2013 - Alaska or bust!

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by rushthecat, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Bunni

    Bunni Novice


    Just ignore Benn and have a good time (that's what I do!)

    We left this morning. We're in South Carolina. I couldn't find the registration for the CI this morning. It must have gotten lost when we bought the new truck. So we made a detour to DMV to get a copy. Don't know if we'll need it but I didn't want to get stopped at the Canadian border.

    Have a great trip!

  2. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Thanks for that suggestion. I never gave that a thought. I will go find it right now. I'm sticking with you--you are always one step ahead. Thanks for the heads up.

    Things are coming together. I only have one more visit of the UPS guy and I think we are ready. Busy closing down the house for three months. First time we have had to do that. The hardest thing is emptying out the freezers and refrigerator on Weight Watchers.

    I go to the eye doctor in West Palm on Monday so that will close that open gap. Hopefully, we can come up with a plan for my eye injections on the road.

    Happy Trails and drive safe.

  3. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    OK, 1 week and counting before we leave for Alaska! Can't wait! Like Christmas Eve when we were kids. We'll leave here next Sat (5/18) and drive to NC where we will leave our cat with daughter Lauren. Then on to Lex, KY where we'll visit daughter Rebecca. She just bought a Lil Guy so we can't wait to see how she has it set up. Maybe an overnight at KY Horse Park to check everything out. Then North to Alaska.
    Here's Mike trying to figure out how to pack the golf cart for the trip. I guess I'll have to tell him no golf clubs or carts on this trek! Many thanks to Jenn and everyone on the site who helped us with tips. Jenn, the Cabella bags are realling allowing us to pack the Pilot nice and tight. Great tip!
    Hope we see some of you on the trip. Maybe we'll swing by Neceda and say HI.

  4. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    How exciting have a great trip!
  5. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Mike and Carol, my advice for a road trip is to travel with nothing on the bed. You may have days where you just want to crawl in after a long drive, and having to pull out and stash a bunch of gear isn't fun.
  6. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Mike and Carol: it all looks so orderly; can you pull the cart behind the TD somehow? I know in Oregon, at least, trucks can pull 3 containers. On our first trip we carried Bob's clubs 10,000 miles and he never used them. Have a spectacular trip; hope our paths cross at some point.

    Evan: we struggle with the gear in the TD/not in the TD issue every trip. Bob is convinced that having it in the TD helps gas mileage; I'm convinced there are too many variables each day to know that for sure. So the compromise is to, if we can, look ahead to the expected weather situation ahead and decide from there. It actually only takes about 5-10 minutes to make the transfer so it's a point I'm usually able to concede.

  7. looking forward to the trip updates and pictures. Safe travels and enjoy!
  8. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Counts as one of the best advice available! To this day is how I travel.
  9. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Jean, that's our plan. We practiced packing and repacking the Honda and we'll be in good shape IF we don't add a bunch of stuff during the trip. Don't plan on it but you never know when you'll find the perfect moose head!
  10. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    You can just ship the moose head via UPS!!! You've got a great trip planned and you are going to have alot of wonderful, funny and inspirational stories to tell us on the way. Keep us all posted on a regular basis!
    Susan and Alan
  11. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Forget the head, just see a moose! I'm still looking for mine. "Sigh"... moose not like me.

  12. David Olson

    David Olson Novice

    The only items we put on the bed when traveling, are items that don't matter if they get wet. That why if we want to get in in a hurry because of weather or just tired we don't have to find a safe dry place for them.
  13. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    FLMikeandCarol have a safe and fun trip I am sure this is a trip we are all looking forward to hear about. :)
  14. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Safe travels, you guys!
  15. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Well we are on our way. We spent the first week and a half visiting with our daughters. First in North Carolina and then on to Lexington, Kentucky for Memorial Day Weekend.

    We ended up delaying the start of our adventure by a day due to the storms going through the Midwest. We originally were headed for Kickapoo State Park but changed plans and went to the Land Between the Lakes trying to avoid the storms but were not successful. We spent two nights on Lake Barkley--a beautiful spot but we had a rough night last night. The winds got really strong and we felt like we were going to blow into the Lake. I was afraid that when we got up our Northern Breeze would be shredded but it faired pretty well--only a bent pole.

    Mike learned that if you lock the doors from outside you can't open them from inside. He got up to tighten up the NB around one o'clock in the pouring rain. He was swarmed by the May Flies and couldn't get back into the door he went out so he was pounding on my door to let him in and I kept telling him it was locked from the outside ( I might add he was in his underwear and it was raining pretty hard!). He finally got it so we braved the May flies and I passed a key to him through the side tent.

    They have potential of having hail tomorrow there so we headed southeast today and are hunkered down in Clarksville, TN waiting for the storms to pass and then we are making a mad dash for Necedah.

    Can't wait to have really exciting experiences (NOT).

    http://www.campinnforum.com/community/userftp/Mike&Carol Journal Pictures/bluehorse1_007_070.JPG
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  16. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    Mike in his skivvies at 1 AM now ain’t that scary site. :D
    Lucky he didn’t get thrown in the hoosegow for … Keep safe.
  17. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Well, you've already got one he** of a good story to share, and you're just getting started! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!
  18. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Beautiful view of the lake and the Raindrop!! Glad travelers have weather radar information available these days...could you imagine crossing this great big country in a covered wagon with oxen 175 years ago!!!!
    Take your time...your retired!!
    Stay safe and enjoy.
  19. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Mike & Carol hopefully better weather is in your future have a safe trip.
  20. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Thanks all, we've got to get better weather but this is nothing compared to all the folks in OK and those areas. We're watching the weather in Paducah now and if it lets up we'll make a run for it from here in TN. The storm that hit OK last night will be here tonight so we'd like to get on the other side of this front before it makes it to TN. Wish I knew what all those red, green, yellow, purple, etc colors really mean on the computer.....

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