Weekend excursion to La Wis Wis campground in WA

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by Evan, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    We drove two hours along highway 12 (it crosses the Cascades from Western WA to Eastern WA) to La Wis Wis National Park. It is only about 20 minutes from the top of the pass, but still on the Western Side. Very impressed with the park... more on that in another post. Besides our family, we brought along two cousins for Katie to play with, and my parents came too. This was a new experience for us - Camp-Inn + warm weather! First time ever!

    This picture was taken from in our campsite - can't beat the river view.

    Lena is turning into quite the knitter, and the Cabela's Chaise Lounge chairs are great!

    And now, we can officialy consider ourselves Dutch Oven cookers.
    George, the Wal-Mart pizzes worked great - good choice for the first time.
    And next time we'll be ready to try something more challenging.

    The campground uses composting toilets - not very Grandma compatible, so I set up our privacy tent at the edge of the campsite with the portapot. Grandma was a happy camper. At night we move the toilet into the side tent.

    I also tried to set up the Coleman water heater, but no luck. I couldn't stop the collapsible jug and hose from leaking - it probably needs replaced. I'll try it again another time...

    Lots of comments on the camper - one couple stayed for about two hours looking and talking. My parents are very impressed. They want a teardrop now, but nothing fancy - just a bed on wheels. They will probably only camp with us so they don't need a 2nd full kitchen. We are going to start looking for a decent used tear for them.
  2. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Nice pictures. Glad the pizza worked out. I will be doing a demo at Gander Mtn of Knoxville this Saturday, and will be doing pizza, baked bread and skillet English Muffins.

    I stll think with just the 3 of you you should get a 10" I don't think you will be dissappointed.
  3. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    We've got an 8 and a 12 so far. Do you still think we need a 10?
  4. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Definately. For the 3 of ya. Yes. In fact if you are camping on your own, as a family of course, I would just take the 10"s
    Unless you really are into left overs or pizza.
  5. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Thanks George. Yes, the pizzas wouldn't fit in a 10. Just barely work in the 12, and probably better in the 14.
  6. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Never thought I would promote the use of parchment paper, I tried it this week end for the demo. Put pizza on a strip of parchment paper about 6 - 8" longer than the pizza is wide. Use the parchment to help hold pizza centered over the DO. Set the pizza down then take a spatula or something thin but not sharp and push edges down. You will end up with a nice "lip" around the edge of the pizza. When pizza is done, pick it out of the DO with the paper. Keeps the job neat. Like I said I did this trick today at the demo and am sold. I don't use it to minimize clean up, as I have no problem with that, plus I like the flavor that a nice seasoned DO imparts to the food.
  7. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    I appologize, I failed to give credit where credit is due. The idea to use the parchment paper came from "Fogcrawler" and "teardrop nannie" from Camp-cook forum.

    They are also the ones putting on IRG3
  8. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Haha! We must be naturals, George. That's exactly how we used the paper! :)

    P.S. - is Fogcrawler AKA as Dean?
  9. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Yep! That is Dean. :)

    Depending on what I am making, I sometimes use parchment paper, too. You can buy the pre-made DO liners but I get my parchment from a food supply store that I frequent (I use a lot of parchment in my baking at home). It comes in 24"x24" individual sheets & I cut them to fit my DOs. They are a fraction of the cost of the pre-cut ones.

  10. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    I get the paper on a roll at the supermarket. I haven't used it that much. Mostly when I am trying something new, and not sure of consistancies or what it cooks up like. This was 1st time used as a lift aid. So I will stay with using or making the 16" pizzas The paper really makes it easy to get them in and out.
  11. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    The parchment is great for lifting out pizza & breads. It also great works great for removing cheesecakes & cakes from the DO.

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