Wheel Noise?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bruce O, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Bruce O

    Bruce O Novice

    Before heading out on a short trip, a friend was checking the tail lights and noticed when the trailer was moving and as I applied the brakes it sounded like a stone was in the hubcap. The noise happened only when the brakes were applied. Took off the hubcap and nothing was there.

    Maybe the brakes got wet after I washed the trailer and put it away last trip. I thought maybe the sound was from the trailer just sitting.

    We went on our trip and I stopped several times to check if the hubcap got hot - which they did not and no smell of burning was present either.

    A few months ago I replaced my tires with help of suggestions from this forum (which was excellent). In one of the threads someone suggested re-greasing the bearings. CI installed brakes to the trailer a few years ago and I touched base with Cary to ask what he thought. Cary told me when they installed the brakes they replaced (I think he said) the bearings and because of the milage traveled since he installed the brakes, he felt it was not time yet to re-grease.

    So... what do you all think?

  2. Bruce O

    Bruce O Novice

    Update - spoke to Cary today and he said I needed to back off the pressure applied to the brakes with the controller fob I have in the car. He said the brakes have been broken-in (good thing) and the calipers in the brakes is adjusted a little strong and needed to be backed off. I did what he said and it's better now!

    One of the many things I love about Camp Inn support! They are the best.

    Mark & Mel, Kevin, Sweeney and 2 others like this.

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