bed that would keep the extension cord accessible when in use. When not being used it would be tucked behind the mattress.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  2. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    2016 Camp-Inns have USB outlets added standard throughout in three different locations for a total of 6 USB ports. We already have started this change so all current production has the new outlet configuration.

  3. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    Any way those of us already with trailers to easily convert an outlet to a usb outlet?
  4. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Great question!
  5. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Gina and Bob,

    The AC outlets with USBs are too large to fit in the AC boxes of your trailer so this is not an option. However you can do it the way we are doing it by adding a stand alone USB outlet alongside the existing DC outlet. Wiring it to the back of the neighboring DC outlet. This is the one we use:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  6. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    I am careful about embedding technology things in a permanent way and this is a perfect example. Device charging is evolving and there is a new type of charging that some devices use: Quick Charge 2.0 (a big improvement over 1.0 which was better than standard charging). I have been using this for a while, but now I see there is 3.0 about to come. If you embed the old style USB outlets in the trailer you won't be able to use the new version. Personally, I plug into the existing power points with a separate device that can be replaced easily as the technology evolves.

    Having said that, it would be nice if there were a couple more power points in strategic places.
  7. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger

    Gina & Bob -

    This style of outlet will work in either the air conditioner outlet or the main cabin outlet. It replaces the standard two 3-prong outlets with one 3-prong and two USB:

    In this post I explained how we plugged a 9' USB cable into one of these outlets and routed it so that we had a usb outlet on the driver's side of the cabin, inside the lower cabinet:

    The nice thing about the new USB plugs that Camp Inn is installing for 2016 is that they appear to be based upon the same standard as the old cigarette lighter plugs. So in the future, it should be possible to remove one of these new USB plugs and replace it with the latest technology.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  8. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    Nice one, that should work good since the one socket is unused anyhow.

    Kevin S likes this.
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