Fpoole - "Le Blogger' "

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Just an FYI and along the lines of following those explorer travelers, I just set up a Blog (Google)

    Not too much happening this year as I'm trying to "Tech Up" with WiFi, Laptop, Skype etc. Several camping trips left for 2012, but 2013 should be up and running actively.

    Feel free to follow, hopefully I'll have photos, video, chat for those inclined at the campsite (subject to connections)

    Here's the link if you're interested, looking forward to getting out there for 2013

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  2. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    You follow me, and I'll follow you! Looking forward to more wanderlust!

    I was telling mick we need to start getting next summer planned. I have some places I want to go, and my foot is getting itchy...already (this is trouble)! Looks like Montana is calling, maybe Wyoming and possibly Alberta. We'll see. Might need to narrow it down. Does anyone think I would be pushing it to do Lake Louise, Glacier NP, and Yellowstone in 2-3 weeks? Hmmmmm. Think a little mapping might be in order.

    Also would love to hear thoughts about your BC adventures. Have you camped up there much? I noticed it highlighted on your map and was wondering where you had stopped (I was thinking it was probably more along the shore and less inland for the diving). Was considering going into BC and taking the Trans-Canada to Lake Louise. Have you done anything there? I need to chat with Bob and Kathy about it too. I already have a little bug in their ear!

    Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Jenn, just trying to catch up to you.. heheh...

    Sarah, yes have done a few campouts but more important there's not much "Inland" on Vancouver Island. Most, a few inland are on either the West or East Coast.

    Been to: (not all camping - but saw the area)
    Victora (just outside)
    Port Alberni
    Campbell River and Quadra Island
    Nootka Sound
    Port Hardy
    Powell River
    Porteau Cove (doing it again in 2 weeks)

    and looking at a Google Map, there are quite a few on the west coast... hmmmm... might be possible on a loop? interesting..
    Don't know.

    Inland in BC, in Spring, plan on the Wells park, river rafting, they had Dragon Boat races, but canx and Train riding and Calgary Rodeo.

    Haven't found a Bad park yet, although the 'Enchanted Forest'?? south of the Duke Point- Nanamio Ferry can get a little crowded.

    Planning, you are right on target on planning for next year. Book now to get the better spots...
  4. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Oooh! I would love to camp on Vancouver Island. We have seen it by sea, which has been lots of fun. There are a few places were really love. Have you been to Hornby Island? In the summer it feels like it could be in the Carribean with its LONG white sand beach. Only difference is the fir trees replace the palms. It is amazing there. If there is a wind out of the south, things can get nasty at the beach, but we don't often see that in the summer. I have thought about trying to hook a ferry up there. There is a camp ground walking distance to the beach.

    I was thinking mainland BC, and going from 'the Van' eastward. I could change up the drive a bit that way and hit 84 on the way home (I much prefer a loop if I can manage). I suppose I could also go across the top of Washington too. I have never done that drive (at least not all the way across...ski racing we used to head up there for races, but it has been years). Oh, so many ideas!

    If anyone is heading in those directions, let me know! It would be fun to meet up.
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hornby Island:
    Haven't been on the island, but diving right off of it. They're known for their 6-gill sharks but they're kinda like Sasquatch.. more talked about than seen. Mostly there a the seals. There's a dive resort right there on the water.

    I was thinking of doing the loop through Omak up to Kelowna or higher and then loop back down to 395. there are some 'Ghost Towns" on the top road in WA back to Omak... Was planning on doing a HWY 20 loop from Omak to Kettle Falls area...

    Sigh, so many places, so little time...
  6. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Hey, Frank! Good for you! I'll add reading your blog to my morning routine: coffee, paper, email, facebook, CI Forum, Frank's blog. It'll be 10AM before I get ready for the day! Kathy
  7. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh... Yah, I know, I know.. I'll keep them short, sweet and not every 30seconds.. might just refer to a video if all works out as planned... still working on what/how to do it...
    thanks.. will try to keep it down to a "Before Lunch" thing, LOL...
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