Itinerary 2014 Nw Camp-inn Round Up

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by JoeB-NW, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Kewl, looking good...


    Ape Caves are apx 2hrs each way, suggest we leave Sat morning around 10-ish or so.
    Make sure you have the essentials listed in the RSVP post, I'll have maps etc but it's pretty basic... one way in.... NO Way out... Sasquatch is lurking I suspect.. heheh Since there, as Stephen suggested, do the other stuff too..

    I figure maybe an hour to see enough of the cave, it just dwindles down to Blockage...

    This is what you see, A-hem, assuming you brought good batteries?, at the end.. for a reference...


    I'm heading out tomorrow, Thurs, and hopefully they'll let us get in 1 day early...


    Now, off to the market for the Mentos & Pepsi...
  2. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Jealous...we'll be teardropping vicariously through all of you this weekend!!!

    Wishing all of you safe travels and a great time!!!
  3. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Oh happy day, camping with Bear. We look forward to visiting with you again. We did not get much of a chance at the CICO.
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Dan and Vanessa,
    Want a Margarita??? heheh... I'll have one set up with what I call the "Empty Chair" drink... stay tuned...

    Oh, and the beer will be c-c-c-c-cold too.. man, that YETI keeps them "Frosty Man, Frosty"..

    Film at 11...
  5. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Now Frank, let's not rub it in. But looking forward to those Mudslides, because those are awesome! :)

    Wish you all were here!
  6. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Frank, you're a mean teaser! You must have been a big brother!

    Have a blast! Take pics, too.
  7. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, nope... family of 5 all scattered about... middle kid, fend for self....
    Those Yeti cooler people should really include a pair of Artic Mittens... Those beers are sooooo Cold.... you could get frost bite...

    Film at 11... oh, and I'm bringing Ms Carmen to the party too.... Margaritas??? with the "Cazadores" tequila...


  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ape Caves - Maps..

    Info on caves

    Google map from Mossy to Apes



    GPS Garmins etc, search for "Ape Caves" in the Mt Helens or Mossyrock city/locations. Under Attractions in mine. I'm sure we'll caravan over... fun...

    Well, the best laid plans of Mice & Men.... etc...
    I was going to prepare a funny little brochure etc on the Caves with the directions etc, but it's going to be about 5 pages for each and well? 18?, I'd run outta ink, so the above are the links for your "Printing Pleasure"...

    It's pretty easy once you hit the exit... One road in, one road out...

    See ya there, now....
    Time for a beer... heheh

    Can't wait...
  9. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger


    I seem to remember that if you squeeze through the tough spots = you come out on the surface and and hike back down to the entrance ... but the squeeze part is pretty tight......

    any you have to climb up a bit before the squeeze... but this is 15 year old memory speaking

    Dave K
  10. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    yes, I believe you are corrct... it's the "Squeezing through" part I don't need to experience. Plus there are outher "Routes" that could apply to also...

    Anyway, we are HERE !!! Where are Yooooouuuu all?? heheh, I'm trying to post some pics, but connection is real iffey...

    back in a bit eh? right now all the usual suspect are here, waiting for you all, Evan and tribe, Sarah and her group...

    Spotty rain, plan accordingly...
  11. Chris Chase

    Chris Chase Newbie

    Lisa and I want to thank you all for your open hospitality Saturday during your gathering, especially Michael and Norm for your time and insights. It was awesome to see 15 trailers at one time. We'll being ordering our 550 later this summer. Cheers,
    Chris (and Lisa)
  12. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Quick question while you're all together in 1 place - what can we expect bug-wise in early to mid-July in the Pac NW? Planning on N. Cascades, Olympic, and Crater. Bring the Northern Breeze?

    Hope you're having a great time.
  13. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Higher elevations you may see some mosquitoes later than usual this year. Last year we were at Crater Lake in the middle of June, many roads were closed due to snow, and no problem with bugs. They will be the worst in June/July. We had a backpacking trip planned one year in the Cascades (over Santiam Pass) and turned back due to the absolute swarm that continuously fed on me for 2 miles. We went to the coast instead! We are having a later snow melt this year, since we had late snow fall. I have two unevenly positioned bites on my forehead from this weekend (yeah...sigh), so they are out in the lower elevations already.

    A side note, I was informed our bugs in the NW are not that bad compared to the rest of the country, so I might just be a big whiner...and likely true when it comes to things nibbling on me. Ack!

    Just want to thank Slumry again for organizing the campground, Frank for organizing the Ape Cave walk, and everyone who was able to make it for coming. We had a great time, and everyone (including the dog) except for me is asleep right now, and it is only 8:26p! Can't wait to do it all again next year! Hopefully we will see all of the usual suspects, the new suspects from this year, and even newer suspects next year! We might need a bigger island though! :)
  14. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    It was a great weekend. After raining Sunday night, we headed back to Salem, Or Monday and as soon as we hit the Oregon border. Sun. Sunny yesterday and today.

    Only casualty that I know of my wife Dixie with a bad sprained ankle as one of the apes from ape cave got her.

    All, in all a fun getaway.

  15. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks Sarah. You may be a perfect barometer for me, as I am definitely a huge whiner! The Northern Breeze will for sure come along, then.
    We are looking forward to seeing the area - the only times spent there were in Seattle - during taping of College Jeopardy in the fall of 2000 and a 3 day conference about 5-6 years ago. I got up to the Snoqualmie Falls area with the fly rod for a few hours - and that was it!
    We'll tentatively be heading out on June 29th, so it won't be long now...
  16. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks Sarah. You may be a perfect barometer for me, as I am definitely a huge whiner! The Northern Breeze will for sure come along, then.
    We are looking forward to seeing the area - the only times spent there were in Seattle - during taping of College Jeopardy in the fall of 2000 and a 3 day conference about 5-6 years ago. I got up to the Snoqualmie Falls area with the fly rod for a few hours - and that was it!
    We'll tentatively be heading out on June 29th, so it won't be long now...
  17. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    What a great and relaxing weekend. It was wonderful to see the ‘old’ and meet the ‘new’. Even the rain could not put a damper on it.





  18. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Joan thanks for the pics. Love the pup very cute. Do you have a different kind of arm to hold the galley up?
  19. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Great pics Joan. Looks like a wonderful spot!
  20. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I don't think so.

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