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Wind power?


Junior Ranger
I am curious if anyone is using or has looked into wind turbines to generate power (to recharge batteries). Mick and I were chatting, and I have seen them used in the San Juan's on sailboats a lot. Just curious if anyone has any experience with them.

I am envisioning having a pole that I can attached to the side of the trailer via brackets and install the pole with the wind turbine at the top. Take it down when we are under way, but have it up when we are camped.

I was looking a the West Marine site, and envision something like this:

I haven't done a huge amount of research yet, and there might be things on RV sites too, but I thought I would see if anyone else had already started doing this.

I am thinking with our weather, we might fair better than with solar.
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I like that idea. You probably could get by with a much smaller one as far as watt output. You could potentially get 24/7 production.
It would be nice to get one that you could remove the blades from the body for storage during travel then have a telescoping pole that you could easily attach the generator and then raise.
Hi Sarah:

We used to own a sailboat, so I am familiar with the wind generators that you are referencing.

I looked into it a couple of years ago. It seems they are most common with the bigger rigs that have ample storage space for the turbines. Of course, as Oly mentions, our smaller trailers might be able to get away with something much more compact. Some had the mounting poles attached to brackets on their RV, but I liked a technique that involved mounting the pole to a stand that had a large enough flange that fit under one of the trailer tires. The pole still had to have guy wires for support. Something else I came across in my research was the need to have some sort of lightning protection. I ended up deciding that I wouldn't have the room to store the turbine generator and all of the equipment in my set-up, but I will be curious to hear what you come across.
...the good news is we have unlimited power... the bad news is, the 10x10 blew away, and we're miserable...

Give me good old solar power any day. :)
I am thinking even gentle breezes produce plenty of power. I am not a big fan of wind storms. We get enough of those around here and iIt usually coincides with me raking the yard! Argh!