Wrapped and Ready

Discussion in 'Photo Gallery' started by gstate, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. gstate

    gstate Newbie

    Wrapped and ready to travel

    "Tater Hut" wrapped for the trip to Texas.
  2. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    I think my favorite quote to date, came from our first trip out. Guy comes out of his big RV, looks at us as says, "Man, 3 of you in there. I don't envy you." The funny thing was, looking at that giant rig and the 2 of them, I wasn't envious either. I was perfectly content in my decision. To each their own!
  3. gstate

    gstate Newbie

    We were primed and ready for interested parties to ask us questions by Cary before we left Wisconsin. Surprisingly, not one query on our way back to Texas - that is until we got home. I parked the wrapped camper in the driveway and before I could get it unwrapped, a neighbor commented that they wondered how we got into the trailer; they did not see any doors. Perhaps when they see it unwrapped they will figure it out.
  4. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    What? You didn't tell them about the trap door underneath?

    Jim & Sue
  5. gstate

    gstate Newbie

    No - guess I was so surprised that they couldn't tell it was covered by white plastic and gorilla tape that I was too slow to think of a great retort like that. This, however, will likely not be my last opportunity to work on my comeback lines. I will remember the trap door for the future though - good one.
  6. Lh303

    Lh303 Novice

    Once at a gas station the attendant asked "Where do you put air in it"? When I asked him to explain the question a bit further he stated that this couldn't possibly sleep anybody so obviously it had to be blown up in order to turn into one of those fancy silver Airstream trailers. We laughed all the way home.
  7. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Ya know, when Jim and I were waiting for our trailer and heard about all the tours and questions we were going to face, I was a bit perturbed. But we found it to be a constant source of entertainment rather than annoyance.

    People are a hoot, so enjoy the ride.

    Camp On,

    Sue and Jim
  8. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Bob and I are of two mind-sets re the tours & questions. I love them, even if it delays our trip for a few minutes at a time. We've had really fun conversations with people at campsites, but my favorite encounters seem to happen at gas stations. At a Waurika, OK, gas station, you could just sense that the cashier was bored to tears with her day (and it was hot and windy to boot) and being crabby with her co-worker. She asked a question about the trailer and I invited her to come out and see it. Big smile! Then she called to her co-worker to come out. Within 5 minutes they were hootin' and hollerin' with each other and having a great time. I figured that the trailer's gift to them was a few hours of smiles and stories and, at least, a couple hours' respite from the boredom.

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