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Yet another Wisconsin gem


Sprecher Fire Brewed Gourmet Soda and it just so happens that the Sprecher Brewing Company is another one of Milwaukee's finest.


We discovered this little gem on our camping trip to Virginia Beach this past weekend... yes once again. Michelle says it has something to do with relocating from the Jersey shore and having "sand in our shoes"… but I digress.

Never having this delicious soda before we wanted to learn more… like where we could score more without driving to the shore. As luck would have it, there's nothing close by for us to satisfy our new craving. Fortunately we can get it mail ordered from Sprecher, unfortunately the shipping is almost the same as the price of the soda. But they do have a distributor in North Carolina, so we still might be able to work something out. If not we'll be stocking up when we get to the CI-CO.

I'm a Coca Cola fein myself but do like to indulge in a good gourmet beverage from time to time, so if you're into soda you won't be disappointed with Sprecher. Apparently their signature flavor is Root Beer... why not coming from a brewery. We tried the Cream and Orange Dream. I'm not the biggest fan of Orange soda, but their's is smooth and creamy. It didn't have that fizzy, tangy, make you wanna burp thing going unlike most orange soda… it was more like a creamsicle and their cream soda has to be the best we've ever had. We'll definitely be trying the Root Beer and Cherry Cola next time, can't imagine not liking them also.

OK, enough about soda. If you stumble upon it like we did, give it a try, you'll be wanting more. If you happen to be in an area where it's readily available… enjoy, we are totally jealous.
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Sprecher is a fantastic small brewery in Milwaukee. They have a very nice tour. Frequently you get to meet the owner and talk beer. The different brews are quite nice. I like the sodas even more. Root beer, the cola is very tasty, along with the cherry cola.They are little bit more in price, but well worth it!
If you like brewed root beer, you will love Milwaukee's Lakefront Brewery Maple Root Beer. It is very light & smooth...You taste the maple right away & then you taste the root beer flavor. They used to only make it in the fall, which is odd, seeing as sugaring season is the spring, but I assume it has to do with the association of the beautiful colors of the maples in the fall. However, it seems they now make it year round. There aren't any places near here where you can purchase it. I get mine from the vendor at Cranfest every year. Got to stock up! ;)

Sprecher's has a restaurant in Lake Geneva, WI as well, which is where I had my first taste of the orange and cream soda's. Very good stuff, as are their beers.
Don't forget "Point Root Beer" brewed in Stevens Point. I think it is every bit as good. Oh and don't forget to pick put some Point beer too. Never leave the state without some.