Our Tag Team Teardrop-Bicycle Adventure

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by Les Izmore, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger

    We've finally graduated from the Tripping Planning forum to the Adventures & Excursions forum. In a while we'll be driving from Ballard, WA (Seattle) up to Sedro Woolley, WA to begin our long planned (and at times seemingly star crossed) trip across country.

    We hope that we might meet one or two Camp Inn owners while on the road. Our progress will be recorded in our blog, hopefully on a daily basis (provided we can access the internet).
  2. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Congrats! You're almost on your way! Will look forward to hearing about it all! Safe travels!
  3. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger

    We're three days into the trip, camping at a sketchy place in Okanogan. We'll be following Hwy 20 east across most of the state.
  4. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    And so it begins -YES! Have a great adventure and keep us posted. Safe journey and enjoy!

    Camp on,

  5. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger

    The campground in Okanogan (American Legion Campground) turned out to be OK after all. It was $10 per night with hot shower, no individual water or power, right next to the river and great tree canopy. During the day the locals (often migrant workers) use the showers for free, but by 6 pm they stay clear of the place. We suspect that is the informal agreement with the local officials.

    We're in Republic right now (day 5), getting caught up on internet chores and resting up for a long slog up Sherman Pass tomorrow morning. We're camping at the fairgrounds for $17 per night full utilities and snagged the most shaded site. We have the place to ourselves for now.
  6. Les Izmore

    Les Izmore Junior Ranger

    Some of you might want to check out the chopped Studebaker that was converted into a trailer on our latest blog post:

    These guys stopped to chat with Alea and Cary while they were waiting to rendezvous with me. They told us about a nearby regional teardrop gathering in September.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen this rig in other blogs or books, but it was good to see in person...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016

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