Woody Paint Repair

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by BethHardison, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. BethHardison

    BethHardison Newbie

    Good morning, we have a 2004 550 Classic “Woody” #42.
    We are the 3rd owner and the 2nd owner painted it black and it is in need of repainting in some places.
    Looking for some advice about the process. Our “plan” is to sand, patch were needed and repaint. Looking for advice about patching and paint products and our “plan”.
    Attaching pics to show extent of repairs needed. Thanks in advance!

    Attached Files:

  2. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    Look into Marine varnish, just remember do not applay thick, better applay thin but more couts and always sand between couts
  3. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    What look are you going for?

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