Announcement What? It's Not Ready Yet?

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by Dahava, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Geez...I just walked all the way to the other end of the neighborhood (where our mailboxes are located) and mailed off our contract and deposit for a 560 Ultra. I walked all the way back to the house and you know what? The 560 isn't here yet? Man, it's gonna be a looooonnnngggg wait! If I find a magic lamp I know what Wish #1 will be!

    Super Anxious in San Antonio
  2. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    lol, yeah, now comes the "feathering" of the nest time. Or, in my case, the living room and basement. Most of my stuff is now stored in the CI. Now is when you start going to camping stores, or just the camping aisles, or online... and think about what you "absolutely must have" that you don't already.

    Look through Custom Additions, Other Gear and Equipment, and Options and Accessories, and start making lists. It'll occupy your time (and pocketbook) while you wait!

    And don't worry--we'll all help you spend your money if you ask here "do I need a widget what-cha-ma-call-it or not?"
  3. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Oh Sherry...we started ordering stuff weeks ago!!! It's hopeless for us...I've read through this forum so many times I think I can quote recipes, who owns what kind of CI, what kind of tow vehicle they have, etc. If there's ever a "CampInn Forum Jeopardy" and a future CICO, y'all better watch out! :D I sit around waiting for people to post!

    OK, gotta run! I think someone just logged on and I gotta read their post!
  4. Lol—that's exactly how I felt and then I did just the opposite. I walked away from the forum, distracted myself with other things, and then let the arrival date freak me out at the last month and went into overdrive. Now we're 13 days until she's ready and 18 days until we leave for Wisconsin. Talk about excitement! It will move quickly, promise:) And congratulations! I know yall have been waiting on the deposit day!
  5. Snudley

    Snudley Novice

    Right on! You guys move pretty quick.
    When's the due date? We should have a mini Camp-Inn gathering in the Hill Country this fall. We just had a great overnight at Pace Bend.

    (Also: Love the aeropress!).
  6. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Thanks so much, SarahNell_Robert! I hope it passes quickly! We're also getting the nursery...I mean garage...ready, too!
  7. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    We wish we could have moved more quickly! Our closing on the land kept getting pushed and pushed. Oh well, we finally made it! We have a mid-Nov due date so the weather should be perfect for the Hill Country. We're all for it!!!

    So glad you like the Aeropress. It's all I use now!
  8. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Jenn- We would LOVE to come but I think we'll have to make it next time. We have some pretty heavy traveling this summer with a CampInn loaner, some conferences, and then the pick up of our new shiny 560 baby in mid-Nov. As much as we're looking forward to our new 560, we're looking as forward to meeting folks from the forum face-to-face. What a great bunch you all seem to be!!!
  9. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Dan_and_Vanessa it will be well worth the wait,and there is a lot to get ready while you wait.
  10. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Anna&Steve- Thanks, and yes...we know it will be very worth the wait. The best things in life always are, aren't they?
  11. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    You placed the order and it wasn't there?? Yikes...
    Have them "Email it"... maybe as an attachment???? heheh... just wait till they start sending you photo updates...

    Now the fun begins. I relate it to diving, but applies to almost anything new and exciting...

    You buy everything they tell you to buy, options etc...

    You buy everything you think you 'Have to have' and end up looking like a fully stocked national camping store, or worse, all of them combined.

    You dump all the stuff in stages 1 & 2 and buy/re-outfit with just the things you need and here's a new concept I found, you re-outfit with the things you "Actually" use... heheh.

    But it's all fun and keeps the excitement going...


    heheh, easy to get carried away of course. This is stage 2 configs...

  12. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Frank- That picture and your analogy are FANTASTIC!!! So, lemme run things down:

    1- After checking the forums, have you bought everything that was recommended from Yeti's to Alcoves? CHECK!

    2- Have you purchased everything you THINK you need? CHECK!

    3- Are you waiting for Stage 3 like a salivating dog at the mere sight of a CampInn? CHECK!

    One thing the wait may teach us: When we're on the road to a distant campsite or destination and the kids say "Are we there yet? How much longer???", I can think back to this time as we wait, and wait, and wait...and remember...
  13. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Actual quote from my little brother when he woke up the next morning: "Are we there yet, or did we stop here?"
  14. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    HA!!!! Yep...some things in life are just universal!
  15. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Luckily, I'm now entering stage 3....

    Downsizing everything to the basics.. from big Boos chopping block to a smaller one. From Fancy French silverware to plastic forks & spoons... from a full set of " The Twins Knives" to just utensils.... From cast iron this and that to just one grill pan and 3 copper pans...

    But don't give up hope, all is not lost.
    I still have those at my finger tips... just "Wait'n and Rare'n to go..."
  16. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Frank, I have heard of twelve step programs before but never a three step program. I think you are cheating by taking a short cut. In any event they all start the same; first you must admit you have a problem.
  17. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh... Problem?? Huh? what problem...
    "I Don't have no Stink'n Problem..."
    (spin from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre )

    I resolved by buying EVERYTHING... LOL...
    You do want to take me Camping... ready for just about anything....
    and it's all fun.... including the blenders...
  18. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, I agree. I have 2 regular pillows and stack'em. Figured any more than 2 might look a little funny for a single guy.. LOL... plus gets a little crowded...
  19. djkline

    djkline Novice

    I have a small rocker that I sit on in the cabin. It can be a little tricky learning how to get in it at first but works great. I find it more comfortable than leaning against pillows, although I have a small pillow for when I want to rest my head against the wall. It's an Alite Monarch Butterfly Chair I picked up at REI a while ago.
  20. djkline

    djkline Novice

    Like I said, tricky to learn to sit in, a bit easier inside the cabin and it fits in the storage at the head of the bed. I only use it outside the cabin at music festivals or the like where I'm going to be sitting on the side of a hill anyways.

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