Yep, another blogger

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jay & Valerie, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Decided to follow the likes of Diane and others and kick off a blog. Needed something to go with the videos and pictures I am capturing.

    So, here is the first in what might be many, we'll see how much I have to blab about.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    OH, I just posted and now just noted you're using the Google links.. heheh, and yet another "Doh!!" factor to contend with...
    I'm using the same thing, but have yet to find a good theme, like yours.. clean and simple..

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  3. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    I will follow "your rambles"! Love your video so I know how great your blog will be!
  4. Old_Prospector

    Old_Prospector Junior Ranger

    Okay Frank,

    You may be soon running with the big boys, but I know when you see us pulling our tiny trailers, you will mist up and a little "teardrop" will fall from your eye.
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    OP, Yes, honk/wave and misty eyed I'll yell out...

    "Do you REALLY sleep in that? or is it for the dog"

    Looking forward to Jay's blog.... fun.. I can live vicariously...
  6. rgupnorth

    rgupnorth Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Appreciate the extra effort you all put into keeping a blog up.

    Frank - Glad to hear your deal went through - looks like some happy new owners.
  7. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    Enjoyed looking and reading your blog. The picture of Le Droppe's galley is awesome. You definitely cook and travel with style!

    Couple of questions:
    1. Is that spice rack on the left shelf in the galley? Unique concept with the tins sideways in a rack. Where can I get one?
    2. All your earlier posts are in a yellow color on my iPad. Do I have to change settings to get them in black print like your most recents?

    Have book marked your site and plan to visit often. I have always enjoyed and envied the wonderful pictures and travels you take that you have posted in the camp inn forum. I look forward to more.
  8. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    I just picked up a GoPro Hero3+ from a friend that bought it and never took it out of the package. It will serve as a nice platform for the videos that hopefully will accompany some of the posts.

    No promises, but that is the intent. I may even try to get some drone footage from time to time (though still need the drone).
  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Gina Bob - PM sent, trying to keep this back to Jay's thread.

    Jay, The GP are great little cameras, I used one when Buggy riding. Many options and takes good pics/vids..

    Make sure the settings are correct and check the angle, Wide Angle to see if it's what you wanted.

    They are fun and the camera is the cheapest part once you start getting all the accessories. heheh.. and due to size, hard to hold steady...

  10. BeckyIO

    BeckyIO Novice

    Nice start Jay! And I enjoyed the Doctor Who reference. ;)
  11. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Becky,

    How do you find your topics to blog about? I can see 3 or 4 things now but not sure where all of this will lead or if it will die out due to lack of topics.
  12. BeckyIO

    BeckyIO Novice

    I didn't know for sure where IO was going either when I started and worried the same thing as you. I had about 10 things I knew I wanted to blog about at the beginning.

    I made a point to update twice a week, and am pretty good about it. Sometimes I'll have a day where I can think of five things to write about, sometimes I sit in front of my computer screen trying to write a post due that day and absolutely nothing comes to mind. It does take some effort to push through those "dry" spells and not give up on the whole thing - especially at the beginning. Once you do it regularly for several months it becomes a habit and is easier.

    My posts are generally about three different things: Travelogues - which are accounts of the places I go, the parks I stay in, the destinations I visit. They are personal to me - "Today I went <here> and did <this>".

    RVing How-To - which are posts about my RV, the RVing lifestyle, and full-timing. These are designed to help my readers out who are looking to go RVing themselves.

    Philosophy - My thoughts on life that pertain to RVing and travel. Like minimalism, valuing experiences, inspirational posts, traveling before retirement, goal setting, etc.

    Then occasionally I'll think of other things that my readers might find interesting. Like a blog post about photography, since a lot of people who travel like to take pictures too, or exercising while traveling, etc.

    Hope this helps!
  13. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, I was kinda wondering about the same thing... but I have a little time yet to get'er going and, heheh, no one is following so no harm done... Photography, fun...
  14. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Uh, Frank, there's an unofficial camp inn family out here that's following.....;)

    Becky, I enjoyed reading your blog as well.
  15. BeckyIO

    BeckyIO Novice

    Frank - You do have a blog! It just happens to be on a forum. :)

    Deb and Kyle - Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you've enjoyed it. :)
  16. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  17. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    blog 2 now live. I had it scheduled to go live yesterday afternoon but for some reason eBlogger did not post it as scheduled so I had to manually do it. Not sure what happened.
  18. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, it's a tricky one. I noted on mine that for some reason it doesn't 'go out' till the next day...

    Looking good and Wow, the number of views, 10k? fun..

    The Barnwell? Mtn looks a little tricky AND fun...
    kewl, but I found the blog email doesn't go out the next day, on mine anyway..

  19. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member


    Checked out your blog. Thanks for sharing!
    Look forward to your updates.

  20. BeckyIO

    BeckyIO Novice

    Nice everyone.

    Frank - I like the way you get the photo slideshow on your blog, that's pretty neat! Here's my two cents, for what it's worth. You'll never get the theme (or anything else) exactly perfect. Once you get it "good enough" then focus on content. You have some neat stuff on there, but it all seems to be from 2013 and earlier. People looking at it for the first time right now might see that the most recent stuff is from 2013 and think it's not kept up. Again, just my opinion though, I'm not expert.

    Jay and Valerie - A nice helpful how-to post. :) Edit: The first couple times I tried to schedule posts using Wordpress they failed to go live at the correct time too. Now they work just fine though, I wish I knew what changed so I could help but I think we're using different platforms anyhow so I'm not sure my advice would.

    Tip: If you decide to set up a Facebook page for your blog, you can also schedule Fb updates to go live at a certain time too, so the moment your post goes up on the site the accompanying announcement will go out to your Facebook followers.

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